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May 1, 1998, Carlsbad CA
Strange Disappearances
The Giovanni have mystereously disappeared from the Carlsbad area. No further information is available at this time.

March 1998, Carlsbad CA
Gang Warfare Erupts
Gang members have been found assassinated in a peculiar manner around Carlsbad. While the manner of death varies in each case, members of the local gang were found with a stake through their hearts. Further investigation links the deaths to a new gang known only as Los Vipers, who are rumored to be dealing a new designer drug around town.

March 1998, San Juan Capistrano CA
Cappadocians Rumored to Be Alive
Wildly varying reports all concur: there have been sightings of Cappadocians in San Juan Capistrano. How they arrived in this country is still a mystery, nor is it known how they remained alive after Augustus Giovanni was supposed to have killed them all off. No further information is available at this time.

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