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Johnny's Mates

Name: Sam Kettrick

Hobbies: Making videos hanging with the lads

Ambition: To be a dinosaur

Comment: oh Johnny oh Johnny oh Johnny


Name: Luke Elwell ( Site owner)

Hobbies: Making vids, Skating, Building and paying for this damn website

Ambition:To make Phatjohnny.co.uk the best site in the world

Comment:Johnny we're gonna make you famous Bruv!!!!

Learn more about me on my Myspace account


Name: Nicole Crawford

Hobbies: Audio / Making Johnny Badges

Ambition: Get Johnny Famous

Comment: We love you Johnny

Name: Nubit

( Johnny's invisible friend)

Hobbies: Keeping quiet

Ambition: To be visible one day

Comment: ( Johnny say's he can't talk)


Names: (left) Joe (right) Chris Barr

I haven't interviewed these lads yet but they are big fans of Johnny and usually Buy beer to celebrate. Joe is now the new Media technician at Hinckley college and he's also Nicoles MR. Mr Barr on the right sticks to his loins when using directory enquireries and doesn't give a crap about copyrights

Long live this pair...

Name: Chris wykes ( inner child)

Hobbies: Watchin Movies

Ambition: To work in video

Comment: Where am I on this site?


Name: Andrew Espin (Espin)

Hobbies: Playing keyboard

Ambition: ESPIN

Comment: ESPIN

Name :Phil Gardner

Hobbies: Skating , C.E.U

Ambition: K

Comment: Phatjohnny is a legend

(Actual size) Contains small parts don't give to children>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Name: Gemma Johnson

Hobbies: Photography

Lovely lady requested to be on the site and who can turn down a pretty face check out her myspace account http://www.myspace.com/gemraaa


Name: Tom Phelan aka Santa

Not interviewed as yet but this guy is Sams Mr and if he don't like Johnny then Sam would get angry and start throwing things he cannot show his face due to being wanted by the police for sneaking into peoples houses and leaving gifts

Name: Ballbag aka Sac de Ball

Hobbies: Videos comics etc

Ambition: To stop being called ballbag

Comment: Thats Brilliant ( Brummy accent)

hes not from Brum

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