Thanks for stopping by!  Now sit back and enjoy some "virtual tea" as you browse through my world ...
Life in the Big City has it's ups & downs, especially if you're a single parent.  But the lessons I've learned, I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.  I'm also "gramma" and my daughter is "mom" to 3 dogs and 6 cats.

Don't miss
Nisei Week, young people's program at the local Buddhist temple, and download your own virtual Justin from 'N SYNC
Kiyomi's Pages
She's bossy and opinionated.  Let our G. Shephard with an attitude introduce  you to the rest of our family.
Pabi's Pages
For someone who can't swim, I sure hang out by water a lot ...
West Palm Beach, Lion Country Safari, our first cruise, swimming with dolphins and Magic Kingdom!
Whitewater Rafting
Camping and rafting in beautiful Northern California with my "extended family" - co-workers from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
Las Vegas, NV
Tired of near-drowning incidents, I finally ventured in the other direction - the Desert.  The combination class reunion/family vacation was a chance to renew old ties as well as strengthen existing ones.
My mom and dad still live on the island of Okinawa, in southern Japan.  That's where I grew up.
Great shots by photographer Shokyu Otsuka, among the best I've seen showcasing my childhood home.
Romantic Photos
One of the most amazing discoveries in the 20th century was made off the coast of the island that was my childhood home.  So how come virtually nobody in the West knows about it?
Underwater Pyramids
then read more about what archaeologists think about those mysterious "pyramids"
If you love real-life mysteries
If you're more in to light-hearted fare,  this is one of the better private photo collections I've seen, even includes a slide show
Spiritual ...
is probably my favorite Buddhist prayer.  I have included links that may appeal to Americans and modern Buddhists.  No heavy duty preaching here, just sites that promote Christian/Buddhist inter-religeous harmony.  I have no problems as long as we practise the the same "thou shalt nots ...".
Golden Chain
We're lucky we live in a very ethnically diverse area.  That means SOMEBODY is always celebrating something.   Meet some of our neighbors.
Things to Smile For ...
Due to recent cut backs, look what some police departments have gone to ...
K-9 Budget Cuts
Remember the confusion in Florida during the recent election?  Here's a handbook to help those confused voters!
Think you have stress?  Everytime you think you're in a stressful situation, think of this poor fellow.
Think you and your pet look alike? Check out these combos.
Meet Bill and Hillary Clinton's dog  (rated PG 13)
Kids say (and write) the darndest things ...   (rated PG 13)
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