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Welcome to South Hell

(where the heat is always hotter)

Let me first explain that this site in no way promotes Satanism or Satan Worship. I am open minded, yes, but I refuse to be accused of promoting such worship in any way shape or form. As I have explained below, I have "different" beliefs than what is considered "traditional" concerning God and Paganism. If for nothing else but merit, please be open minded enough not to condemn me for what I believe. After all, that's what America was all about, right?


Currently, it's

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Ok, I know I know, I'm doing it again, right? Starting yet another website with multiple links and all that crap, right? Well, let me explain:  This site is going to be my baby for a while. The others are at stopping points and need major overhauls in my humble opinion.  Not saying I'm too lazy to overhaul a site, but right now, it's just not feasible, since those sites are also getting nice hits and nice everything else too.  They are still fairly popular and I want to make something that is ME now...meaning, it's time for a new website.

That, being said, I'd like to give ya the link to the main "other" site, so if you want to see more of my work, instead of this one in progress, you can.

Welcome to the Realm of the Dreamers

Laments and Sad Things

That site as links to all my other sites and I'm not going to gunk up this page with links to all my other sites. Here, you'll just find links to new stuff that you might enjoy. As many of my friends already know I am a professed Christian-Pagan.  In case someone wishes to question this, I do have a strong belief in the Christian God, but I also believe in lesser gods and the worship of the Divine Mother as well. I have just recently begun to delve into one of my favorite areas of mysticism, divination, again after a 21 year absence.

Please follow the link below to find an explanation of my beliefs which is more in depth.

Neo-Christian Paganism

A Tribute to Our Fallen Loved Ones Search the Web.

There are a few friends who have requested current pics of my family and if you follow this link you'll find the latest ones taken in august 2001.

Although I'm going to try to keep the ads on the main page to a minimum, please do check out the few I have here. They are good and I really need the help to keep my research going.

Interested in a good loan...please check out my newest site 

Many thanks.

My cybermall is now open! In it I have not just the ordinary stuff, but lots of exceptional values and things for NEW AGE, also. Check it out!!!

Ambrosia's Affiliate Cybermall

NEW!!!! Ambrosia's Cardshop Personalized greeting cards at cardshop prices. 

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Questions? Comments? Just send email to me at [email protected]






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