|Narcolepsy Linkin's CD Reviews|
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|Submitting Reviews| - You can submit a review written by yourself to Narcolepsy CD reviews and have it hosted for free, while maintaining the credit for your works the whole time.

      Though there are a couple regulations I would like you fellow review writers to consider, I would like the reviews to be longer than just a paragraph or two, try and go into detail in all aspects of the cd and please do not send me Reviews full of spelling errors left for me to fix, Try to keep the neat and put into paragraphs, and one more thing I would like is your overall ranking out of 10 for the CD itself, 1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest. Thanks.

     Send your reviews to
[email protected], in no other form than starndard email, I do not want to upload doc's and other files.  Some of the times My computer may not feature the program you have written it in, please take this into consideration, leave your handle/name at the bottom so I can leave you credit for your works at the bottom of your review along with your e-mail adress.

Thanks for your time and effort, I apreciate it.
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