Today's Activity: Safety Week!

Activity 1: First, Rocko wants you to take the Safety Quiz. YOU CAN become an official Rocko Safenik. Click here to test your safetyness!

Activity 2: After the quiz, try to find your way through Rocko's Maze of Safety! YOU CAN print it out by clicking on it. The Maze of Safety is here.

ROCKO SAYS: I NEVER beat up that little girl. She's a god-damned LIAR.

DISCLAIMER: Rocko The Clown and the Number 1 Paper In The Country assume no liability for anyone's stupidity. Attempting these activities can get you dead or arrested but you should know that already gink. If you fold, spindle or mutilate yourself then FUCK YOU. Seriously. Because if you don't know any better you're from the shallow end of the gene pool and we really don't want you around anyways.

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