No Hand Path
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Interview of No Hand Path at Eternal Terror webzine (NO)

Interview of No Hand Path at Putrefactive Effect zine (FRA)

Presentation of No Hand Path at Zero Tolerance magazine (UK)


          Hailing from Greece, No Hand Path have just released their debut demo, the stunning �First Farewell�. Such is the quality of the music that the band (comprising vocalist Ramin and guitarists Vassilis and Antonis) have created, that I assumed they must have been working away, refining their metallic skills for years, but that is not the case. �The band was formed in late 2005-early 2006 by the three permanent members�, reveals Ramin surprisingly. �We were all playing music one way or another before, but No Hand Path is our first Metal child.�

            And it is certainly a child to be proud of. The songs on First Farewell blend the core elements of icy black metal with doom-laden emotion and soaring melody and are performed with a fearless confidence and a willingness to breach genre boundaries. �Black metal is our main musical influence�, Ramin agrees, �but I don�t consider No Hand Path strictly as a band of this genre, though my personal metal favorites are from the extreme metal scene. We try not to follow any cliches and deliver music exactly the way we feel, so not putting our music in boundaries was a deliberate decision. This way, all of our metal and non metal influences have their part in our creations.�

             In a typically brave move, the band have opted to conclude their first demo with a splendid, epic instrumental. �We included �The Longest Journey� because we liked it�, says Ramin simply. �We thought that it could fit very well in the sound �concept� of this recording by cleansing the listener�s mind after two much more aggressive tracks. Consider it as a kind of catharsis at the end of a piece of art.� The main difficulty of No Hand Path at the moment is their lack of a permanent rhythm section as Harris and Sotiris who have done such a fine job on the CD, are sadly only guest musicians. �Finding the appropriate rhythm section has always been a problem�, Ramin sighs. �Fortunately we found Harris and Sotiris  who are great guys, like the music we do and are also very good players. For now there aren�t any plans for finding any permanent members. You know, it�s hard to find people with all the qualities I mentioned before. To be honest, there�s nothing I want more than these two people to be permanent members.� A web presence has yet to materialize for No Hand Path, but do yourselves a favor and drop the band a line at [email protected] and find out how to get hold of the truly exceptional First Farewell.
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