Hi there and welcome to the London page, how exciting!!! :) This page is designed to keep my foreign or oversea friends happy, or for those who have never been to London, here are some pictures to satisfy your curiousity...
    On the left is a picture of Picadilly Circus, don't worry I don't know that woman standing in the middle. But all those windows, form a street called Regent Street with loads of high street fashion stores (and can be expensive!!)
Above is a photo of my noble, semi detached house, I think, although it doesn't really look it. The lady coming out of it, is my grand-aunty, and yes I am in a car!! lol. Below, is a photo of the London Chinatown, not all that spectacular I'm afraid and fairly small. But it is full of Chinese people. As shown so obviously in the picture below! lol
On the left, is a photo showing a ship, crossing the River Thames, and Big Ben is in the distance.

Above, is a photo of the Millenium Eye by British Airways the whole 'flight' as they put it, lasts for 30 mins, and basically you can see the whole view of London. It is a very pretty sight and I definately recommend it to anyone!!
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