North Country Community Contra Dances

North Country Contra Dances have been temporarily suspended
due to a shortage of organizing energy.  If you want to help
get the dances going again, please contact Phen
by email
or phone at 315-386-3725.

What is Contra Dancing?
Contra dancing is a dynamic but beginner-friendly social dance with easy-to-learn patterns which are taught before each dance and coached by a caller. Contra dancing is a traditional dance form originating in the northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada which continues to evolve as new dancers of all ages get hooked on the fun and smiles. While contra dances typically involve moving up and down long lines of dancers, some people will recognize many of the movements from square dancing. In fact, a night at a Contra Dance may include some square dances as well as circle dances and a few waltzes and polkas.

Check out the Contra Dance Links below for more information.

 Dances in Crary Mills every other month (temporarily suspended).

Traditional Music and Dance Organizations in Northern New York

Association of North Country Fiddlers A non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and preservation of fiddle music through performance and education.  Their web site has a thorough events list.

What A Raquette! Music and Dance  A non-profit organization which promotes the living traditions of music and dance.

Traditional Arts in Upstate New York (TAUNY) An organization devoted to recording and presenting the rich living heritage of customs and folk arts in the fourteen counties of New York's North Country.

Skirts 'n' Flirts.  Square Dancing at the Banford Elementary School Cafeteria (Canton).  Call 379-0748 or 386-4052 or 287-1187 for information.

Organizers Needed!
The Crary Mills dance is the only regular contra dance in St. Lawrence County now, as the Potsdam (second saturday) dances have faded out.  We may consider making the Crary Mills dances monthly, if there is sufficient support and enthusiasm.  On the other hand, if there isn't, it is in danger of fading out as well!  Our Crary Mills contra dance always needs additional volunteers.  Please contact Phen to find out how you can help out.

Last we heard, Third Saturday Dances in Saranac Lake have been suspended (temporarily, we hope) for lack of support.  Let us know if you are interested in helping revitalize this dance!

More Information: Phen at 315-386-3725 ([email protected]) or Bill at 315-386-4820 ([email protected])

Other Contra Dance Links

Contra Dance Links
Dance Flurry
Ottawa Contra Dancing
Syracuse Contra Dancing
Burlington Contra Dancing

Note: Due to erroneous links, if you tried contacting us or signing up for the mailing list via links on this site prior to September 8, 2001, we did not get your information.  Please contact us again using the above e-mail addresses.


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