Area Man Proud Of $600 Duck Calls
by Blur

Modesto, California

Area man Steve McQuack proudly announced his ownership of duck calls worth $600. Playing a tape recording, he commented upon his collection. "That's $130, next one's $150, and my favorite $170." When queried what McQuack used the calls for, he responded "Hunting ducks. Duh!" The puzzled reporter enquired about the practicality of using a stereo system while out hunting; McQuack just smiled and held up a walkman and a bullhorn.

McQuack offered to show off his big honker but it was pointed out it was as plain as the nose on his face. McQuack responded "No, not that. This!" The reporter quickly left before the honker in McQuack's trousers could be exposed. It was later determined that a honker was a goose call, which still left unresolved on what media the goose call was recorded.

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