13.06.2007: Foedus Aeternus zine (FRA), is finally out! The zine contains review of "First Farewell", and comes with a compilation CD that includes the track "The Deepest Journey", along with tracks from 12 other bands (Epidemia Mortaliis, Horrors Of The Black Museum, Gnostic, Devaster, Impureza, ...).
12.06.2007: New logo, designed by Christophe . Take a look at it and read more info here.
Interview at Putrefactive Effect zine added. Read it here.
27.01.2007:Read No Hand Path's interview at Eternal Terror
webzine (NO) here.
One review added.
04.12.2006:Read No Hand Path's presentation at Zero Tolerance magazine (UK) here.
30.11.2006:Check out No Hand Path's interview at Zero Tolerance magazine (UK), issue #14!!!
More reviews added.
16.11.2006:No Hand Path at MySpace! Visit us at www.myspace.com/nohandpathgroup.
27.09.2006:You can download "First Farewell" from the "First Farewell" section under Discography.
27.09.2006:The web page of the band is up.
19.07.2006: "First Farewell", the band's first recording is released.