The Ultimate No Goes Fansite!

Issue Guide
Team Profiles
Enemy Profiles
Game Information
Fan Work

'You know what they said? "We've already got an electric guy." Yeah, Lightning Rod! That guy can't tie his own shoes. I've got my freakin' doctorate!' - Doctor Photon, No Goes #1.
So, I hear you saying, "Just who are these No Goes blighters anyway?" I'll tell you!
The No Goes is probably the greatest comic you've never read.
This little book comes across the drink, from a small time publish in Canada, of all places.
It's a seven issue series, about a team of second stringer superheroes. It's been collected in a Volume 1 TPB, which also contains an interview with the creator, and notes and sketches what could have been Volume 2.
Unfourtunately the company who published them went under before anything else could be done.
There was even a video game at one point in the works, but that got canceled. I'll try to update this page with as much information as I can, however I don't have access to a scanner, so all images have been taken from either the official No Goes site (now defunct) or various other places on the web.

Speacial thanks to Jason Wong.
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The No Goes, including all prominent characters featured in this page, and their distinctive likeness thereof are trademarks of Joe Nadeau. "The Ultimate No Goes Fansite " is an unofficial and unauthorized No Goes homepage. If you have any comments about this site, please send them to Jarome Guinness. 1998
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