Lulu's poetry page
Okay, here I'll talk about Homer, probably one of the most famous poets of all time (not to mention one of the first ever recorded). Homer lived in 1100 B.C., though no one can be sure of this. Homer, (Greek Homeros)      wrote the      Iliad and the Odyssey. According to legend, he was blind. Now I know it must sound weird, thinking about him writing down his poems without being able to see anything, but the thing is, he DIDN'T write  them. In fact, all he did was learn it by heart and recite it from memory. And seeing his books, that's a remarkable feat indeed! His poems seem to go back to the 8th century B.C., and were first written down by an Athenian ruler, Pisistratos, who feared they would be forgotten. Well, we didn't forget his poems!
I chose to write about Homer because of my HEALTHY obsession with ancient Greek      mythology..
.Talking     about that, it's time for my other link, though I KNOW I'm going to have the      hardest time copy/pasting it. But I'll do my best, since it's the family      tree of the Greek Gods... (I must admit, I went a little nuts when I first saw it).
Lulu's poems
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Well, I hope you enjoyed my little biography on Homer. Email me at [email protected] or send me a message if you have any comments and so forth on this page or any others.
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