Yvonne's Place
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If you ever want to know what a woman is really thinking, don't ask her; ask her girlfriends! When women get together, there's no telling where the conversation will go. There are no bonds like those of women. These poems are about some of the secrets and experiences I've had the pleasure to share with my girls. So, for a little insight into the minds and relationships of women, read on!



Whoever wrote that ridiculous song about bringing home the bacon while also taking care of the family was either out of their complete mind or given to moments of grandeur I havent figured out how to juggle my needs with the needs of my man, let alone, trying to work in meals. Between my job and my brassiere I am about as compatible to marriage as a politician is to the unmitigated truth Underneath this altogether facade, this classic navy suit, lives a millenium woman with legs long enough to step over the glass ceiling held dutifully in place by a too tight girdle, and totally de-liberated by its mere necessity. I aint trying to be superwoman. I'm just trying to get comfortable. Yvonne (c)1999 Revised 8/2000 _________________________________________________________________


Some people judge women by their shoes, preferring the stilted arch of a shapely leg in heels to the sturdy assuredness of one inch flats. I've been in these shoes all day, struck a pointy, slew-footed pose while we mulled over corporate nonsense. A chic stance was all I needed to take the attention of my peers from the lack of substance in my speech to the outward stride of long legs, sleek ankles and Martinez Valero pumps. When a woman sits high on her horse, power in the thighs, the calves, serve well to balance the art of femininity, of click- clocking along sterile corridors on stilts, with steel- toed conviction worn like an old pair of brogans. Yvonne (c)2000 _________________________________________________________________

On Being Forty

On Being Forty And so, what is this forty but the willingness to wiggle out of the confinement of mother's truths and free-fall into my own vision of black womaninity. To throw away the net and grab life with teeth. To plunge into the full-ness of woman/self and acknowledge all of these hips, tits and thighs as wholly mine. And what is this forty but the audacity to say unabashedly, "yes", when I mean yes. To dig, finger and thumb, beneath thirty's unearthed stones and lick - no- slurp the she that is me. And so, forty is this: The self- revelation that life is the verb "to be" conjugated in its present tense and who I have become at forty has undoubtedly been me all along. yvonne (c) 12/2001 _______________________________________________________________

Where Do Men Go?

Where do men go when they leave? Is there a secret haven where they all convene in huddles to compare blood stained sheets, hi-fiving and chest-bumping, proudly recounting details of their most recent conquest? Where do they go? Do they sit around playing cards cussing and lying about their sexual prowess? Do they exchange photograghs of the last woman they left with the "Boo-Boo-The-Fool" seal of approval neatly stamped on her forehead? Where do they go? I'm convinced that there is a place in some far away land where men are summoned at birth, seasoned and marinated in a thick coat of arrogance trained on the principles of love and relationships so they can always recognize the enemy dipped three times in extra slippery snake oil, to ensure ease and mobility when it's time to slip away and sprayed with guilt repellant (for obvious reasons...) they've even got a special masking tape they use for the sensitive ones It keeps them wrapped up in their own pain so they don't truly fall in love and fuck things up for the rest of them. I wanna know. Where do men go when they leave? And why, pray tell, do we keep letting them come back? Yvonne (c)1997 _________________________________________________________________

The Mistress

she stands aloof i can feel her eyes burn a hole in my back. she is waiting. waiting for me to leave so she can make her move move into my home take my seat at the table in my kitchen wearing my white robe my slippers slip into my bed with my too tight curlers causing her the headache i've been enduring for years assigning new and improved pet names, teaching old dogs new tricks. tricked into stepping into the worn out, beat up shoes i finally had the good sense to walk out of. silly bitch. yvonne (c)1998 _________________________________________________________________

Yes, There Are Times

At 3:00 A.M, when my libido wakes me up, hungry. It's vacations at home, holidays alone. Cardboxed dinners from Hung Sum Body. It's running out of good books, old friendships to rekindle. It's Friday nights and haven't I seen this movie before? When five pounds gained takes my self esteem down five notches and all I want is to be beautiful to someone again. Yes, there are times when I wish him back I wish him back I wish him back yvonne (c)2001 _______________________________________________________________________
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