January 1, 2004

Happy New Year! Well, since I'm not in Japan there can't be any more pictures for the next few weeks...but here's the good news! I fixed up the random shots. You can see some of the pics that weren't there before. Sorry about the broken link thing!

Oh, and I got a GSM camera phone for the real world too. So check back and wait for the new link of a new photo log eh!

love, nagoya girl xoxo

November 6, 2003

i've left japan!!!! more stuff will be added in the next few months or so. if you wanna know when, send me an e-mail at [email protected]

laters, nagoyagirl!

October 21, 2003

nagoyagirl no longer...! I left my job a week ago and moved out of my apartment last weekend! It was possibly the best 15 months of my life! So goodbye Nagoya....I'll be back!

Meanwhile...last week, I hung out with my friend Rich (check out his pictures at filtystinking.com ) in Nagoya and Osaka. Check out the aquariums we went to here!

So check back again!


whale shark and friends
fight crab
sunset from the hotel
Japan Links
Shout Outs

Doesn't mean much unless you're on this list and know who I'm talking about, but needs to be said now that I'm leaving...You people (in no particular order) rock!:

Chris, Yui, Shoko and Ken, Namiko, Akinori, Carlos, all of my co-workers in Obu, Miwako, Yuri, Yoshiko, Shinobu, Yuki and Makoto, Brian, Matt F, Matt B, Alison...

And the home crew for all your long-distance loving: Catha, Mari, Bek, Mum, Dad, Gin, Jo, Caryl and Harry, Ma-len-ne, Martina, Jackie, Pat, Darren, Dave, Diana

© 2003 (the year of the sheep)
uncanny media industries and nagoya girl
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