<bgsound src="cantusee.mid" loop=infinite>

Against The Wall

There are times when anger gets the best of us all and we feel like our backs are against the wall. That's when I am most likely to wax poetic. Some of my best poems have been written out of anger, sometimes from personal experiences, but often thru the experiences and pain of others. It's always interesting to go back, after the angers has subsided and read the words it inspired. Words certainly can cut like a knife but hey, it beats fist fighting (and it's much more lady-like!) By all means, read on..but brace yourself. This ain't pretty.

has a way of unraveling
hope, diluting faith. Giv
en a couple of idle seco
nds trust boils like an an
gry kettle and evaporate
s like steam. 

is a temporary illness of 
the mind. It slides psycho
tically back and forth bet
ween comfort and pain
squeezing out honesty
in unsolicted confessions

is a fucking liar. That is w
hy I believe in this moment 

and nothing else.


drip                   drip


that the 
you left me

Rolling with the Punches

each day
i watch him crawl out of bed
like clockwork
he goes thru the motions
of waking up
feels around the bed
makes sure i'm still down
and rolling with the punches
makes sure i didn't finally 
"get it"
and disappear in the night
feels around himself 
makes sure the big john's there
he touches it and laughs
he thinks it keeps me here

one eye opens as he drags by
and i think
"God, I hate him",
the way his boxers crawl up
the crack of his ass
the way my forehead slaps
his belly
the way wet kisses became 
slow grooves became 
dry humping
& my neighbor's ass became 
the remote control of his smile
the way everyday, like clockwork
he goes thru the motions 
of waking up
but never really does

(c) 1997


The last time I saw the bastard he was soaking in my bath water pretending he owned me. We slept together on the first date and although it didn't end with the star spangled banner at full blast I gave an award winning performance to keep him coming back, which eventually became the problem. On holidays, birthdays, family reunions, he'd show up breathing lust in my face and I'd end up reprising my role as "the woman who faked it". Mark never had a job except at that restaurant when he couldn't pay the bill and even then, he laughed the whole time. Still, I loved him hard as hell, like a mother loves her unborn even though he kicks the shit out of her. Mark was in my gut. One day he crawled his funky ass into my bathwater, with the last bit of bath-beads left from a two year old birthday present and I knew I'd had enough, and even though they were the expensive kind, it didn't stop a dirt ring from forming around the tub. Funny how the sight of that finally made me leave. Yvonne (c)1999 _________________________________________________________________


Jimmy , please don't hit me again I'll be a better friend I promise not to tell a soul you cheated on the test or that your father left. Jimmy, please don't hit me again I'll be a better girlfriend Next time I swear I'll remember no pickles and extra cheese and pepper makes you weeze Jimmy, please don't hit me again I'll be a better lover Who's the man? You're the man. Whose is it? It's yours Jimmy and always on all fours Jimmy Jimmy, please don't hit me again I'll be a better wife Potatoes on Mondays, Rice on Sundays Make sure the ice tea's sweetened and don't talk while you're eatin'. Jimmy, please don't hit me again I'll be a better mother I swear that I'll try harder to make baby sleep all nite and keep the little bitch out of your sight Jimmy, please don't hit me again I'll be a better widow I promise you I won't forget the terror in your eyes when first you realized the gun was loaded. Jimmy, don't you EVER hit me again yvonne (c)1997 _________________________________________________________________
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