What exactly do i do all day? There are too many things to count. I wake up and go to school. I sit there bored off of my ass and try to get enlightened from teachers who mainly talk outta their ass. I could give school a try but remember that trying is the first step to failure. If I fail outta school then i wont be able to go to college, if I fail outta school then I'll prolly end up getting some crappy job at a place like Office Max or Dress Barn. Hey, im not knocking the profession of an employee at any of these locations, I just think that I should make a bigger difference in my life rather than stocking pens on shelvels. But me thinking in life got me nowhere. I think i should try something else. maybe I'll start a one man band. Who knows maybe I'll a bilionaire someday.Bill Gates dropped outta collage and look at him now. hes so rich he prolly has a gold toilet or summthing. With my luck I'll somehow stumble into being a homeless bag lady asking for $ for some whiskey
After school i am either in some theater activity or i go to practice. Theater is cool. That's what i wanna do when i grow up (if that ever happens). I like it i like loading things out and cleaning the stage or learning sound. It doesn't sound glamorus, but im not a glamorus person and i don't mind getting my hands dirty in something I really love. I dont mind climbing around the stage and painting or whatever. I get to act like my self there and they will accept me for who I am, not for what I do, or what clothes I wear. When I'm in a play and I'm acting or whatever, I absolutly love it. I get to act like a jackass in fornt if people and entertain them. I love it! Theater is like my big Playground.
Water Time! PRACTICE SUX!! But at the same time I love it. Swimming is my absoulute passion and I know that i complain about swimminng, but if I didn't have it I am honesty confinced that I'll go completely insane.I've tried to stop but I can't and I come crawling back to the damn pool. I didn't miss the 6 am practeces but who likes that? The bestpart about swimming is the racing. And if u work hard enough, You win ur race and all ur hard work plays off with the glory of looking at the persond you just beat and thinking, "Hahahaha. I beat u" and thats basically it. but that moment is worth more than a million $'s. But I'm ok with it. It's gonna help me go to collage and I think u know what'll happen if I don't do something with my life. Or after school i go to track and run around for an hr or so....ehh.
I think that I do too much. I am always tired. But yet if I stop, I feel bored. I'm weird and i don't think that i have much reasoning behind my thoughs but...ehhh. I'm like adicted to working all the time and being busy. |