Ya'll better watch out cuz Sara'a peeps are in da hizzouse!!
Ahhh.. chillen with my homies.(manda,aggie, and kat) Look I'm surfing... hehehe. sometimes i feel like i have too much time on my hands, or do i have to little?... i dunno. Where am I?
"If she was half as good-looking as she thinks she is then she'd be godamn lucky."
                                -J.D Salinger
Which one am I talking about? Who cares. I love Amanda. We have been buddies since kindergarden. (Even though she hated me in 3rd-8th grade.She'll deny it, but she did.jk.) Wow I'm getting old. She has stuck by me even though I eat all of the food at her house. She's cool. She feeds me not only food but her sense of humor. (CHARMS!!)
Sama-lamma-ding dong. That's my sis. she's a big loser and she has no life. jk. She has a life and that is collecting sunglasses and wearing them at all times possible, even at night. The night time is the right time. She's my personal cab driver even though I don't pay her. That's how nice she is to me. We go way back. Ever since i was a baby she was showing me how to gang bang out on our block showing all the otha bitches how we rock condo style.
Sara's Art Pics/
This is my homefry Eli. I've known him since like 7th grade and I thought he was a wierdo because he would always say that he likes my pants. Whatever. lol. I took him to his first concert and we skanked!! Now he's addicted to ska, porn, and peace. lol
Ahh, my wierd friends that I cherish.. Sarah, my sis, and Devin. This was on my birthday, and I couldn't have asked for a better one..
My Random Thoughts
This is Nancy, my one and only shoe. We've been cawing like birds together since this year. BRO! BRO! CAW CAW!!! She is my left hand, and we share a lot of inside jokes that no one will understand.
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