Yes, the info page. Profiles are done, and are in the process of going up. Most will be missing backgrounds, but they'll all be finished eventually.
In addition to the profiles, I'll also be putting up the research files that I certaintly did
not steal from Raidien.
And last but not least, are the story sections here. One is history and background stories, while the other is merely random ideas that I came up with.

Profiles marked with '*' contain major spoilers, so do be careful.
Instance 0A: Profiles
The Agents of Chaos:                                           
Arashi Harada *                                                       
Nicholas Adel                                                        
The New Agents of Chaos:
Satoru Harada *
Saburo Mirai *
Sora Hiriyuki

Raidien Company:
Bladen Murakami
Luna Kyusuke
Dakumi Yume
Himeko Ichiro
Tairitsu Doushi
Tao Doushi
Kiyoshi Mibu
Delsus Azarze
Hiro Azami
Kakeru Ishiro *

Katarina Raine
Instance 0B: Research Files
(sorted by research number)

Ishiro, Kakeru

Harada, Arashi
Adel, Nicholas
Raine, Katarina

Doushi, Tairitsu
Doushi, Tao
Mibu, Kiyoshi

Yume, Dakumi
Ichiro, Himeko

Murakami, Bladen
Kyusuke, Luna

Azarze, Delsus
Azami, Hiro
Instance 0C: History/Side Stories
Instance 0D: Various Stories
To Forgive Is Divine
HaraTai; AU. What do you say when one of the men who killed someone important to you comes asking for forgiveness?
Instance 01: Things Went Downhill--Satoru Harada

Fall on Down

KiyoDen, KiyAmi, implied AraZami; Semi-AU; Takes place after Instance 11. When everything starts to fall out from beneath you, the only way to go is down.
Instance 01: Silver--Kiyoshi Mibu
Instance 02: Importance--Hiro Azami
Instance 03: Shattered Like Glass--Kiyoshi Mibu

Seven Ways to End Your Life
SaaRada, SaaDen, KiyoDen; Pre-Winter; Possibly AU. Getting into trouble is easy. It�s getting out that�s the hard part.
Instance 01: Breaking Point--Saburo Mirai
You will note and respect that everything on this site is (c) now and forever to Nicole Roland (aka Mirai-sama, aka Kairi) and not steal. If you do steal, I can only promise you pain.
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