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                                                      07-24-02   Hey all you cool kids, Dave here, just wanting to thank everyone that came out to 
                                                                        the Blue Parrot on the 19th.  Thanks for staying, to watch us finally go onstage at 1AM and 
                                                                        rock the place.  Yea bitch!  Mike, our friend, Jessalyn, and myself all strolled through the 
                                                                        Ghetto.  No, not really but you gotta watch out for those crazy kids.  Anyways, thanks again 
                                                                        and keep checkin' the site for updates, nude pics of my mom and the next door neighbor.  And 
                                                                        don't talk to me unless you feel like giving up a cigarette, just kidding.  Later!
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Posted by:  Dave


                                                                        06-26-02  Just a quick update here.  Noggin Music will be
                                                                        featured in the debut issue of the ATL Scene, which is a 
                                                                        zine from Atlanta, Georgia.  So go pick up your copy if you're
                                                                        in the area.  Click here to see the article(you will need Acrobat 
                                                                        Reader which is available for free on the Adobe site).
                                                                                                                                       Posted by:  Webmaster

                                                      06-11-02  Hey Kids!  Nothing really new, but there are
                                                                        more pictures on the pictures page, so go check that out.  If
                                                                        you have any pictures of Noggin Music please send them to
                                                                        me and I will post them up.
                                                                                                                                     Posted by:  Webmaster


                                                                        06-06-02  Hey ALL!!  I just wanted to thank everyone who 
                                                                        came out to the battle of the bands last night.  What an awesome 
                                                                        turnout, approximantely 320 people came out!  We had a great
                                                                        time.  The other bands did great as well.  SNA was one of the 
                                                                        finalists, as well as us.  When it was time for the final voting, we 
                                                                        won by one decibel, so thanks to all you fans that cheered for us.  
                                                                        As of now we are going to start recording on our upcoming album
                                                                         titled "Changes," which will be available on our website.  Shirts 
                                                                        will also be available soon as well.  And we're going to try and get 
                                                                        some stickers.  Again, thanks!
                                                                                                                                                        Posted by:  Dave

                                                                        5-16-02  Hey this is our new website.  We've been really busy lately, working on new songs
                                                                        and getting our shit together.  Hopefully we'll have some shows soon.  Summer is coming and
                                                                        we will have alotta time on our hands, so if you want us to play please contact us for booking. 
                                                                                                                                                 Posted by:  Mike B.


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