Name: Locke Nicoliah Rhuddlan
Gender: Female
Age: Appears to be 18
Race: Seraphim
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 85lbs
Hair: Golden brown w/ silver tips - Past floor length and slightly wavy.
Eyes: Exotic, deep violet with specks of silver
Clothing: Grey tunic, black stockings, leather rope around her waist as a belt, black leather boots, and detached grey sleeves.
Other: Large, charcoal colored wings and a long, slim, black furred tail...
Quote: "The only thing that is truly yours is your soul; everything else is borrowed..."
Unique Features: Faint scar across her face and a circular sapphire gem embedded in her forehead...
Personality: Dark, mysterious, slightly childish at times...
Family: Norse God Loki
Element: Mischeif, Darkness, Death...
Fun Facts: Locke is... Insane?
PL: ---
HP: ---
Defense: 9/10
Speed: 8/10
Strength: 4/10
Intelligence: 155IQ
Will: Low
Background: Reincarnation of the Goddess Loki. She still kept her seraphim race, but many key elements to her appearance has been changed... Her past doesn't much matter to her anymore, so there's not much use explaining it here as she has tried her best to let it go... Recently, though, she had a daughter named Astrid by a vampire lord named Cyhtockian... Unfortunately, she died for reasons unknown. She has not resurrected because her soul was split in two. One half residing in her daughter, the other has menifested itself into Loki, as she originally was... Eventually, her two peices of her soul were brought back together and she was revived. After she and Cyhtockian were married, she allowed her life to slow down and become a bit boring... After Cyhtock not being around for a while, something happened and the two of them split up. Things arn't much different, to be honest. Locke is still living a lonely, miserable life with Astrid...
Transformations: Goddess Form
Abilities: Shapeshift, fly, teleport, reflect, heal, telepathy, regenerate, split form, time control, ressurect...
Items: Crystal quartz necklace, silver and onyx armband, crossbow, silence glaive, various swords and daggers...
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