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* Congrats to Gwen and Gavin, they are pregnant!

* It's official everyone! Taken from San Diego Reader, "No Doubt drummer Adrian Young joined Bow Wow Wow for a KROQ gig in L.A. almost two years ago. He's been with the band ever since. Rolling Stone wrote that Young played with the So Cal band Oslo for a show last month. He recorded eight songs with San Diego's Unwritten Law on its latest CD, Here's to the Mourning. I ask Young about No Doubt. "We'll record again. We initially wanted to take a break, but when our greatest hits CD did better than expected, we thought it would be crazy not to tour. So, we did a five-week tour. No Doubt will do a new record in 2006."

* Check me out on MY SPACE and join my No Doubt Group too!

* Send me an EMAIL and tell me what you think about no doubt, my web page, whatever (good stuff only, please)! I would love to post your comments about my page, etc.

* Here is my No Doubt Tattoo. Thanks to it and a poster, I got to go up on stage in Camden NJ and got to show No Doubt my tattoo!

* Gwen's new L.A.M.B handbags and totes are now available! Go to LeSportsac.com for more details and featured products.

* Latest Video: "Hollaback Girl"

Pic Of The Month:

Hi! My name is Connie Gillis and I live in Nashua, NH. My favorite group is NO DOUBT. I love them so much! If No Doubt ever sees this page, I want to let them know that I love them so much and also to thank them for being such a positive influenece on me and all the other No Doubters out there.
My Room Pics

*Old Room 1*
*Old Room 2*
*Old Room 3*
*New Ceiling 1*
*New Ceiling 2*
*New Room 1*
*New Room 2*
*New Room 3*

Enjoy my page and feel free to email me with comments, questions, pictures, information, etc.
Me, No Doubt1111!
© 1997-2006 ~*NoDoubt1111*~

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