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Thank You For Amazing Study and Prayer Together - Led By You!
Our Church - No! - Your Church, Lord!
More Details of the Journey
Break Us, Lord! Pour Your Living Waters Into Our Church
Your Will Be Done

Thank You For Amazing Study and Prayer Together - Led By You!
Date: November 8, 2006

Thank You for the amazing prayer meeting - and Bible study - we had yesterday! Wow! We started in prayer (after reading ___'s letter) and we just kept stopping for prayer over and over as we went through the half dozen scriptures we managed to cover (well, that was more than the 2 we covered the week before ). And ended in prayer. Oh Lord, how amazingly Your Spirit is leading, and other women are taking leadership (You through them! :-)) and saying, "Let's pray about that right now" and deciding how long we should take, and referring us to other scriptures and bringing out other Biblical Godly aspects that I had not thought of while preparing the study. So other than kind of getting things going and providing transitions and reading the questions - basically I am "facilitating" instead of teaching - we are all teaching, as Your Spirit works through us - so it is You doing the teaching. Praise God! You "gave" me the "study" - and You are providing the guidance and direction and teaching! It's so awesome! Thank You!

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Our Church...No!...Your Church, Lord
Date: November 9, 2006

Oh, Father God, please help us to be open to Your will, Your truth, Your leading, Your "structure" for the church (not just for "our church" but for Your church, locally and eternally through time and place).

I keep thinking, wow, if we were truly a church of small churches, if there had been a bit less "control" and our life groups/ home churches had had the freedom to truly be churches (and if the people had "caught the vision" and had been really determined to seek scripture to discover Your plan for the church univrsal (and the "churches" at the local level) - what might have been possible? What might still be possible? If we didn't do the "building" thing at all - except to maybe rent a large hall for group gatherings once every month or two or three, and instead put our free-will offerings, as God leads us and provides for us, in the area of giving, into the work of small home churches where people can really get to know each other, care for each other, bring their friends into a close caring group that loves and serves, where Jesus is clearly seen - without the costs of "overhead" (building, heat, office costs, phone bills, program costs, etc etc etc) we could so easily afford to pay a true pastor/ shepherd/ overser who could move among the groups, encouraging, teaching, building up (edifying), bringing unity even in our separateness... and still have moeny left for every group to do the ministries God calls them to. Each group to truly be a "family of God" not divided by age or gender or any such human construct of division, but brought together in the love of Jesus, in the family of God, in His Kingdom, and always for His glory.

Lord, I still cannot believe that You brought our church a great vision of outreach to our community, and of edification and ministry among and setting free of Your people in our midst, and of a church pattern that seems far more faithful to the example of Your Word (even though we got off-track because we still tried to hang onto our "traditions" - and our control - at the same time) - I can't believe You brought Your people together in this way, and then want them to just drop the whole thing to just go back to a "safer, more comfortable, more traditional" way of doing things.

Lord, I wonder exactly where in "our church" the "greatest" - most spiritual edifying, growing, evangelistic - things are happening? I have an idea it is in the situation where some small groups of Your people - even individuals or ones or twos - are meeting to bow before You, even daily (!) to pour out their hearts before You, and seek You with all their beings. Lord, when I look to see where the "difficulties" lie, I see it in the "big ticket" traditions - building, land, professional paid clergy in the "traditional" sense, "programs" that can't attract enough workers, etc. Lord, instead of trying to "fix" these things - and get ourselves even "deeper" into them, could it be that You want us to look instead to You, our Head, our true pastor/ shepherd/ leader/ guide; to bow before You; to seek to be filled every day with Your Spirit; to search Your Word for the truth You would teach us about Your church (its purpose, direction - yes, even its "structure") - to seek first for transformed lives, individually, yes, but also a transformed church, crated and led and filled by the Spirit of God, washed in the blood of Jesus, beloved of the Father - the true Kingdom of God, the true church.

Lord, do we perhaps (surely) need to cast aside our customs, traditions, worldly influences, personal preferences - and be willing to totally change our whole approach, if necessary, to be in line with Your Word, to be in "sync" with Your Spirit, to be truly the body of Christ under Your Headship and shepherding, Lord Jesus, to be truly children of God, members of His family, ministers of His Word, messengers of the gospel... all those things we "believe" and yet seem to struggle so hard to achieve in even the smallest degree?!

This struggling is not what You intend for Your church! We are to be the "church militant," advancing the Kingdom of God by the power of the Holy Spirit! We are to be the family of God, united in the love of our Heavenly Father, brothers and sisters all, in the example and salvation and regeneration and holy life given us by Jesus, our first and elder brother, and our Lord and King.

Perhaps we are getting it all wrong, worrying about land and buildings and income and how we can afford a pastor -- when we have perhaps not yet sought to listen to what God really has in His will and purpose for us, His church. God is doing a great work in us, a great spiritual work. That must come first. And as it does, He can, if we will only open our hearts and minds and personal and corporate wills totally to Him, lead us into what He desires, into the true vision He has for us, a vision that is led by God Himself, that lines up perfectly with His revealed Word, and is proven by the outpouring of true Godly love that is the mark of the true church, and the real building of the Kingdom to which God Himself has entrusted and commanded us, His family, the body of the church under the Headship of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

I believe this new "committee" for the "church structure" is of God. I believe He is working a spiritual renewal in our midst. I believe our "old vision" - at least in its pure, Word and Spirit-based tenets - was given by God. I believe He will bring many to Himself in Penticton, and will use us in that process. I even believe "the land" is a part of God's purpose. I don't know how or why, but I do believe He granted it to us when He did, and that He will show us His purposes regarding it if we will only listen and seek His face.

We're having "building problems." Maybe God is giving us a message here. Let's listen, seek His face, find out. Let's remember that the church is not about buildings and programs, but about God calling His people, predestined and foreknown before the creation of time, into relationship with Him, and for glory of Him, andfor the building of His eternal kingdom. We are seeking a pastor, a shepherd, an overseer. That is biblical. But not all the things we are seeking and doing and assuming come from a scriptural basis. And we must remember that scripture is God's Word, God revealing Himself and His purposes to His people and to the world, and is knowable, understandable, workable - as we, His people, truly and totally crucify ourselves, our own desires, our favored thoughts and ideas (many of which come straight out of the world even though we most often do not even recognize it); even our "traditions" which we have come to accept just because they've been used for so long, and seem to be somewhat efficient (though rarely truly effective in really reaching the goals and purposes of God for His church).

Oh dear God, open our hearts to what You will for us, Your people, Your priesthood of believers, Your children, Your family, people of Your kingdom - Your church, universal and local.

Guide our new committee, Lord. And guide all of us, every committee, life group, congregation, program, individual -- all the "forms" we take within Your body. Bring us togther into untiy in You, instead of being fractured into our own little ideas, our own little sub-groups, our own little pre-conceived traditions.

Help us, dear Jesus! Father! Holy Spirit!

"For I'm building a people of power/ And I'm making a people of praise [and prayer!]/ That will move through this land by My Spirit/ And will glorify My precious Name/ Build Your church, Lord,/ Make us strong, Lord, / Join our hearts, Lord, through Your Son/ Make us one, Lord, in Your body/ In the Kingdom of Your Son."

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More Details of the Journey
Date: November 18, 2006

Please be with my students today, dear God. Help me to lead them into paths of righteousness by the power and guidance of Your Spirit working through me. You lead them, Lord, I pray! Thank You, Lord, in Jesus' Name, amen!

Please help me to love You, to love my husband, to love my kids, to love Your church, to love this lost world - with the love of Jesus! Oh, dear God, help me to see others and to see the world the way Jesus sees it, and respond the way Jesus would respond, by placing Your Holy Spirit upon me in fulness (over-flowing!) and may the Spirit of Jesus, and the love of Jesus, the power of Jesus, and authority of Jesus over the enemy, over the evil one - be seen in me! Fill me, dear Lord, I pray, with Your Spirit today, right now (And please forgive my trespasses and help me to forgive others as You have forgiven me).

In Jesus name, Amen!
Thank You, Lord! Praise the Lord!

November 19, 2006

Thank You for being patient with me - doing housework this morning (to get ready for the birthday) and not getting to my devotions till this evening. I am sorry, though, because I was not prepared and in the Spirit as I should have been for service this morning. I feel that I may have held back Your Spirit's work myself by not being prepared. Help me not to do that again, dear Lord. I am sorry. Thank You.

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Break Us Lord! Pour Your Living Water Into Our Church!
Date: November 20, 2006

Thank You for being with me this morning. Thank You for reminding me that it is my day to fast and pray. Thank You for speaking to me through the scriptures that tell the story of Jehoshaphat, King of Judah - who mostly trusted in You - and You did great things for Judah in return. But Lord, he also turned to friendship with the wicked kings of Israel - twice - oh Lord, I see that I, too, have things I repeatedly turn aside to, and how "easy" it is to do that - and the terrible consequences. One of Jehoshaphat's sons - the eldest - had for a wife King Ahab's daughter. And that probably occurred when Jehoshaphat was king and made friends with the King of Israel. And what a terrible man his son became, as he was influenced by his wife, Ahab's daughter! Oh dear God, please help me to be totally centered on Jesus, oh You, Lord! Help me! Please! Fill me with Your Spirit!

Lord, we've had such wonderful preaching at church, such a strong spiritual foundation being laid, yet somehow I feel as though I am running into a wall (and that the whole church is, too). I feel like we talk about our need for spiritual growth, for total submission to, and filling by, Your Spirit - and for several Sundays we even all went forward to the altar, and there did seem to be real desire to follow You - and yes, even repentance too, and a beginning of brokenness... but Lord, I do not feel that I, myself, have become totally broken before You, and think this is true of all (or at least most) of us. Lord, I just can't get past thinking that we need to have daily prayer meetings, be in constant prayer and waiting upon You, like the disciples did after Jesus was taken into heaven, not giving up, not getting off our faces before You, until the power of the Holy Spirit truly falls upon us in all Your fulness, Lord!!!

I realize that will require us to give up the other things we want/like/even think are necessary to do - and I'm not sure we want to do that, Lord. I can't get past the thought (belief!) that You want to totally wipe out the "walls of the house" that we have built, and start us afresh, anew, completely new, on You, the firm and strong and perfect, eternal, all powerful, all loving foundation. Jesus the cornerstone, the cap-stone, both, below and above! (Just saw that! Wow!)

Lord God, maybe instead of life groups, youth groups, Critter's Cove (children's church), even - imagine! - Sunday "celebration" service we need to take those times to get on our knees before You in fasting and prayer. Maybe we need to set aside these "fellowship lunches," loving and fine as they are, and seek with all our beings for the true bread and water! Maybe we need to stop worrying about the church structure - and even the "right pastor" - and seek You with all our hearts. Oh dear God, we need our hearts to be perfect toward You!

I need my heart to be perfect toward You. And yet even in myself, alone, I find a block. And in our church I sense a block also. Lord, Pastor Sid is preachng such incredible scriptural, spiritual, Spirit-led sermons - but there is not the response there should be! Sometimes one person or another responds to your "nudge" in one degree or another - but oh, dear God, we need more than a nudge! We need to be called out so insistently, so strongly, that we run forward and throw ourselves before You in true brokenness and repentance! I feel like there is a big dam blocking the river of Your Spirit and Your love, and it must be smashed to allow the living water to truly flow into our lives - and out, through us, into the world!

Lord, please help me to pray - without giving up!

Lord, help me to totally submit to Your Spirit, to give up all other things that distract me, that "I" love in my life... and be totally focused on You alone. Thank You!

Yesterday a lady at church told me what a blessing she gets by reading the scriptures both in English and in her own language! Thank You again, Lord, for the opportunity to learn French! (And what about other languages, too?) Oh Lord, I've been dreaming in French, too, so much! Use it in my life, dear Lord! Thank You! Your will be done! (She and I were also talking about the need for spiritual foundation preaching before "practical" preaching, because the second without the first becomes only the advice of the world - without the power and leading and involvement of God - and therein is worth nothing!

Oh dear God, I want what You want.

Oh dear God, I want You!!! In me, in my family, in our church (and the church universal), and in my school, and community, and world.

oh Heavenly Father -
You lead!
You fill! by Your Spirit!
You bring us into true fellowship with You!
Build Your church, Your Kingdom, dear God!
To You be all the glory, now and forever, Amen!

Hallelujah! Amen!

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Your Will Be Done!
Date: December 2, 2006

Dear Heavenly Father,

Here I am, supposed to be praying for my children (and my mom). You know I have specific requests written down in my prayer book - but I just can't seem to focus on praying those prayers. I mean, I just don't know what or how to pray. Oh dear God, all I want is for every one of them (each child, their spouse - chosen by You - their children, present and to come, and all their in-laws, too - and my son's wife-to-come-chosen-by-You too! - I don't even what to think of girlfriends in between... I just want them all to come to You, to repent (brokenly!); to accept Jesus as their Saviour, to commit totally to You, to totally sacrifice and give all their lives totally to You, to be saved and sanctified and made holy. Oh, dear God, I don't feel like I even want to pray the other details, because those details count for nothing if they will not become Your children and follow You and love You with all their hearts and minds and strength and soul (and of course,then, others as themselves...)

Yet at the same time I remind myself that it is Your will that must be done. Your sovereign purposes which must be fulfilled... and again I must surrender "my" children to You, for You to call (or not?) as You please. Your Word says it is not Your will that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. It also says that... well, Lord, what does it say? That your call is irresistible, and therefore You only call some? Or that You call all, but through "free will" many choose to reject You?

Dear God, I honestly don't know which interpretation is correct -- or whether the truth is somewhere inbetween or ??

I only know that I long for my children to come to You. It is the only thing that I really care about! If they don't come...

Of course I will stay faithful, that's not a question. I will accept Your sovereign will and foreknowledge and all. Only, You have said, over and over, that You answer prayer - and oh, dear God, this is my prayer - that my children and grandchildren and children-in-laws and their families, come to You.

Dear God, I think You are laying upon me a burden to reach the world for You. I have to admit I've never been particulary concerned for the "lost" besides those who are "close" to me - and I haven't even been all that concerned about them. Really, all I've been concerned about is "me." Oh dear God, please forgive me for my self-centeredness. A lot of the time I had no idea how self-centered I really have ben. But I am beginning to really see that, Lord. And I am sorry. Oh dear God, please forgive me, please cleanse my heart of "me," please help me to truly see and love and desire eternal life with Jesus for all people - all, not just those I "care about" or those I "meet" or "hear about" but all mankind everytwhere on this sin-stained planet. Oh dear Jesus, please use me to reach others for You. In Jesus' name I pray, amen!

Thank You, Lord! Amen!!

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