Child-free Friends (formerly NoKidding!) Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Events

Surf's up dudes and dudettes!! This is Lisa here to re-cap last night's Hawaiian Luau, BBQ and Pot-Luck Event held at Michael's and my�hut.� Aloha & Welcome to our newbee, Liz H.��A very special�THANK YOU�goes out to Just Steve for being our gracious grill master and enduring the flames and heat of the BBQ!!� Rock on!!�
The party was in festive flair with most of the mainlanders�hanging loose and�surfing in�with flowery�attire!!��Everyone had such great�enthusiasm!!� The decorations were in abundance,�drum beats and tiki Hawaiian music�echoed rhythmically in the background,�and as a special bonus, everyone got lei'd at the front door!!� What a welcome!!� As with all Luaus, there was plenty of food for all as everyone was asked to bring a dish to share. Thank you all for your wonderful contributions to�ALOHA buffet.� Did anyone wipe out on Michael's punch!
Much to our surprise, word spread throughout the neighborhood of the luau, and at our front door arrived the cutest little dog just waiting to�enjoy in the fun and get plenty of pets from all!!� While she had a collar, unfortunately she had no tags. So, Lora and a few�other mainlanders were kind enough to�walk the�sweet puppy around the neighborhood trying to find her owner. We also gave puppy some burgers to eat and five minutes later, she emerged as a much bigger dog!! How did that happen!!� OOOOPS, now there�were�TWO dogs but at least the befuddled owner of dogs was found and all was right�and well�on the Island again!��Kawabunga!�
The party lasted until about 12:30 as the few of us still left standing, analyzed why the moon was so close to the house (explain that one NJ Liz!!), why did Dan admit to seeing the pink bat when he really didn't see it, and why Todd was the perpetual hold out during our continual rendition of our�Suzanne's new�favorite game "Ding Dong".�
THANK YOU again everyone for making this party a success!! It was a lot of fun and great teamwork to make it happen!� � Lisa
August Dinner RECAP

Well after 3 cups of Turkish Coffee, I had nothing better to do at midnight than write the recap of tonights dinner.

I will preface this by saying a lot of money was spent on Hookah's last night (not hookers) I think Sinbads will definitely be in business for at least another month, lol.

Suz and I were better late than never, we walked in and everyone was on a comfy couch and Liz was toking it up with her Double Apple flavor hookah. She looked VERY happy and MELLOW, which was so strange, but we learned that we missed quite a bit ny being late.

There was a lot of belly dancing going on apparently and I believe there are pictures, arent there Joan? Im gonna need to see those.

I hear that the food was good, I did end up having an appetizer and desert and it was yummy.

Most of the evening was spent relaxing and sharing MANY MANY different flavors of Hookah and it was very nice.

Cat is the sales rep for Sinbads, if you are in need of a hookah, just let her know, she will "hook ah you up" hahaha, hey I told you I had 3 cups of coffee, I cant help myself.

Anyway, that was the evening, it was a lot of fun and we will for sure be going there again.

Hey is anyone else up? Write me, Im WIDE awake.


July 7, 2007
What a crazy, upbeat time we had at our July Dinner held at RedFish Cajun Restaurant last Thursday night!!! As we journeyed to our table, many of us received colorful Mardi Gras beads just for flashing our���������������bright and friendly smiles!! (What did you think I was going to say?).
A few people had just come back from some�spectacular trips!! Liz3 and Dave recounted their recent adventures on an 11 day cruise to Alaska!!! On one of their excursions, Liz3 had the thrill of being a co-pilot on a small aircraft and carefully yet skillfully landed the plane on a patch of ice, isolated in the ocean. (Ok, so maybe THE PILOT landed the plane but I'm sure she guided him!!) After the plane ride, she and Dave roughed the intense sea in survivor mode as they paddled for dear life in a mangled canoe. From there they stumbled upon a glacier wherein they hiked for miles and days on end in a rainforest while removing their clothes bit by bit. Now WE know how they received that special invitation to dine exclusively with the co-captain of the cruise line!!
Meanwhile in another part of the country, NJ Liz and Dandeman were off soaking up the warm inviting rays of Xtapa!!! Never letting a day go by without a solid workout, NJ made sure to get her exercise in by swimming in her Olympic style, perfect 10 points backstroke up to the pool bar for plenty of rum filled drinks. Back and forth and back and forth, she worked tirelessly for those gold medal award drinks!!
Other trips were discussed as CZ exclaimed, with energized enthusiasm, that she and Jerry will be celebrating a belated anniversary trip to Puerto Vallarta!! OLE!!! Look out Captain Steubing and Gopher.The Z's will be sailing on the party LOVE BOAT.
Of course what's a NK! Dinner without food. There was plenty of that going around as CZ was giving away free wedges of gooey covered lettuce chucks to you know who�.our�perpetual food coinsurer - - the sleeveless one!! Fried green tomatoes were in abundance which made for a nice accompaniment to Liz3's fried orka the whale!! There was a conversation about Green Acres which had one side of the table roaring in laughter while John John the Leprechaun entertained us with impersonation of a golden retriever swimming gleefully in a pool. Must have been some trees and fire hydrants in that pool!! ��Oh, if only I had a camera.
The highlight of the evening happened midway through as suddenly, from out of nowhere, appeared a vision of loveliness. Yes, our very own, newly remodeled DEBBIE, emerged waving her hand in the essence of a prom queen style!! Debbie has transformed herself for the long awaited high school reunion.She looks GREAT!!��
As always, a fabulous, ohhhh slightly embellished, ridiculously silly time was had by all!!

May 2007

THANKS to Christine and Jerry and your dedication to making this one of our best Events!! Everyone had such a great time!! And I'm happy to see new faces emerging and returning.

Wow, what a night....we started off at Casey Moore's for some food before the good drinking. Once we actually got there, Yes Kevin, I was WRONG; we had some good greasy food for the later alcohol consumption.

After Casey's we went to Gordon Biersch, that was fun, and no Lisa, it wasn't parsley in my drink, it was mint leaves. We took some pictures of the group, which will be on the website for all to see.

We then went over to the Tavern, what a fun time we had there, that's when the shots started flying, literally, Kevin and Liz were shooting drinks EVERYWHERE!!!!!! Lynne, LICK ME! Just Steve showed us a special talent with a bar towel, all I know is NJ Liz, enjoyed it....'nough said bout that.

The next bar was Rula Bula, where there was a band and some dancing going on. There was an encounter with the HOOTERS Men, who seemed to get around, because later on, most people came back to the Tavern, and the HOOTERS Men were there too, boy they were strange. Suzanne became their sandwich meat and I got carried away!

Well, more shots were had, more fun, laughing and just hanging out until about 1am. Then we each staggered the way Suzanne...It doesn't lick itself....or something like that.

Thanks again to Christine and Jerry for hosting the Pub Crawl!!!

Pictures are posted on the website go to

NK! East Valley Coordinator

Hi Everyone!��Drinking Red Wine �������������������������������������������������������February 18, 2006
We had our February Event on Saturday night at�Kokopelli's in Chandler.� 25 of us showed up for food, fun and lots of variety of wine sampling.� WELCOME to our newbees, Fred & Tami, who traveled from a far away land to meet us!!!!��The wine sampling worked like this:� Everyone was given an order sheet in which to select 6 different samples of wine.� Some of the couples sampled the same wines as their spouse,�whereas others�opted for�diversities from�each other to allow�more selections�of vino.� One of the most popular�choices was the Sweet Lucy and the White Merlot.� The Margarita Wine, however, looked a Kermit the Frog had melted in the glass!!!� Hey, it isn't easy being green.�
Jen impressed us with her�CHILDFREE shirt, and we discovered that Laurence is fluent in French, Corrina in German, Nancy in Italiano and me in Pig Latin!!!� We were�amazed to hear that Just Steve is also fluent in French (Ahem..........CUISINE), that is)�as he once lived there for five years, and poor John K. walked away from the event all black and blue. Apparently SOMEBODY kept hitting him in the arm for no apparent reason!!� Most importantly, we discussed�the most powerful�secret known to�MEN�...............the secret of a good marriage is the husband's ability to say "Yes Dear".� Who could beat that!!!�
Drunk After dinner, some of us went over to the Irish pub, Fibber McGees, for more socializing and to hear some live music complete with an Irish jig song and bagpipes!!� No sense in waiting for St. Patty's to start celebrating!� The band was�lively and loud as�we clapped like Paula Abdul in appreciation of their talent.�
Lisa - just filling in for Lora!�

Thanks to all that came out for some REALLY great BBQ!!!� It was a little loud in the room we were in, but we managed to still have a great time.� A big WELCOME to two new group members, Janice and Laurence, hope you had a good time, it was great meeting you both.
A few of us went across the street after dinner�to GrainBelt for some really good drinks and fun conversations.�
The announcement for the next event will go out tomorrow.� I will not be at the next event, but Lisa Casablanca has GRACIOUSLY�� Big Hugvolunteerd to host the event.�
Thanks again everyone!!

Thanks to everyone who came out to bowl last night and Welcome to Jeff! We�ended up having 4 lanes about 23 people bowling, and many cheerleaders.�Lynne came up with X-rated bowling for every strike and�that seemed to go over pretty well..� Smiley Gone Wild
A bunch of us witnessed�Bob balked or shall we say bowlked...that team also had their own special bowling and they came up with a speed bowling round, I think they actually did better.
David (Rainman Freak)�learned to put one foot in front of the other�� Walking �which made a HUGE difference in his bowling game.� I learned that 5 is indeed an ODD number, thanks Jerry.
About 20 of us went to El Toritos after bowling�and enjoyed some food and additional fun and conversation and although we left early, Im sure some of the NK! group closed the place down.

Hi everyone.� Last night about 30 of us got together at the Fox and Hound in Gilbert for some food, drink and story telling, story is below:
Once we had journeyed abroad to Ireland looking for the best beer.� None could be found, so we journeyed west across the Atlantic to the great state of Kentucky where the whiskey flowed like water.� The whiskey was great, but we still wanted beer!� Th local folk told us of a great mystical brewery in the hills.� So on we traveled in search of this great brew.� We walked until we could walk no more and came to a house where they only served wine!� The thought of wine upset us so much we killed them, and smashed all of the wine bottles.� The end was near.� A breeze blew in, the scent was unmistakable.� The yeasty smell of beer filled our nostrils, the smell of hops was thick in the air.� Were we close to beer Nirvana?� Suddenly a Guinness appeared in front of me, BRILLIANT!� EUREKA!� But upon tasting it, I found it to be only Guinness draft��� No
Its still better than Bud gut....We still craved the ambrosia of the perfect beer...We ransacked the house for supplies for our journey and found a Bra!� But it was a 44 EEE, Amazing LIZ was here!!!� The bra was actually a sling for Steve's nuts and we live another day.� THE END.
Thanks to all who contributed to the story.� It was fun.� I also want to thank EVERYONE who attended my first official NK! Dinner.� You all helped make it a success!!!!� The announcement for our event is going out after this email.� See you all bowling!!!!� Bowling
Lora Jacobson
Coordinator NK! East Valley Chapter

Spinning Dreidel�Hi Everyone!�� Tree�� ���������� December 10, 2006
Well,�as�you all know,�today was my final day as your coordinator.� Please direct any future NoKidding! correspondence to our new coordinator, Lora Jacobson, at: [email protected]� as I will be shutting down this account in a few weeks.� If anyone wants to keep in touch with me, I'd love to hear from you.� Just use my personal e-mail account of:� [email protected]� But remember, I'll still be a very active member!! I love our group toooooooooooooooooooo much to not be a part of it.
Brunch�� �Today, 26 of us met at Gardunos at the Chandler mall for our annual holiday brunch!!!� We had such a great time that we didn't realized 4 hours had slipped by as quickly as they did!!� OOOPS! �(We were in the back of the restaurant and had the section all to ourselves with lots of empty tables not being filled). Lots of craziness ensued, as usual, with this group and some people showed their holiday spirit by dressing in�festive attire!!���
Thank You�The best part of the Event, however, was when Lora and Joan stood up and thanked me on behalf of the group for being your coordinator!!!��Their kind words touched my heart.� Then, I was presented with two fabulous gifts.� One was a very generous gift certificate to the mall (which I can't wait to use!!!) and the other�couldn't have been more perfect!!! It was an inscribed picture frame with the words " Thank You From The No Kidding East Valley Chapter" with our very silly Halloween Group picture inside!!! I just love it!!!� Oh, do I love it!!!!� While I had no parting speech prepared, I just want you all to know what a wonderful experience this has been and how many dear friends I have made during this journey. It gives me such joy to know that many of you feel that being a part of our group has also been a rewarding and fun�filled experience with lots of new friends.
Torch�Half way through the Event, was the "passing of the torch" or for us that would be turning the pink & blue�� Balloons�balloons over to Lora as she steps up the excitement of being the new East Valley Coordinator!!!!� YEAAAA for Lora!!! We�ALL THANK YOU for this!!!� Another highlight came when I announced that one time active members, Hallie & David, who moved to Michigan, will be returning to us shortly on a permanent basis!!!!� Hallie and David received happy faces and a loud round of applause. We can't wait to see you guys!!!� You have been dearly missed.�
Money 3We passed around the website donation can and�you all generously�contributed for another year of maintaining our website fees!!! Thank you for that. The money has been turned over to our web designer.����
Lastly, we took pictures for the website and I'll let you know when they have been posted. It definitely was a silly, fun, laughing, build a bear, transvestites on, Just Steve to become a Hollywood Super Star, Santa Purse and reindeer antlers, get the hell of out the restaurant�FINALLY, Ceremonial Balloon Release�type of day!!!� So there!�
Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah!!!� See you all next year!! Lisa

Hi Everyone!��Horseback Riding
Last Saturday, Sandra Kimble hosted a horseback riding event!!!� Thank you so much for hosting an Event, Sandra!!� See her summary write up below.� I'll let you know when�the pictures get posted to the website. Lisa
Saturday, December the 2nd was a great time for the 10 'brave' souls who turned up for a sunset ride through the desert to the T-Bone Steakhouse and back.� After assembling at 4:00 P.M., everyone kicked the dust and became acquainted with one another as the staff at Ponderosa Stables (slowly) began bringing out the various mounts for the evening.� Finally we all were assigned to the appropriate horses and had to wait while the staff members 'helped' someof us onto our horses and some preferred to use a block.� Despite the "ahem" anal instructions from certain staff members about how to hold the reins and put our feet in the stirrups, we somehow managed to navigate our horses to the appropriate starting point.
Jennifer's horse decided early on that he was going to have a snack and he wandered off the path to munch on a nearby bush!� With the help of a crochety wrangler,� Jennifer and her horse were guided�back to her place in line.� We were all treated to fireworks blazing over the city of Phoenix as we were at a high point in the hills with a full view (someone joked that they had had it especially arranged for our group!)� Upon arriving at the restaurant, we had a bit of wait but all that fresh air stoked our appetites so when the food finally arrived, we ate!!�
After�a good meal, getting to know each other better, it was time to depart back on a very cool night.� Fortunately we all prepared for it. �We took a different route through the desert on the way back and some horses picked up on the presence of some large birds and coyotes - which caused Corinna's horse to get a little nervous and consequently she lost her hat but her husband, Renou, to the rescue!� He gallantly hopped off his horse and retrieved it for her :)� Linda and Ed (newcomer-guests) also had their horses picked up on a bird of some kind and had to calm them down, fearing they might bolt!� Way to ride, Linda and Ed!� The rest of the ride was without incident but everyone enjoyed the moonlight, the fresh air and the relaxing motion of being on a slow moving horse!� It took approximately one hour for the return ride and by the time we arrived back at the stables, everyone was glad to get off and head for�a warm car!
I found out later that Linda had told her husband (this was news to him) that one of her 'dreams' was to ride through the desert, at night.� How cool is it that the No Kidding group could play a small part in helping someone's dream come true?!!!
Thanks to everyone who turned out for a wonderful evening!!
~Sandra Seifert Kimble

Hi Everyone!���� Joker������������������������������������������November 12, 2006������������������������������������������������
Many thank yous go out to Ken & Penny for hosting last night's November Event - a Casino & Board Game party at their home!!!� Welcome to our newbees Mike D. and Justin & Mary!!� The evening started off in the kitchen cuz that's were all the good food was to be found!!� After we consumed most of it, some people headed outside�to enjoy�the beautiful night air�and play some cards games (Uno, Phase 10,�etc.).� Others pretended to be�Tiger Wood-Be's�as they put put putted on the outdoor putting lawn.� We practically had our very own Phoenix Open! �
Those of us inside were either playing poker or sitting in the living room chatting it up!!� Later in the evening�the party animal night owls got a buzzing game of Taboo started. I don't know what was more fun, however. Playing the game or getting to�obnoxiously�buzz our opponent!!!� Of course one member decided to buzz herself when she got her word wrong.� How's that for honesty!!�
We all had such a great time with our usual belly laughing and crazy outbursts!!� 3 Card Monty

������ Bat���� Happy Halloween Everyone!!!�� �� October 29, 2006 Ghost

FrankensteinLast night was our October Event ---- a spooky Halloween Party hosted by John & Lynne Bennett!! Thank you John & Lynne� for all your�work in putting together a simply batty evening!!!� Scary movies were�frightening in the dimly lit living room as candles illuminated on the patio.� Fog enhanced punch was dripped into the mouths of�those wishing to quench their thirst of the evening's frights!��Naturally, we all clumped together to�sample a scope of the�erie�cat litter cake with "Items" dripping over the sides.�
About 30 of us dressed up in all sorts of fun and creative ideas!!!� The biggest�hit of the evening was Kevin J.'s Big�Dick costume and Lora's ghostly sperm attachment!�� They won for funniest costume. Of course, we were all terrified of the having our necks�snacked upon�by the winners of the scariest costume - Jeff & Sue as The Vampires.� A�creative idea wasn't stranded for long�as�7 Castaways from Gilligan's Island�swam their way to the festivities.� In fact,�Mr. and Mrs. Howel (Jerry & Joan) �won for Best Couple!!!� John B. attracted all the ladies as�the Chick Magnet while Lynne anticipated Christmas early�as she was God's Gift to Men.��Debbie made a fortune selling kisses in her�Kissing Booth although she later turned up�missing on a milk carton.� Dina was a HOOT with�her own idea of what a Hooters girl should be complete with moving hooters (hey, you figure it out!!).� We had Cardinal fans & other sports fans as well as�Arrrrrr Pirates and a funny clown.�� Simply striking as a match, Tood was just too hot to handle. And no one dared�to spin�a web through Suzanne's colorful witching attire.��Lastely, what would a party be without vegtables for dipping as in�Denise & Scott's Black-Eyed Peas!��
Jack O' Lantern The pictures from the party will be posted to the website in a day or so:��

Last night was our monthly dinner held at RA Sushi in Ahwatukee!! Welcome to our Newbees:� Amber and to Linda & Owen.� The highlight of the evening was�a VERY SPECIAL GUEST APPEARENCE all the way from Ohua, HaWowYa, HaWowYa, HaWowYa, was our very own and dearly missed Laura and Rob Thompson!!!!� It was so�WONDERFUL to see them!!��Hawaiian
The food was yummy even though some of our orders ended up on each other's plates (now you'all wondering if we had a food fight, huh!!�See if I tell you the real story!!).� And nobody could tell WHAT they were eating!!!� But it all looked squishy and tasty!!� We were seated on the patio which was a wee bit warm at first (for some of you�heat�resistent types- sleeves or no sleeves (HA)), but then the night air chilled� (well, as chilled as Phoenix can get) and it was just�peachy!�
Hummmm, Krispy Kreme Donuts!!!� ���Donut 3�Did anyone ever figure out how long it would take our Officer to get from Phx to California and bring us back those donuts???�"Hummmmmmmm, Donuts" Thank you Homer.
Lisa �

Hi Everyone!��Bowling
We had such a great time last night�bowling�in�Scottsdale!!! Welcome to our newbees:� Laura O. & Kevin M. (yes, this is our second set of Laura & Kevin's),�Kerstin & Bob, and also to Johnna!!!� We only needed three lanes as some of us did not bowl but came alone to cheer on those who did participate!!!� While there was a mishap on one of the lanes - Scott�developed carpo tunnel from having to manually insert the scores, we were able to switch out that�lanes and finish up the games.��Those�who participated bowled 2 games each and laughed their tushes off, jumped in excitement with�every strike, and did considerably well!!� Those of us on the sidelines applauded the bowlers lucky�streaks (oooo -�I mean skilled craftsmanship at the true�mastery of the game) and enjoyed catching up with one another!
After bowling, 9 of us went over to El Torrito for drinks and more fun!!!� NJ Liz TRULY brought the�bar to life and made us all laugh in hysterics!!!��We learned about the differences in sand types and errr, umm, thong areas which can be quite the�beach catastrophe!!�
LisaJump For  Joy

July 7, 2006

Last night was our July Dinner at Riazzi's in Tempe! Welcome to our newbees Mark (minus Helen - sorry we missed you Helen) and Charles plus his guest, Max, who was visiting all the way from France. We did get to be a bit, ahem......loud at times as a result of having too much fun. Hopefully, we didn't annoy the other patrons too much and we are truly sorry if we did. However, it's great to let loose sometimes at the end of a hard day and just laugh with your friends.

Amy C. was mercilessly teased especially when she announced that she was moving back to Oklahoma.Of course, with Michael's prodding, we couldn't help but continually serenade her with the song, "Oklahoma, OOOOOO KKKKKKK".

There were many Italianos at our dinner table and Nancy, mia paizanno, was ALLL about the Italian language & customs!! In fact, she even gave me a warm Italiano nuggie during her ciao bella exit. Basta Basta!!! Lora & Kevin shared with us their excitement of attending the upcoming Italian Festival in New York soon!! That sounds molto bene.

The new Lynne C. (for whom we must create a proper nickname) recounted the tale of eating live lobster at her dad's home while we grilled Just Steve on his grill girl. NJ Liz & Dan just returned from Cancun, tan, happy and relaxed while Lynne B. had us roaring with tales of her water park adventures and "the Black Hole" excursion with her dare devil nephew.

Just a reminder that there will be no July Event this month so we'll all just have to catch up again in August. And Ladies, be sure to get those RSVP's in for the Passion Party hosted by Suzanne and Johnna. RSVP's are due by July 22. The Passion Party is July 29.


Flower�ALOHA Mainlanders!������������������������������������ June 18, 2006�Flower�����
Palm TreeLast night was our June Event - A Hawaiian Party at Michael's & my house!!� Welcome to our newbees Wendy & Jim and also to Lea & Michael!!� Most people arrived in decorative Hawaiian flair!!��Upon arrival, each guest was given a nametag with�his/her authentic Hawaiian name and a lei.� Hallie�was really festive�in her Hawaiian skirt & bikini top (however, finding a place for her nametag was, errrrm ummmm, interesting!).��Michael & I�took a castaway approach to the theme and dressed like Gilligan & Maryann!�There were lots of flowery decorations and�upbeat, fun Hawaiian music which, of course,�included the Beach Boys!!�
BBQ�For dinner, Michael withstood the heat and grilled some tasty DonHo Burgers and Surfing Hot dogs�PLUS everyone�brought outstanding contributions to the luau menu!!� Thank you�to all our guests for�your help with this!!!�Jerry Z's beef teriyaki sticks as well as Joan's cheesy potato casserole were quite the hit!!��Ricki's tasty chocolate morsels left us wanting more!��There was delicious pasta dishes created by Wendy & Jim and Nancy, too!� Elizabeth's colorful fruit salad and Lea's creamy ambrosia salad really helped make it feel like summer (of course, the fact that it was 105 out helped, too!!).��� And Lynne really kept with the Hawaiian tradition by�creating a spam & pineapple loaf!!��
���Volleyball 2�When the weather cooled off a bit at sundown, we went outside to play a few games.� The first was�Hawaiian Vollyball!!� This game is similar to regular vollyball but on a smaller scale and with a creative flair.� Each team had spelled out the words ALOHA on their side of the net. Each time they scored a point, the other team would have to remove a letter from their side of the net.� CONGRATULATIONS go out to Cat, Lynne & Just Steve for their "spell bounding" abilities!!�
Beach Ball���Then we played Beach Ball Bootie wherein two teams were formed. Each team had to walk the course with a partner with a huge beach ball between their booties using no hands!!! If they dropped the ball in the process, they needed to run back to the starting line and� try again.� CONGRATULATIONS to Ricki & Mike and Lea & Michael for having the best bootie control!!�
The pictures should be posted to the website in a few days at:�
Lisa Casablanca
NK! Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Coordinator

May 29, 2006

Thanks to everyone who came to the Laser Tag Event last night.� I know I had a great time and hope everyone else did as well.� It was especially nice to meet Lora and Kevin, Kathy, Brian and Bill - all new to No Kidding.� Thanks to Just Steve for bringing along some additional players and to Sue (my buddy) for helping us have more targets to shoot!

If you want to see the pictures that were taken yesterday go to the following website:

User Name:� No Kidding
Password:� Stratum� (both user name and password are CasE SPecIFIC)

Looking forward to seeing everyone again soon!


Hi Everyone!���Craps

This past weekend was our May Event held in LAS VEGAS!!! �This was the second year in a row we took a NoKidding! Group trip to Vegas. While most of us did have our own agenda for parts of the trip, we did make time to hang out together and have a great time. We dined at many buffets (however, the calories eaten in Vegas did not stay in Vegas as promised by one of our members!!! �In fact, I came home with an additional 3 pounds - and I'm not talking English money here!!)
Some members partied it up our first night at a sports bar to watch the Play Offs while downing tasty and quite potent frozen concoctions!!!� And since we stayed downtown, we got a lot of drinks/food/accommodations at very low prices.� Some enjoyed the downtown light show on Freemont Street as well as a classic car show. Others ventured out to The Strip to enjoy large production shows such as Cirque di Soli's KA, front row seats for Celine Dion, Folies Berge and, ahem..........................even Crazy Girls!!� (Hey, it's Vegas. You gotta see some of those risqu� shows!!!).� Some stayed out to all hours of the morning cuz, IS Vegas!!� As some were just getting "Home", others were just rising to encounter another day of fun and exploration of hotels and gaming tables!!�
One of the best bars we went to was the RumJungle located inside Mandalay Bay.� They had quite the yummy selection of speciality drinks which I highly recommend!!��We sat at the bar and socialized with EVERYONE in there (including the most awesome bartender, Greg) and just had such a great time meeting new people!! �We also attended a hysterical comedy show at the Tropicana followed by a few hours of late night Karaoke. �Laura & Michael were our star performers singing various numbers to our rowdy cheers and applause!! �They did an excellent job of keeping the audience entertained!!! �Those who didn't Karaoke, found a lounge also at the Tropicana with a band to enjoy live music!!!����
Hula Dancer�As a bit of a sad note, this was also a final farewell to Rob & Laura who will be moving to Hawaii very soon.� You two will be dearly missed by all of us.� ALOHA!����

Hi Everyone!���Chinese Flag������������������������������������������������������� April 7, 2006
What an awesome turnout we had for last night's Dinner Event held at the Silk Rode in Chandler. Welcome to newbees Trish & David (who traveled from practically another state to meet us!!). And welcome to Lynn & John C. (not to be confused with Regulars Lynne & John B.). We also had a very special guest - our WebMaster, Amy Luciano (aka Michael's way cool mom)!!!� Amy recognized many of you from the pictures she posts for us, and it was nice to associate "real people" to those pictures.
Thank you Laura Thompson for coordinating this gala event which included not only a delicious buffet of Chinese cuisine but also included having the entire restaurant to ourselves.� Most of us arrived early to participate in the happy hour and devour some yummy appetizers.� There was plenty of socializing from us in the bar area.� Then we ventured to the other side of the restaurant and were seated at the longest table I've ever seen!! In fact, I had to call NJ Liz on her cell phone just to talk to her!! Just Shorts (oooops, I mean Just Steve) thought he worked there as he decided to serve SOME of us (hey, what about the rest of us buddy!!!).� After dinner was over, everyone hung out and continued to talk, laugh and new friendships were definitely forming. It's absolutely wonderful when you have such a large meeting space in which to socialize and move around freely.
I spoke with Regular Lynne (who, by the way, was celebrating her cageless birthday with us last night) regarding the Laser Tag Event and�she's definitely moving forward with that.� Lynne is just working on getting the date locked in. Lastly, we may have a volunteer to organize a Single's Event just for you Singles, which will hopefully take place in June.

��Comedian�Hi Everyone!���������������������������������������������March 19, 2006
28�of us attending the live improv comedy show performed by the JesterZ at Theater 168 last night in Scottsdale.� �Welcome to newbee, Carol, who has shared in our horror stories of "The Psycho Pet Sitter" (insert dramatic bom bom bommmmmmmmmmm).����
Director�We laughed and chuckled and many from our group participated in offering suggestions to the cast.� Lynne was given advice on how to stop John from stealing her pillows at night (let us know how that goes, Lynne!!!); Liz III (oooooop, someone's got a new nicknammmmme) had her profession of a Human Technical Analyzer, III (what?????- something like that) acted out on stage, and Christine laughed to hysterics when the cast performed as New Yorkers.�(But I wonder if any of them�can say "coffee" was well as Christine can!!).�
After the show, some of us braved the�loud��Beer Drinker�environment of a nearby bar.� Although it was hard to hear in there,�everyone enjoyed the wide variety of microbrewery beer selections.� HEY, you don't have to have ears to enjoy a good brewsky!!� This, however,�lead to a discussion of WHEN to host monthly Mixers.� Although many are in favor of Mixers instead of Dinners, the DAY�in which to�host them is in question.� Fridays may be a bad choice because we are such a�large group and venues tend to be busier on Fridays.� Plus, people want to go home after work to pick up their significant others and have a bite to eat.........�so a Happy Hour time frame might not work.� Who knows. Maybe we'll have our Mixers (but not to be construed as a Happy Hour) on Saturdays as during the week is hard for some (including myself).� NO WORRIES - �I'll work it out but at least we know we still and will always have our THIRD SATURDAY of the month EVENT. That won't change as that has worked out simply fabulous for the last 3 years!!����

Lisa Casablanca
NK! Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Coordinator

Wedding Dress� Hi Everyone!���Tuxedo Flower��������������������������� February 19, 2006
MANY THANKS go out to Shannon & Blake for hosting last night's Prom Party Event at their home!!!� This was a much better time than most of us had at our "real" Proms!!!� Welcome to newbees Roxanne and also to Robert!�
About half of�us dressed formal�while the other half�displayed a�creative fashion sense!� Shannon was a pregnant promer Pregnant Smileyand Blake was her�mullet-haired escort.��Male Entertainer 10���Michele & Roger were dorks (every school had one), Goofy�and Donna & Steve K. wore T-shirt imitation costumes of a cheerleader��Cheerleader�and a tuxedo shirt.�Jeff & Sue won for Best Costume in their�roaring 20's gangsta and flapper outfits!!�By a landslide of votes, we�elected�Blake & Shannon to be the King & Queen of the Prom!!� Although, judging from one of our pictures, I'd say Just Steve entered his own kingdom as he was�surrounded by princesses!��Adding to the ambiance of the evening,�our photographer�snapped "formal" portraits of each of us in front of the�slitted orange draped background and the "2006 Prom" star signs.
Later we danced and sang�upbeate Karaoke songs. Michael did a splendid job as he started us off with one of his many favorite Frank Sinatra tunes.� It was�impressive to see�so�many of you grab the mic�to display your outstanding vocal talents!!!� I'll let you know when our craziness (aka pictures)�gets posted to the website.����Singer 3

Lisa Casablanca
NK! Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Coordinator

Hi�Everyone!!���Groundhog's Day
Thursday, Groundhog Day-night,�was our Monthly Dinner which was held at Gordon Bierche in Tempe.�Welcome to our newbees Jan & Jim and also to Bill.� We had a lot of J's that night:� Jerry, Jerry, Joan, Jeff, Jason, Jan, Jim & Just {Steve}.��We also had some "D's":� Dr. Liz, Dave, Dan, Donna�& David. Cambell's alphabet your heart out!��
We had a lot of laughs�(thank you, Laura, for the striptease, and NJ Liz for your humor) and GREAT conversations.�We actually discussed our Child-Freedom Choice, which is so seldom�talked about,�but definately worthy of mention.�
Lastly, thank you to those who, unfortunately, had to cancel but told me a few days beforehand. I was able to let in 6 people from the Waiting List because of the advance notice!�
Have a great weekend!!!�� Lisa

Lisa Casablanca
NK! Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Coordinator

Hi Party People!��Walking 2��������������������������������������������� January 22, 2006
THANK YOU to Laura and Rob for hosting last night's Poker�& Board Game Party at their home!! What excellent hosts�they�were for�this Event, and what a fantastic�turn out we had!!!� Welcome to newbees Chelsea and to Rebecca and potential newbees Claire & Jim.
There were three games going at once. In the kitchen, the Poker fanatics were betting high stakes and risking it all.�High energy was found in the living room�with�colossal vocabulary�wizards�engrossed in a�Taboo championship! (Ohhhhhhhh,�be careful of that dreaded buzzer).� Meanwhile, the�upstairs loft was home to many�superb and quite comical�pantomimers in the fast pace game of Guessters. No matter what�games people preferenced, the verdict was unanimous.............WE ALL HAD�SUCH A FUN TIME!!!� So, any volunteers to host another�Poker/Game�Party at his/her home perhaps this summer or in the fall???� Interested candidates should apply within!
Lisa��Flirty 2
Lisa Casablanca
NK! Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Coordinator

Hi Everyone!��Italian Restaurant���������������������������������� January 7, 2006
We had a good time Thursday at the Olive Garden. Welcome to newbee, Dan Ooooo! When Just Steve walked into our private dining room (yes, we had our own room!! COOL), we all yelled "STEVEEEEE"!� Isn't it nice to be recognized with such enthusiasm.� We talked a lot about our animals this time.� It was especially amusing to hear how Liz & Dave's cat was able to defrost the fridge and turn on the gas stove!! And Dan Oooooooooo's cat, Kaos, was literally rescued from Jaws (he was being eaten by a dog when Dan arrived in time to save his life - THANK GOD!!).� Lynne & John shared their newest Christmas toy......a Baby Catapult with play pen and bulls-eyes!! Very funny and perhaps we can convince them to bring that new toy to�Laura & Rob's�Poker/Game party on the 21st!!� 14 people joined us for the Ceremonial Balloon Release this time!

Lisa Casablanca
NK! Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Coordinator

Hi Everyone!���Brunch
We just got back from Brunch at the Hilton Mesa and what a great venue this turned out to be!!!� There were 26 of us and we got our own private room, which was perfect cuz we are a loud, rowdy group and we could shut the door so as to�not disturb the�other patrons. In fact,�10�of us stayed LONG after�everyone else left and laughed our asses off!!�I dished the dirt, Debbie kept us amused with her wit, NJ Liz & Dan always on ONNNNN and recounted the story of their first meeting (which was hysterical), CZ - a possible new dog mama?, Dave & Liz and the dreaded Pet Sitter, Sandra & John finding out ALLLLLL about our craziness and�Fairly New�Cyndi just realized what she has signed�herself up for�(and did a damn good job in the Ceremonial Balloon Release!)
The food was delicious and we all went back for seconds and thirds.� Amy C. celebrated her birthday with us so we made sure to sing good and loud and make her feel special on�her day.� I even knocked her on the head several times with the special Birthday Princess Wand!!� OHHH, and�Just Steve ACTUALLY has jeans and�a long sleeve shirt!!!� Looking good there, Steve!�
So, this was the last Event of the year and every year, our group just keeps getting better and better. I want to thank all the Regulars (and ill regulars) for keeping our Group growing and going strong.� You are ALL AWESOME!! CHEERS to�all of you! �
The list of Upcoming Activities will be coming to an e-mail address�near you shortly!� We are about to embark�upon our 4th year!!�
Thanks again�everyone, for making this group fantastic!
Lisa Casablanca
NK! Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Coordinator

Hi Everyone!�����Haunted House��������������������������������������������������������� October 30, 2005
Special Thanks go out to�The Batty Bennetts�for haunting (ooooo, I mean hosting) last night's October Event - a Halloween Party at their home!!!�
TombstoneThe Haunted House was decorated in Halloween spirit.� As we entered the dwelling, we saw right away that�a�car had�crashed into the garage and the "driver" was already burried in� the gravyard!!�Erie sounds petruded from the driverless vehicle.� Brave as we were though, we ventured forward to the front passage way as we fought through massive cobwebs to enter.� Everything was dark�as we were guided by candles into the party and greeted by�several spirited partygoers.�
Our hosts were horriblly underage�as they whined for their sippy cups!!��However, you would whine, too, if�DEATH (David G.) stood in the corner, not moving, watching you with flashing red eyes, petruding into your breathing soul!��Of course, DEATH was not alone in his frightful demeanor.� Mr. and Mrs. Devil (Shannon & Blake)� and�a Frightful Goul (Jerry G.)�were also around to scare us!!� Fortunately,�there was just no scaring our mello Just Stoned (Just Steve)!� GhostNJ Liz & Dan�thought it was a slumber party.�Michele seemed confused without her racket as she searched for the tennis courts!! And the women felt�no worries as Dina was there, plastic pistol and all,�to protect�us as�she was Ms. Femine Protection!��
We did have a few famous people arrive!���The Royality of All Hail Ceasor Barry & Cleopatra Cat were among the many attendees, as well as The Phanton of the Opera & his co-host, Christine (Jerry�& Joan W.). Of course, you couldn't miss Pamela Anderson's "twins" or her boytoy, Tommy Lee, (Michael & me) either!!
VampireWe had some really cute ideas like the socket & the plug (Ken & Penny), Goldilocks & Dr. Seymore Bush (Hallie & David), and Fries & Shake (Jeff & Sue).�

Later in the evening, we gathered around for a Mad Lib recreating in storyform the true events of the night. That mad lib is attached for your reading pleasure Click Here.� The Bennetts even hosted a costume contest and a Batty pinata.�
A great time was had by all and I will let you know when the pictures are posted.


Hi Everyone!���Belly Dancer������������������������������������������������������������ October 7, 2005
We really shook things up last night at our�Mixer held at Sinbads in Tempe!� �Welcome to newbees Elizabeth B. and to Heidi & Rafi and also guest, Lance!� We were seated on the floor under a large parachute awning�with our tender tushes softly�nesstled�upon�cushy pillows. Sinbads definitely has atmosphere!� The manager offered us lots of interesting tib bits about the food and the restaurant�and even shared in some minor Lebanese chit chat with Laura.�

After ordering our meal, the music came on and a belly dancer, Makara,�wiggled her hips like no body's business. Well, actually, Just Steve MADE it his business to check out her oscillating shimmer as did Joshua and Lance. How MUCH did you guys end up tipping to our dancer!!!�
After�some drinks (and NOOOO, we didn't inhale the Hookah), a few us actually got up and�quivered our hips to and fro�while receiving�wild applause from our group!!!� John K. even got a dancing lesson from our sword savvy�performer to some very modern Lebanese music or as CZ titled it "The Falafel Rap"!!� Even HE was making tips!�

It was fun night for all and it was great to do something completely different. I'll let you know when the incriminating pictures are posted to the website!�

Lisa Casablanca
NK! Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Coordinator

Hi Everyone!��Poker����������������������������������� September 18, 2005
What a tremendous success last night's Poker & Board Game party was!� Welcome to our newbews:� Brent Mo., Susie & Steve M. and Carolyn & Brent M.��We also celebrated a very special birthday for Mike Kapus - which said celebration was a complete surprise to him!� I asked�Mike to help me with one of the games and little did he know that he was soon to be dressed up in silliness while we brought out a cake and�sang Happy Birthday to him!�
We�started off the evening just socializing and enjoying the wide range of scrumptious yummies people�brought.� Some of you are outstanding chefs!!� Barry whipped up a cinnamon noodle dish�called Kugel which was ohhhhhh so yummy!!�Further, we fought to sample�Laura's shrimp array of deliciousness, especially the bacon wrapped shrimps.� Lastly, Mike Kapus created tiny little ham roll ups which were just too cute to eat, but we ate them anyway and were quite delighted!!�
Shortly thereafter,�THE GAMES BEGAN!� On one end of the room we played Pictionery & later Taboo.� We divided into teams. Team A consisting of:� Barry, Cat, Chris K., Carolyn & me. Team B consisting of Scott H., Denise & Scott M., Cal & Jenn R. �I suspect that Team�B must play in secret outside of the group because they whipped us (Team A) both times!!� We barely got a chance to play.� Look out DiVinci - these people draw circles (and onions and probably tree frogs)�around your paintings!!� Later Taboo was played and a few others (like Liz G. and Jeff & Sue J.) joined in the fun!�
In the other room, our expert Dealer, Just Steve, did an AWESOME job with hosting the Texas Hold 'em Poker Tournament!!� For those who had never played, he patiently�taught the skill and precision needed to excel at the game.�Just Steve kept the game running smoothly�for the members and for Michael who�teased Just Steve�about "burning" the cards!��The big winnings were John B., John K.� Rob T., and new�poker player,�Hallie!!� For the second round, our Debbie stepped up to the�task and assume the magnificent role of DEALER.��Deb did an�exceptional job of running the game!!
A�great time was definitely had by all, and we�certainly hope to�host another Poker/Game Night early next year.�
MIXER:� Thursday, October 6: Sinbad's in Tempe (25 people limit)
EVENT:�Saturday, October 29:� Halloween party in Gilbert

Hi Everyone!��Cheers
What an incredible turnout we had last night for our August Event - Wine Tasting & Dinner at the Kokopelli Winery in Chandler!� Welcome to our newbees:� Karin & Eric C., Donna J. & Phil, and Jerry & Joan W.!!!� Since there were 40 of us, we were seated at�5 different tables.� We sampled an array of wines of our choosing and then enjoyed a scrumptious dinner while being�entertained by a wonderful jazz band.� I understand that the Margarita wine was quite delicious!� And the�champagne wine and white Merlot was�a bit hit, too.
Thank you all for coming out and sharing in a very lovely evening!� (OOOO, there's that lovely word again).� I'll let you know when the pictures get posted to the website.
MIXER:� Thursday, September 1:�� Dinner at Macayos Depot Cantina in Tempe
EVENT: Saturday, September 17:� Poker/Board Game party in Ahwatukee

Hihahahahahahah Everybody!! ROTFL
We laughed our asses off last night�at�our June Event held at�the Tempe Improv! Welcome to newbees Saundra and newbees newlyweds Denise & Scott M.!!� Bob Saget was the headliner and he was NOTHING like his sweet, wholesome, goody goody character from Full House. In fact, he was the complete opposite!!� This definitely was not a show for the timid. �He talked about his life as "Danny Tanner", doing the America's Favorite Home Video show (and the videos�the audience NEVER saw), his "delightful" ex-wife, his kids,�poked fun of a few audience members who were worthy of�this abuse and even ended the show with some�hysterical musical tunes he played on his guitar.�
On another note......We discussed�a few possible�Event ideas, and although we are booked�up with Events through the end of the year, one in particular which�was suggested (Sinbads restaurant which has belly dancing and Hookah)�sounds intriguing and will be explored�for a possible Event early next year.�
NON MIXER MIXER:� Thursday,�July 7 -�� Go Kart Racing at F1 Raceway in Phoenix�
EVENT:�������������������� Saturday, July 16 -� Attending the play "Late Nite Catechism II"
��������������������������������������������������������������� in Scottsdale �

Hi Everyone!��Woohoo
Last night we hosted an Event JUST FOR THE SINGLES at Martini Ranch in Scottsdale!� Welcome to Newbees Robin, Tammi and Guest Dana and�Guest Carlos!� Also there was Joshua, Just Steve, Scott H., Nick., Rob A., Dave S., Patrick, Michele G., Amy C., Shari, Juli Ann�and of course, our Debbie!!!��Before the Event, I asked everyone to fill out a Questionaire (Fun Survey) of general information about themselves to help with the introductions.� However, it apparently wasn't even necessary because everyone was so friendly and happy to�mingle, mingle,�mingle on their own.�In fact, you know it's a good Single's Event, when the coordinator and her hubby leave and most of the members are still there!!!�

Lisa Casablanca
NK! Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Coordinator

Buon Giorno!!���Italian Flag������������������������������������������������������������������� May 22, 2005
We had a Molto Bene time last night at Buca di�Beppo's (hey, I finally spelled it right)�in Mesa!� Welcome to newbees Michele G.�and to Lisa & Monty!� Fun facts about Michele is that she used to run one of the Chapters in Washington State!! It's always a pleasure to have former Chapter members join us here in Phoenix.� Also, congrats to Christine Z.�on her new job which is huge Step Up in the world.� You ROCK Girl!!!�
Not only did we have a scrumptious dinner but we got a show, too, courtesy of funny lady Debbie who kept us laughing with one comment after another!��Conversations were flowing and�nobody wanted to leave after dinner. In fact, I was surprised how late it was when I finally checked my watch.� �
But, alas, the evening did come to a close.� Unbeknownst to them, the ceremonial balloon release was turned over to some drunk men in the parking lot who very much wanted our pink & blue ("It's a Boy) balloons.� They released the balloons high in the air - all except one, which they tied to their car.� I wonder if it lasted through their drive home!
No June Mixer
Saturday, June 11:� Single's Event at Martini Ranch in Scottsdale
Saturday, June 18:� Comedy at Tempe Improv (Announcement for this going out tomorrow - and you'll have only one week to get those RSVP's in)
Lisa Casablanca
NK! Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Coordinator

Hi Everyone!

We had a Fab time last night at Sugar Daddy's in Scottsdale for our May Mixer!! Sugar Daddy's has always been a NK! favorite hangout because we are free to move around and socialize with everyone......even those who were stuck at the "Kiddie Table" made the rounds!!! Congrats go out to Dave E. for his NEW PROMOTION as manager at "The Wide". You Go DAVE!!! And Congrats to Debbie for her "Moving On Up" responsibilities at her job. Also, I would personally like to thank Jeff & Sue for rearranging their schedules just so that they could hang out with us last night!!! Yeaaaa Jeff and Sue!!

Although most left after dinner, Dan & Liz, Just Steve and Michael & I stayed on for more fun and laughing!!! As always, we had our "Ceremonial Balloon Release" (which is the last thing we do before we leave). This is Michael's favorite part of the evening and we always enjoy this time as his balloons have a tendency to get misplaced in a tree!!! As an added bonus, Dan & Steve participated in their first "Ceremonial Release" and did a spectacular job! It doesn't take much to make us happy!!!

Thanks to all who were able to join us last night!!


Hi Everyone!

Well, we're back from Las Vegas and we had a FABULOUS time!!! But remember, what happens in Vegas.................................doesn't stay in Vegas cuz YOU need to hear all about our trip!! There were 24 outrageous attendees who arrived excited and ready for all the festivities that awaited. All of us (New Jersey Liz and her friend Lori, Amy C., Chris & Mike, Ricki & Mike, Liz & Dave, Jan & John, Christine & Jerry, Debbie, Lynne & John and their friends Gretchen & Carrie, Cat & Barry, Michael & I and our friends Mark and Lisa B.) arrived on Friday at various times throughout the day as some people drove, some flew and one unfortunately got stranded at the Hoover Dam and swam the rest of the way!!!

Friday night we met up at The Carnival Court located at Harrah's. This was an outdoor venue with live music. The music, although loud, was great, however shortly after our arrival, a vicious wind blew into town which sent chills down our spines thus causing us to move to location number 2 about an hour earlier than planned. Even booze couldn't keep us warm at this point!! No problem. Off we headed to McCormick & Smicks (just off the strip) to take over the bar area by kicking out any non-NoKidding! customers (cuz we're rude like that, you know!! - I'm teasing). Laughter was in abundance as it being our first night there, everyone was in great spirits as we hadn't yet had a chance to lose any money at the gaming tables!!! Leave it to us to overstay our welcome as we got kicked out of the bar because it was closing time and the employees actually wanted to go home!!! So, while some of us called it a night at that point, others with boundless energy ventured downtown for some dice rolling, video pokering and black jacking madness!!!

Saturday afternoon was filled with a variety of activities!!! Some didn't get their fill of gambling from the previous night and hit the casinos with a vengeance. Others par-ed off to the golf course for some putting green goodness, some went shopping and hotel exploring, some literally chilled by the pool and two of us indulged in the utmost relaxing massage and spa experience. Later that night the group met up again for a buffet dinner followed by a comedy show at the Tropicana that was awesome!!! Keeping with our natural form, we were rowdy each time the host mentioned Phoenix. With the night still young (HEY, it was only 10 p.m. at this point), we once again split into smaller groups and did individual activities. The gamblers hit the tables and machines while some of the rest of us shook our grove things and danced the night away at Studio 54 inside the MGM!!!

Sunday morning, recovering from hangovers, we donned our NoKidding! Vegas T-Shirts and met up for one final time for a Margarita brunch at Gardunios inside the Palms Hotel. We ended the afternoon by toasting one another for such a fun weekend and hugged our goodbyes.

This was an absolutely fun trip and I'm very happy that so many of you were able to attend this awesome NoKidding! weekend!!! My thanks to all of you outgoing and crazy people that make this group the best it can be!!!

If any of you are interested - souvenir T-Shirts are still available at - just type "No Kidding" in the search box and select your size and style (thanks to John and Lynne for the great design).


Mixer: WEDNESDAY, May 4th at Sugar Daddy's. Details coming soon . Event: Saturday, May 21. Would any of you be interested in planning our May Event? Anyone, Anyone???


Like OMIGOD Dudes and Dudetts!

I'm convinced that you are all a bunch of crazy, TOTALLY fun people!!! Last night was our March Event - a groovy and bitchen 70-80's party at Michael's and my house. Welcome to and high fives go out to newbee Nick S. and newbee Dave S. for showing up in "costume" for their very first adventure with us!!! Lots of you were dressed in the attire of our once loved era and I took several pictures for the website. I'll let you know when they are posted.

Members arrived to the party to the tunes of Disco and later 80's alternative pop music. Decorations were all the rage as follows: The lava lamp looked like it contained a mushed Papa Smurf. Of course keeping with the 70's theme we had to burn incense. Michael had placed albums from the eras on the stair cases to bring our memories back to a place in our "youth". Also, we had signs all over of expressions once said, television show & music memories and even some trivia. We stung peace beads in the kitchen and had tye dyed plates and napkins.

Creativity was quite the fashion for those who dressed the part!! Donna was awesome in her Olivia Newton John "Let's Get Physical" look!!!! And newbee Nick was reminiscent of the hair bands from the 80's!!! Paul's ohhhh too much polyester pants were whiter than snow and Michael looked like a missing member of an alternative band complete with a Members Only jacket!!! Debbie was the Disco Queen in her 70ish garb and curly wig and Christine Z. took us back to the days of leggings with boots. Dave E. reminded us how preppys tied their sweaters around their necks while other half Liz was Valley Girlish complete with leggings! Ricki was colorful in her flowery pantsuit while Camille had the space aged 80's attire. Of course, there's nothing like a magenta suit proudly worn by Steve K. Me, I chose punk rock complete with a dog collar and attempted blue hair.

Later in the evening we passed around pictures of what we once looked like. Paul wins for most improved!!! And Christine Z. wins for best 80's fun look!!

LOST & FOUND: The following items were left behind. Please let me know if they belong to you: 1. A brown jacket containing NO MONEY!!! The Nerve!!! Haha 2. A red igloo cooler 3. A few pictures (First communion - which I think might be Ricki???)

UPCOMING: 15 of us are heading out to Vegas next month. This trip takes the place of our April Mixer and Event. There's still time to sign up and join the fun in Vegas if you are interested. Otherwise, I'll see you all in May - details for May Mixer and Event will be forthcoming as soon as I plan something!


Lisa Casablanca
NK! Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Coordinator

UPCOMING:  Mixer:   Thursday, March 3:   RedFish Restaurant in Chandler
           Event:   Saturday, March 19:  70's - 80's Party in Ahwatukee
           Details coming to an e-mail addy near you soon!

February 20, 2005

Hi Everyone!

Where to begin!!! Last night's Pub Crawl up Mill Avenue was AWESOME!!!! First of all, let us all thank CHRISTINE Z. for organizing this absolutely FUN FUN FUN Event!!! You did a great job, Christine and we all had such a blast!!! Welcome to all the new faces we saw last night!! Those who braved the rain and joined us were: Christine & Jerry Z, Pere & Rob, The man of 1000 accents Moody & Catherine, Wild and fun Shannon & Blake, Cat & Barry, Steve & Donna, Dan, New Jersey Liz, Gary, Jan & John, Carl & Sandi, Theo, Ellen, Charlie's Angel Debbie #1, Chris & Mike (from N. Valley), Diana & Chris, Vanessa & Scott, Dancing Diva Ann & David and Michael and me!!

We started off the evening by monopolizing a section of Casey Moore's with food, drinks and introducing ourselves! Most people arrived at this venue. Then we took just a short jaunt up the street to one of our favorite watering holes, Gordon Biersh. Since the bar area was a little crowded, we took over one of their outside patio areas. It's amazing how many people you can cram onto a small patio. From there, we walked across the street to The Library which was by far the best of all our venues that night!!! The guys, of course, loved it because the waitresses (scantily clad in ultra short school girl's uniforms and fishnet stockings) gyrated and shook their goods to the sounds of disco and 80's tunes!!! Jerry showed his appreciation for the girlies' , ummmmmm, talent by continually saluting them! Then at one point, newbee Shannon jumped up on stage and showed the girlies how it's really done!!! She was outrageous and we all cheered her on. Off stage, many others from group were seen dancing it up and really having a good time - especially Debbie #1 with her Charlie's Angel's move and her rendition of "The Sprinkler"!!! And let's hear if for newbee (guest) the Dancing Diva Ann! Next we moved onto Rio Salado wherein New Jersey Liz, who had never played Darts before, taught Dan how to hit a bullseye (Beer is a really good teacher!). We ended the night with live music at Rula Bula's where once again, some of the members were out on the dance floor having a great time!!!

This was by far one of our best Events!!! And I hope that Christine (hint hint) will organize another one over the summer!!!


Greetings!!!spacerspacerspacerFebruary 4, 2005

So where were you last night while many of us were at El Paso BBQ in Ahwatukee ?!!! Welcome to newbees: Matt (other half of Jen), Jan & John, Jamie & Sarah, Jeff & Sue and Tracy! Also there were Aggie, New Jersey Liz, Ask Me The Time Sheri, Danny Boy, Kristie, Cool Travels Liz & Dave, Rickie & Mike, Diana with her FAB new Do & Chris, Kari & Mike and my Michael - Boozie the Clown.

Great conversations were had by all even though I totally botched up everyone's names during the Introductions. Later in the evening, we surprised Mike (Rickie's other half) with a birthday yummy treat and of course, the best damn version of HAPPY BIRTHDAY that any pairs of lungs have ever belted out!! Unfortunately at evening's end, Michael carried the pink/blue balloons outside for the traditional release but they "completely missed the sky", noted Dan!!! Yep, the balloons are probabaly still hanging around the palm tree just outside the restaurant. THANKS everyone, for making our group a fun place to be!

See you at the Pub Crawl on February 19! Lisa

Hi Everyone!

Thanks to all (primarily singles this time) who were able to make it out to Skip & Jan's Sports Bar to play pool last night for our January Event. WELCOME TO NEWBEES Catherine & Barry who fit right in immediately! We discovered that Steve C., as well as Catherine & Barry, play pool extremely well. We had two tables and we all took turns bouncing the balls off the tables (isn't that how you play pool???). The Event worked out well as everyone was free to move around and socialize with each other. The photographer from The East Valley Tribune was there to photograph us for the upcoming article. I'll let you know when we get published!

Later, we went into the bar for Karaoke and were delightfully entertained by Scott who sang "Secret Agent Man" (while one of us, whose semi-tipsy behavior will go unmentioned, was his go-go dancer). Then Irregular Debbie brought back memories of the late 70's with her rendition of "The Love Boat". Captain Stubbing would be proud.

A member asked me last night if I get paid for being the coordinator and just in case anyone else is wondering.....the answer is NO. Not one Penny (or even a Ken). This is a volunteer job that I love doing! What I do get out of it are the true friends I have made through this group and that has made moving to Phoenix a great experience. I also find joy in seeing that others of you are also making friends and hanging out with one another whom you may not have ever met outside of the group. So if any of you would like to pay my mortage and other bills, just let me know!!! hahaha - Thank goodness I do have a paying job!!



MIXER: Thursday, Feb. 3: El Paso BBQ In Ahwatukee at 7:00 p.m.
EVENT: Saturday, Feb. 19: Pub Crawl in Tempe hosted by Christine & Jerry Z.

Hi Everyone!

I have one thing to say about last night's Mixer at Gordon Bierch in Tempe: The Thingymaggigy at the Hootchamawoba!!!" Thank you to all who were able to join us: Samantha, Aggie, Debbie, Jerzy Liz, Ivan, Steve C., Distinguised Dave & Liz, Christine & JerZZZ, DoDoHeadLynne & John and Pete & Lidia!! Sampling of Gordon B's array of beer was a must for some; this of course, after (a few of you were) getting carded (even Dave with his new beard had to show & tell)!!! Such cooperation was intact as moaning and groaning ensued while trying to get you all up off your butts for a group picture which has been posted to: - look under the Photos Link for January Mixer, 2005. Naturally, with this group, sarcasm was the theme for the evening with LOTS of laughter and teasing of one other!!! Lastly, the SINGLES win again for staying the longest at the Mixers. I think they outlast the couples by at least an hour!!! Party on Singles!!!

We discussed the upcoming Vegas trip and it seems that many of you are very excited about it! Look for the Vegas Itinerary to come out this weekend!!


Hi Everyone!

Our December Mixer last night was held at Macayos in Tempe and what a turn out we had!!! Welcome to all our newbees: New Jersey Liz, Kristie, Jennifer, Tina, Steve (at last!!!) and Heather & Tony! Also there adding to the comotion were: Michael, Dan, Scott, Shari, Aggie, Pam, Amy & Lawrence, Lynne & John, Dave & Liz, Kristine & Stephen, and Pete & Lidia!!! WHEW!! Another great Mixer was had by all, and I'm happy to report that a few people exchanged phone numbers and will be hanging out this weekend. See, Instant Friends (Just add hot water and stir!). Those of you who still have not attended an Event or Mixer need to come on out and meet us. New people show up all the time and friendships are forming.

There will not be a December Event this month as it's too close to Christmas.
The January Mixer/Event are as follows:

Thursday: January 6 - Gordon Bierch in Tempe
Saturday: January 15 - Pool and Karoke at Skip & Jan's Billards in Tempe

The Announcements for these activities will go out soon. Stayed turned to a computer e-mail near you!!


I'm getting together with the Vegas Planning Committee next week and then the Pub Crawl Coordinators the week after. I'll have dates secured for both of these Events before month end and will then generate a listing of Upcoming Mixer/Events for the next several months (so that you can plan accordingly!!).


Thank you ALL for making our group the success that it has become. And special thanks go out to Christine & Jerry and Gemma & Chris for opening up their homes to us this year for parties. I feel very fortunate to have you all in this group because your participation and your friendships makes it great!!



Hi Everyone!

WOW!! We had a lot of crazy fun last night at our Extreme Bowling Event in Chandler! Welcome to Newbee Shari S.! We started the evening in the bar and was immensely entertained by some of our members expressing their karaoke abilities! Keith sang "867-5309" (Good thing he doesn't have dyslexia!). He also sang "Whip It" and was accompanied by Michael doing the Devo Dance. Debbie H. belted out " Hit Me With Your Best Shot". Lynne, the Injured One, did her rendition of "When Will I Be Loved?". Then together, Lynne and Debbie sang to John "I Think I Love You". It made John feel just like Keith Partridge!!! Michael, always the clown, performed as Elvis gyrating to "Hunk-a-Hunk-a Burning Love" Of course, no Elvis song would be complete without the backup dances of the Elvisetts (courtesy of Christine Z. and me). Lastly, Uncle Scott impressed us by his tune of "Only The Good Die Young" (or marry young in Billy Joel's case!). This was really fun and I'll have to put together a Karaoke Event. If anyone knows of any fun Karaoke places, please let me know.

Next, was our Extreme Bowling with the lights turned low, strobe lights flashing, and music blaring. Of course, when Jerry arrived, he needed to know where to put his "big blue balls"! (Don't ask, just laugh!). We divided up into three groups and displayed our unique techniques. Jerry has the butt stance down to perfection! Dan and Pam preferred to bowl shoeless. Michael found humor in running up behind people right before they bowled! Lynne promised John something if his score was high; however, we never did find out the REAL promise as Debbie and I were too busy covering our ears!! Many people did quite well, including Keith, Kristine S., Dan, John (who else?? I didn't see the scores from the first Team 3).

We took MANY pictures for the website (including a new group shot) CLICK HERE TO VIEW THEM.


Thursday, November 4: Mixer at Sugar Daddy's in Scottsdale
Saturday, November 20: Ice Skating in Chandler
The Announcements for these will go out in a few weeks.

Lisa Casablanca
NK! Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Coordinator

Hi Everyone!

18 of us laughed it up last night during the hysterical antics of the JesterZ's!! What a talented group of people!! Welcome to newbees Ricki & Mike and also to Diana. Also there were my Michael, Debbie #1 Regular, Debbie #2 New Orleans, Shari, Janet & Jon, Christine & Jerry, Dave & Liz, Lynne & John and Sandy & Chris. (Are you keeping track of our usual NAME REPEATS: 2 Mikes, 2 Debbie's, 2 Chris's, 2 Jon's or John's!!!)

Leave it to Lynne to call attention to our row as we happily, with giggles, stood up and did the wave a few times before the show. Hey, that's ok cuz the players encourage fun behavior from the audience before the show starts to get everyone in a rowdy, fun mood. Our group was also announced and welcomed, too!!! We love GOOD publicity so thank you for spreading the word Janet!!! Lynne also participated in a group question forum asking how Debbie #1 might go about finding a date for the evening. I think we are all in agreement that Debbie needs to date the "Sumo Wrestler"!!!

After the show, most of us went to the bar next door for a drink and more socializing.


Hi Everyone! 
We had a splash at the water park yesterday!  Welcome to newbies Debbie "New Orleans" (since we already have a Debbie
Regular!), Shari and Melissa & Chuck.  We got lucky in that the park wasn't inundated with people and the temps outside
were quite tolerable.  Also, no monsoons in sight!! 
Somehow, though, we lost Melissa & Chuck. I've NEVER misplaced members before!!! OOOPS!  Melissa must have have gone back
to the front to reclaim her confiscated Slim Jim!!  One by one we pushed and showed kids and parents out of the way as we
made our way up to the slides. (Just kidding - I'm trying to see if you are actually reading this summary!)  Kristine &
Steve showed their adventurous side by tackling the Insane Slide.  (It was a U shaped apparatus that encouraged fast and
high sliding).  But they survived with big smiles!  And the rest of us enjoyed the refreshing water and twisting, turning
sliding surprises as well as relaxing in the lazy river! 

NEXT MONTH:  Saturday, September 18 - Improv Comedy at the JesterZ's in Scottsdale.  Details coming soon.

Lisa Casablanca 
NK! Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Coordinator

Hi Everyone! Here's the information for our September Mixer! WHEN: Thursday, September 2 WHERE: RedFish Seafood Grill and Bar (Cajun Menu) TIME: 6:30 p.m. LOCATION: 2530 West Chandler Blvd. in Chandler 480-821-1455 (Just a little East of the 101 and Chandler Blvd. - North Side of street) WEBSITE: RSVP: PLEASE RSVP so that we have enough chairs at the table If you are new to us, just look for the aqua & blue balloons! Lisa (Cell: 602-410-4657)

Hi Everyone!

Here's what's upcoming for August:

MIXER: Thursday, August 5: Single's Mixer at 6:00 p.m. (for the SINGLES ONLY) at Sugar Daddy's. Announcement going out today. UPDATE Due to low RSVP's the Singles' Mixer scheduled for THIS THURSDAY (August 5th) at Sugar Daddy's is CANCELLED.

EVENT: Saturday, August 21, 2004: Sunsplash Water Park in Mesa at 4:00 p.m. Details coming soon to an e-mail address near you!



Last night was by far one of our best Events ever!! Many thanks go out to Gemma and Chris W. for hosting a party at their home! There were 25 of us altogether and WELCOME to newbees Theo and also to Anna!

Everyone was talking, laughing and just having a fun time; especially during our game of Pictionery! We divided up into four teams calling ourselves The Funky Divas, The Mephisis Mafia, The Silver Platters and The Nuts!!! Michael L. was the MC/host and was a natural funny man keeping us organized and ready for our turns. For some of us, our art work didn't display the true beauty of our deeply hidden talents; for others, like Pere, artistic ability was innate and she did a great job on all her masterpieces. The Mephisis Mafia (Chris W., Michael S., Rob and Jerry) always gave a "high five" when they guessed correctly; while others from the Silver Platters (Janet, Jon, Tammy & Anna) jumped up and down at correct answers!! The Nuts team (Christine, Pere, Chris L. and myself) gave up after 2 hours and instead dipped our feet in the pool outside. Tearing it up were the Funky Divas (Lynne, Debbie, Pam and Gemma) excelling in excellance, and I think won the game?? It must have had something to do with Debbie's special tootsie roll dance and floor roll!

Later, after the marathon game, we all relaxed outside on the patio in the surprisingly comfortable night air. We especially enjoyed Gemma & Chris' sweet, friendly and precious children - two adorable Labradors. One of the labs is an excellent swimmer and when she exited the pool, she stood away from everyone before shaking out. What a wonderfully polite furbaby!! Pictures were taken for the website and I'll let you know when they are posted.


Hi Everyone!

Here's what's coming up for July:

THURSDAY, July 1: Mixer at Macayos Depot Cantina in Tempe
SATURDAY, July 24: Party at Gemma & Chris' in Ahwatukee

Details coming soon!!


Special thanks go out to Christine & Jerry for hosting last night's WACKY SHIRT party at their place! Some of the best shirts were worn by: Stephen - who donned a silky, colorful, psychedelic 70's looking shirt; Michael who wore 2 very funny obnoxious shirts which I won't discuss on the website!!!; Gemma who made us not sure if we wanted to touch her or vaccuum her (Hey Gemma, the 80's called and they want their carpeting back!!); Dave who was,'ll have to ask him about his shirt sometime. Apparently it was a wedding gift; Liz who was able to find a shirt entitled "Daveology - the Study of Dave" (who just so happens to be her husband); and let's not forget Joshua who was hot hot hot!!!

The food was yummy cuz straw hat Jerry is a quite the cook! You know a party is going well when people don't leave until all the food has been consumed!!


Hi Everybody!

Last night a few of us (Paul & Camille, Jannette & Mike, Michael, Ron, the new Uncle Scott, and Christine) attended Tempe Little's Theater's production of West Side Story. The musical inspired us all so much that we have decided to put together our own version of WSS and call it East Side NK! Story!! Yep, our "gang" will be the "Childfreeres" and the opposing gang will be deemed "The Breeders"! Sing with me now to our favorite song (to the tune of 'Maria")..............'Breeder, I just met a Breeder who's pregnant'...lalalalalalalala. And during the brawl on the street, our weapon of choice will, OF COURSE, be birth control because we want to protect ourselves!!!

Other tid bits: Congrats to Camille who will be graduating and obtaining her MASTER'S DEGREE in Business in only 8 weeks!! You go Girl.

We also found out that not only did Scott become an Uncle for the first time last week! Congrats!


MAY MIXER - Thursday, May 6th - Drinks, etc. at Gordon Biersch in Tempe[MAP]
MAY EVENT - Saturday, May 15th - Dinner at Riazzi's Italian Garden in Tempe [MAP]
Details for both of these functions will be e-mailed to you shortly.


Lisa Casablanca
NK! Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Coordinator

Hi Everyone!

We had a GREAT turnout and fun time at the April Mixer held at Gordon Biersche in Tempe on Thursday night! Welcome to newbees Sharon and her friend Michael. Also there was my Michael (minus his nose ring this time!!!), Amy, Gary, Dan, Rob, Debbie, Lynne & John, Dianna & Chris, Liz & Dave and Kristine & Stephen.

Special thanks go out to Lynne for Pre-hosting the Mixer until I could arrive although I'm curious why she sucked the air out of one of my balloons along the way!!! I swear I gave her THREE full balloons before the Mixer, but only two were flying when I arrived!!! Some people just drank (boozies!!!) and some had dinner and drinks!!! Dan (can you hear me now?) couldn't decide between having a salad or having pizza so he ordered a salizza/pizzald and had the two combined!!! It looked, well, rather interesting!!! Amy showed us her creative talents by making interesting shapes out of our napkins. And Ron was on a roll that night as he went running down the street naked!! It was April's Fools Day after all!! Later, still trying to steal the show, he went out on the patio and danced for Amy and me. When Amy stuck a dollar in his jeans for a tip, she got change back!!! (Drum Drum Sibel noise - thank you, I'll be here all evening! Ok, this Is Amy joke). Back to the truth....

The couple's side of the table was busy chatting it up about their children. You know how couples can be......... always discussing their kids - the furry ones that is!! It seems like many of us are cat people and have funny stories to share. They were also exchanging phone numbers which means friendships were being formed!!! This is perhaps my favorite part of being with this group when I see new friendships developing!!!

And I'd like to give special recognition to Liz for rescheduling her eye doctor appointment to be with us!!! She must love us!!! However, Gary, once again, tried to leave early as he did during our Singles Social, but we tackled him down and wouldn't let get out THIS TIME!!! In fact, I think he's still at the restaurant!!! And WHO disassembled the thermostat!!!

On a more serious note since I'm giving out special recognition, Sharon is in the reserves and serves once a month. She was even in Desert Storm. Thank YOU to all our military people who donate their time and their lives for all of us.


Lisa Casablanca
NK! Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Coordinator

Hi Everyone!

Last night was the first ever NK! East Valley Chapter's Single's Social Event ------surprisingly enough, JUST FOR THE SINGLES!!!! Thanks to all who were able to come out and join us while we sat outside in absolutely beautiful weather at Sugar Daddy's in Scottsdale. Welcome to newbees Gary, Josh and to Sean. Also there was Rob, Debbie, Elizabeth, Amy C., Scott, Pam, and Michael.

The Miss Popularity Award goes out to Amy C. for knowing just about EVERYBODY at the bar!!! Debbie gets the runner-up prize for also running into someone she knew!! Some people chatted it up while others were a little bit quiet. (That's ok. Just keep coming back and eventually it will get easier and easier to socialize with new people). Some of us are going to be continuing "the party" tonight when we attend the New North Phoenix Chapter's first Mixer!! See, you can be a part of both groups and meet lots of new people every month!!


Lisa Casablanca
NK! Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Coordinator

Hi Everyone!

Last night was our March Event at Macayos in Ahwatukee. Thanks to those who could join us: Elizabeth, Debbie, Lynne & John and their guest - Tracy, Dianna & Chris, Keli & Larry, Liz & Dave, Christine & Jerry and Michael. After feasting on our fantastico Mexican entrees, we ventured over to Copper Canyon in Chandler to hear some live music by a group called "The Cover Up's". They play 70's & 80's music. The place was a bit small, however, that didn't stop Lynne, Debbie, Tracy and Michael from creating their own dance floor and enjoying the great music!

Friday, March 26:  Singles Social Event (SINGLES ONLY PLEASE)
                            6:30 p.m. at Sugar Daddy's in Scottsdale[MAP] 
                            Please RSVP, if you haven't done so already
Thursday, April 1:  Monthly Mixer 
                            6:30 p.m. at Gordon Biersch in Tempe[MAP]
                            Details coming soon!  
                            NOTE:  This is a new day of week, place and time for us!
Saturday, April 17: Monthly Event 
                            Seeing the musical "West Side Story" in Tempe

Got an idea for an upcoming Monthly Event?? Send me your ideas. And if anyone wants to host a party at his/her place, let me know. Parties are by far the best Events!

Lisa Casablanca
NK! Phoenix - East Valley Chapter Coordinator

Hi Everyone!

Since the horseback riding Event galloped away, let's try a dinner Event instead. Here are the details:

EVENT:  Dinner 
WHEN:   Saturday, March 20 
TIME:   7:00 p.m. 
WHERE:  Macayo's Mexican Restaurant 
        12637 S. 48th Street in Ahwatukee 
        (Cross streets are 48th & Warner) 
RSVP:   Please RSVP by March 10 so that I can make reservations for us. 

If you are new to us, just look for the aqua and blue balloons! See ya there!

R.S.V.P. to [email protected]

January 2004 Highlights

January 11, 2004

Hi Everyone!

We had a BALL last night at our NK! Extreme Bowling Event!!! Welcome to newbees Charlotte, Knock em All Down David, and Andrew!

We started off the evening in the bar area and were delightfully entertained by the karaoke performances of Debbie, who sang "Hit Me With Your Best Shot (of tequila, of course!!!) " and by Jannette who sang "Angie Baby". Thank you Ladies. Well done except I'm quite horse today from hooting and hollering for you!!

Then the 18 of us broke off into three teams. The lights were off, strobe lights flashing and lots of good music to poke fun of or dance along to in between turns. Newbee David did STRIKngly well continually pulling in scores in the upper 100's. He was on a real ROLL!!! Michael had fun running up behind Gemma and me during our turns waving his arms around frantically!!! A sign of support? Perhaps - or just goofy!! And every time Mark had a good set, he'd pick up Jeanna and practically throw her up in the air!! I was waiting to see if she could do any gymnastic turns and twists while suspended!! Mike K. (aka Father Moses Time) was proud and confident every time he scored big!! The three winners of the first game (Knock em All Down David, Mike M. and Michael) became the team captains for our second round. Reverting back to high school days, we all lined up while the three captains picked their new teams!!! Could we be SPAREd no dignity?! Changing team mates, though, was a good way to mingle with others. And we were off again for another round. Expressions were limitless from frowning on gutter balls, to doing happy dances for successful turns (you go Debbie), applauding and cheering each other, high fiving, jumping up and down and just lots of fun! Congrats to the winners of the second round: Gemma, David and Mike K.!


The Wednesday Mixer: Wednesday, March 3, 2004 at Ziggy's in Tempe MAP

The Monthly Event: Saturday, February 28 - Dinner at Chevy's Restaurant HAS BEEN CANCELLED.


Lisa Casablanca NoKidding! Phoenix - East Valley Coordinator

The Halloween pictures have been posted to the website at: Halloween 2003

November 15, 2003

Hi Everyone!

Yesterday brought us absolutely perfect weather for our Horseback Riding Event as we galloped (ok more like a slow jaunt) into the sunset through the outskirts of Papago Park. Welcome to new members Joan, Janette & Mike M. and Tammy & Joe! Facing her fear, Joan bravely became one with her horse while Mark's horse's get up and go, had got up and left long before we exited the stables! Janette took command of her horse by encroaching moments of quick dashes which felt great on the tush!! And Michael entertained us by riding his horse backwards!!! It was a fun Event but too short of a ride. Next time we'll go for a couple of hours.

After the ride, some of us headed over to El Paso BBQ for some mighty fine grub. Welcome to new members Keli & Larry L., Randy and another Larry - cuz one can never have toooo many Larry's (or Mikes)!!! Dinner was yummy and conversations enticing discussing everything from the world travels of Janette & Mike to Keli's courageous techniques of killing Arizona spiders in Larry L.'s absence. It was also realized how incredibly young we girls all look thanks largely in part to being Childfree by Choice!!! Debbie surprised us by announcing her "alleged marriage" to the other Larry and Keith - whom she just met that night!!! It's amazing what sharing a piece of chocolate cake can do for a new acquaintance!!! However, not wanting the competition, Keith created a kissing moment with a cowpig!! (And we have incriminating pictures to prove his passion!). Lots of laughter was heard from the comedic side of the table (Debbie, Larry, Keith, Randy and Michael) as they discussed new inventions! And bless Chris & Mike K. as they listen to me blab on about Michael's and my upcoming nuptials! Randy parted the evening with his now famous words: "Those who sleep like a baby, don't have one"!

We talked about hosting a Dinner Event in the N. Phoenix/Peroia area. I'm all for it and will need those of you in that area to give me the name of a good restaurant with ample parking, ability to accommodate a party of about 20 and low noise level. I would also need someone in that area to be willing to show up about 10 minutes before the Event to get things started since Michael and I will have a long commute. So, send me your ideas and we'll get something planned for early next year. PHOTOS

NEXT MONTH: Closed for the Holidays! See ya in January for a bowling Event! (January 10, 2004 - the SECOND Saturday).

Phoenix Coordinator

October 25, 2003

Scary Greetings Everyone!

Special thanks go out to Kristine & Stephen for hosting last night's haunted Halloween party at their home. Welcome to Newbee Amy C. and to Guest Dan - Can you hear me now??

Approaching K&S's home, we were greeted with a line of pumpkins on the front walkway only to be frightened by a scary skeleton hanging in the doorway! As we entered the living room, we were immerced in a cobweb lined ceiling covered in spiders!!! Each arriving guest was given a Halloween name (which could be a character or horror flick actor) taped to his/her back and we were to ask yes/no questions to determine our identities. Mike K. was so good at it, that he challenged himself to guessing 6 names!!!

Some people arrived in creative costumes (at least we hope those were costumes). Gemma & Chris were quite creative with their interruption of White Trash and Pam sent us running for cover in her skunk costume. By popular vote, however, Mike K. was awarded the Best Costume Prize for his portrayal of Moses - or Father Time for those of us that just didn't get it!!! We took pictures for the website, and I will let you know when they are posted.

Later in the evening, we gathered in a circle with only a dim light as I asked each guest to help create a hauntingly ghost story! (aka a Mad Lib written especially for this Event!!). A copy of the story is attached for your viewing pleasure.

Phoenix Coordinator

Click for Mad Lib

Click for Photos

September 20, 2003

Hi Everybody!

WOW!! Last night at Aunt Chiladas at Squaw Peak was the best turnout we've had so far since this group started up nine months ago. 30 people showed up!!! WELCOME to ALL the newbees who joined us: Janet & John G., Nina & Michael K., Melinda & Ross, Rustell & Brian, Mikel F., Greg, Tall John, Steve C. and Keith. Welcome to guests Donna, Misty & Tony and Special Guest Appearance by LA Chris from the Los Angeles NK! Chapter!! Whew, I hope I got all the new people!!!

The weather was absolutely perfect for our outdoor patio socializing. We practically had the place all to ourselves and was able to talk to each other without screaming. Introductions became lengthly and tested my memory skills, so it was decided that the guys could just all be addressed as John, Steve, Chris or Mike with a 1 in 4 chance of getting the name correct!

Best wishes go out to Lynne & John who will be tying the knot next month!!! They are an awesome couple!

NEXT MONTH: Mark the date - October 25 (this is the FOURTH Saturday) Halloween Party at Kristine & Stephen's home in Mesa. Start thinking about what kind of costume to wear! Details will follow in a few weeks.

Phoenix Coordinator

August 16, 2003

Hi Everybody

FINALLY!!! I have access to my computer and most importantly, access to the world of Internet!!! My computer had a terrible virus and I was out of commission for 1 1/2 weeks!!! Thankfully, I found an expert who was able to assist (and I'd be happy to give out referral info on him if anyone needs help).

Here's the Haps of last Saturday night:

Last Saturday night 20 of us enjoyed the humorous antics of the very talented JesterZ comedians at Theater 168 in Scottsdale. Welcome to newbees, Ginger, Kristen & Stephen, and Kevin. And hello to Morgan's guests Kelly and also Ron!

Before the show, a few of the performers strutted on stage to entice audience energy! Debbie, shy girl that she is (Snork!), pranced up on stage with a fellow comedian and danced for us. Yes, I did say "fellow". It turns out that our curly haired Debbie has done stand up comedy in another lifetime! I guess that's why she always keeps us laughing. After Debbie's recital, Chris W. decided to exercise his vocal cords. He was voted "loudest yell" and therefore was granted a tub of licorice which he shared with all of us!! Thank you, Chris! The funniest comment made was directed towards our group. It was assumed that we all had dropped off our kids off at the same babysitter since we were so many of us in the group. I don't know why everyone always assumes we have kids. Can't they see that we are smiling and stressfree!

The show consisted of several games/skits similar to the TV show "Whose Line Is It Anyway". We found the funniest skits to be Around the World (Noooo - not the whip cream game!!) Dialogs, the Dating Game and, of course, the Finale wherein the comedians impressively recapped every single skit they performed into one scene!!! Now, that's talent!

After the show, about half of us went over to a near by bar for socializing. Gemma demonstrated how menus & napkins make excellent mufflers for music speakers. It definitely helped to cure Michael of his sitting next to the speaker blues!

NEXT MONTH: September 20 Aunt Chiladas at Squaw Peak

Phoenix Coordinator

July 19, 2003

Hi Everybody!

Thanks to all who made it out last night to our July Event at Sugar Daddy's in Scottsdale! That would be: Mark & Jeanna, Gemma & Chris W., Ben & Melody (who got carded at the door !!), Morgan, Harold, Simone, Pam, Debbie, Chris K. & Mike K., and Michael! Welcome to the newbees Aseem, A.J. (Don't ask him what his real name is because you won't be able to pronounce it) and Lori & Mike H.

All night long we enjoyed the music from both the outside patio Regee band and inside the club Jazz band. Some of the girls joined a conga line hosted by the outside patio band while some of us showed the inside band some love by strutting our stuff on the dance floor. Debbie, Simone and I will apparently be on the Sugar Daddy's website as we were all proudly displaying "Party Naked" tattoos which Michael so diligently slapped on our arms. Eeech. I hope I can scrub it off before work tomorrow!!

I had a very interesting conversation with the Kings of Palatine and Park Ridge! But we won't mention Chris W. or Mike H.'s names regarding this new title since they are from IllinoiSSSSSSS!!! We found out that wife and hubby Gemma and Chris W. share the same birthday (October 23)!!! And speaking of birthdays, a very Happy Birthday goes out to Debbie this Tuesday, July 22!!

As usual, anytime this group gets together, we always have a lot of laughs and fun!

NEXT MONTH, August 16: Improv comedy club at Theater 168 in Scottsdale to see the JesterZ's perform!!!

Details will go out this week as reservations and pre-payment WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THIS EVENT.

Phoenix Coordinator

Hi Everyone!���� Joker������������������������������������������November 12, 2006������������������������������������������������
Many thank yous go out to Ken & Penny for hosting last night's November Event - a Casino & Board Game party at their home!!!� Welcome to our newbees Mike D. and Justin & Mary!!� The evening started off in the kitchen cuz that's were all the good food was to be found!!� After we consumed most of it, some people headed outside�to enjoy�the beautiful night air�and play some cards games (Uno, Phase 10,�etc.).� Others pretended to be�Tiger Wood-Be's�as they put put putted on the outdoor putting lawn.� We practically had our very own Phoenix Open! �
Those of us inside were either playing poker or sitting in the living room chatting it up!!� Later in the evening�the party animal night owls got a buzzing game of Taboo started. I don't know what was more fun, however. Playing the game or getting to�obnoxiously�buzz our opponent!!!� Of course one member decided to buzz herself when she got her word wrong.� How's that for honesty!!�
We all had such a great time with our usual belly laughing and crazy outbursts!!� 3 Card Monty

June 21, 2003

Hi Everyone!

We had quite the turnout last night for the Fondue party at Simone & Scott's house!!! Welcome to newbies Ben & Melody!

We started out the evening by enjoying an array of delicious cheese fondues and an assortment of tasty meat sauces that Simone had scrumptiously whipped up. Of course, everyone was crowded around the chocolate and carmel & marshmallow dessert dips with strawberrys and wafers in hand. Everything was delicious, and we all appreciated the time and effort that was put into the preparations.

There were a few FonDon'ts: One of the ladies accidentally stuck her finger in the boiling pot of oil. Oooops. Did we run out of sticks?!! And a chocolate bar was inadvertently dropped into the oven door sleeve. No worries, though, as Paul & Rob B. came to the rescue by dismantling the door and removing the chocolate before it melted everywhere!!! Our Heroes!!

Later on Jason took command and brought our glutenous butts out on the patio for some fun games and socializing!!! During the Telephone Game, Chris apparently had Victoria Secrets on his mind while Mark and Rob A. insisted on having a full on conversation instead of just passing on the ONE sentence we were all trying to remember!! We also played a few other games, however, I still don't know what Zib Zab Zop was all about. During Truth or Dare it was discovered that SOMEONE has done nude sun bathing, had sex in the bathroom, had an embarrassing dream about another member, and acquired a rather interesting nickname in high school!!! (Names have been withheld to protect the not-so-innocent!!). Later, lots of screaming and laughing was heard coming from the laundry room as Simone and Morgan learned how to juggle while Jason played the Lebanese drums!!

Much appreciation goes out to Ben for being our BRAVE MAN as he fought for our lives and rescued us from the creepy crawley Scorpion lurking in the entranceway!!

NEXT MONTH: July 19 at Sugar Daddy's in Scottsdale for drinks and live jazz/blue's music. Details will follow in a few weeks.

Phoenix Coordinator

Hosted by