NTUC INCOME INSURANCE Singapore Insurance agent / Wakil Takaful - Norazah Ahmad

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Norazah Ahmad (300441)
Dear friends,

Welcome to my home page. I am Norazah. I am glad that you visit my home page. I have been with NTUC INCOME since 1995. I am proud to be associated to a well known insurance company.

NTUC INCOME is the first insurer to be named "Insurance Company of the Year" in 1999 and again in year 2000.

I joined NTUC INCOME because of 2 main reasons:
(1) I believe in Insurance
(2) I believe that INCOME products and services provides better value for money.

Please click here visit my web page at INCOME.

Insurance is like an UMBRELLA. It is useful during both rain and shines. When its rain ie. when your are sick and in need of financial help, insurance is there for you. When its shines ie. when you are well, insurance is like a bonus that will give you extra $$$$ during maturity.

Insurance is also a COMPULSORY SAVING. It force you to save regularly for your future. If you just save in the bank there is a high chance that you won't save it regularly or you will withdraw the saving regularly.

Insurance is also a form of PROTECTION. It protect you from any financial problem due to any mishap that may happen to you.

Why do people take up insurance.
There are many reasons why people insure themselves.
1)Child Education
2)Health and Medical Coverage
3)Disability Protection
4)Saving for rainy days
5)Family Income Provision
6)Investment for higher returns
7)Asset Accumulation
8)Retirement Planning
and many other reasons.

Why should you choose NTUC INCOME Insurance Co-operative.
As a co-operative society, our objective is to provide better services to our policyholder at the lowest possible cost. Unlike commercial enterprise, we do not seek to maximize profits for shareholders. Most of our profits are distributed as bonuses to our participating life insurance policies. Each year, our shareholders receive less than 2% of the profits. The remaining 98% is distributed to our policyholder or retained for future growth.
For the past years, INCOME has been able to provide to our policyholders a better return on their policies, compared to commercial insurance. Furthermore, in the settlement of the insurance claims our aim is to be fair in our dealings with the claimant. There claims that do not fall strictly within the coverage of the policy where we are prepared to provide ex-gratia settlements or to give the benefit of the doubt.

Other than insurance INCOME is also giving extra BENEFITS to all its policyholders.

Please do not hesitate to call me. I will be By Your Side be it "Rain or Shine".

Norazah Ahmad
Tel : 90607790
Email : [email protected]
Insurance Advisor

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Representing NTUC Income Insurance Co-operative Limited

updated on 23 November 2006

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