My House



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25 August 2005


It has been raining on and off since the last entry. I have been able to work a few hours but not every day. It seems more like the middle of September or October then August.


I have gotten the center foundation ditch to the BIG tree stump. I am stumped.. LOL I know if I keep hacking away at it it will eventually be gone.. I'm just not sure if I should continue to try.  I could encase it in cement then when it rots away it won't cause the house to cave in... or??



MY Big Stump!






I had to kneel to get this picture the stump is about 10 inches off the ground  and the root on the right side is about 8 inches thick. I used the power saw and axe to cut it off.


Look back at the top picture see the gravel behind it? that is where my foundation for the doorway goes. If I just made an L shaped  cement block  starting at the doorway and covering the stump wondering if that would not work.




It would have to be 4 inches thick on sides, end, and top the total L shape would be the same height. Ummmm, Thinking, it would cost more... more cement. more rebar time consumed would be less, then time to continue removing stump.

Have to think about it.


I have time, still raining, LOL love the cool temps but sure is wierd! I have worked maybe 1 in three days due to rain since it started?.





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