Amateur Rocketry Links

Rockets in North Dakota

North Dakota Student Rocket Initiative
Fargo Moorhead Area Rocket Society (FMARS) (Currently unavailable)

Rockets elsewhere

National Association of Rocketry
FAA FAR 101 restrictions on rockets and unmanned balloon flights
Wild Rocketry.Com
Manitoba Association of Rocketry
Some Guys Level 3 attempt he decided to broadcast live on the internet.
Minnesota Amateur Spacemodel Association (MASA)
Rocketry Online
Tripoli Rocket Org.
Rec.Models.Rockets USENET Group.
Helens Rocket Collection.

Do-it-yourself (Scratch-Built) rocket building

5cent Sugar Rocket motors
Realistic Rocket Painting Photo Guide.

Rocket venders

Rocket Technologies: Supplier of medium and high power gear.
HobbyTown, USA
LOC Precission
Estes Rockets
Aerotech Rockets
Public Missles INC.

Personal and other Interesting Web sites

Tricia Johnson's website
John Nordlie's website of everything interesting including robotics, rockets, computers
FORX Amateur Radio Club, Transmitter hunting team in Grand Forks, ND.


  (Please note if you think you know of any good websites related to rockets or cool technical stuff send them to the webmaster so we can post them, thanks BTW all sites will be checked before they are posted.)


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