North Kent Presbyterian Church

Current Mission Projects
Previous Mission Projects-click here
FILL UP the Barrel!
Current needs at the North Kent Service Center are:
canned fruits, cereal, jelly, mayonnaise, catsup, juices, canned pasta sauce, boxed dinner products, low-sodium foods, low sugar foods

paper products, q-tips, cotton balls, bath soaps, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shaving cream, razor blades, disposable razors, women's feminie products

baby wash, lotions, powder, diapers, diaper ointment, Depends

What is the "Peace Candle"?
We're Recycling!
Two types of recyclables are being collected at the church (in the fellowship hall):
paper & batteries
means D, 9V, C, AA and AAA
Just drop them in the
battery container in the Teeuwissen Room. But no car batteries, please! 
Paper means office paper, junk mail paper and used bulletins & newsletters (not newspaper or magazines-yet!)  Put them in the recycle box
in the fellowship hall.
Avoid using styrofoam coffee cups.
If you don't have a coffee mug here at the church, feel free to bring one. The Deacons will even wash them after use on Sunday mornings!

Peacemaking with the earth is part of the Commitment to Peacemaking of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) by involving local congregations in efforts to protect and restore the environment. We at NKPC can help.
Pitch in!
Join the recyling efforts at NKPC!!
Bring your returnable
bottles & cans!

The Committee on Christian Education
for Children and Youth asks you to bring rinsed out cans and bottles for their donation to a new mission project,
Deposit for Youth.  Place your cans & bottles in the box in the Fellowship Hall, decorated with the 'Nemo' paper.
Two-cents-a-meal is a small first step in the battle against hunger and poverty. This simple act is an expression of thanks for what we have received and a commitment to share with others in response to Jesus' command:
"Feed my sheep."
We have placed containers in our dining room. Please add 2 cents for each person at each meal you have at NKPC..
Interested in a mission trip?
Check these sites:
Brooklyn Michigan Presbyterian Church, click
Gulf Coast Mission
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),
U.S. & World Mission
Thanks to all who helped with Relay for Life!

Our first year with a booth and we raised over $2,000. And, we are still receiving donations - it's always timely to help with cancer research.
Hosted by