Meet the Coordinators!

Here's all the info on your rally hosts, Firecracker and Relic! Included is our contact information, so if you have any questions to ask or just want to say hello, please do so.


Firecracker joined the NML back on January 9, 2001, and has been pretty active ever since. She is currently a List Mom for the NML, and during her time on the list has been active in too many clubs, websites, mini-rallies and other activities to name! Though it has cooled off over the past few years, some of you might remember her for her very small fixation on a certain curly-haired newsboy... As a NJ-native, Fire is your number one coordinator source for any NY-based questions.

Contact information:
Email - [email protected]
AIM - Cobras say WHAT
YIM - roxy122384


Relic jumped on the NML board sometime in early February, 2001 (the 8th or the 10th, she can't really remember), at the tender age of 13. Since then, she's done bunches of NML activities, and was List Mom way back in 2005. She is a bona-fide Spot/Boots fan, and you might remember her for her long-term abuse of exclamation points. Though this will be her first time as an adult in the Big Apple, she's up for the occasion.

Contact information:
Email - [email protected]
AIM - RelicBabe
YIM - relic5_5

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