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Bio of Sorts.....
Born May 31, 1979 I figured out at a ripe young age what my calling was. At age 6 I was already listening to Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Pink Floyd, Bruce Springsteen and others and thrived to hear heavier music. Between the years of 86-87 one of my older cousin's turned me onto Metallica, Slayer, Death, Overkill, Megadeth, Anthrax and others. I fell in love with Metal INSTANTLY!!! Once I got into high school I found out about the Death and Black Metal scenes and my thirst for heavier music was starting to be fulfilled! In jounior high school I knew I wanted to play an instrument and learned the basics of drums and played. When I was about 16 or even 15 I went to my 1st concert ever (Jackyl opening up for Aerosmith) and after that show I wanted to play guitar INSTANTLY!! As a sophmore in high school I did snow shoveling to make $$ and one day in school a buddy asked me if I wanted to buy a shitty guitar off him and did it with that money. After doing so I continued to shovel snow to pay for lessons and all. After the snow stopped falling and couldn't aford the lessons no more I began learning by ear through CD's I had and learned guitar that way. Once I started to write my own songs I began to start forming my 1st band in order to begin my conquest in the underground Metal scene. Around 1997-1998 I was able to form my 1st band MarKasu with a bassist from Brooklyn, NY and a guitarist from Linden, NJ and went through multiple drummers. Two shows (one in CT and our last at the infamous CBGB's in NY) and a 3 song demo (NEVER saw the light of day but I hope I can get it out there 1 day) and around 2000 broke up. After that I posted messages on message boards and got a e-mail from Seb Russo of Dripping to try out for them. I agreed and jammed and was welcomed into Dripping. After many jams and one show Dripping broke up and I was on the hunt for a new band. Around early 2001 Seb from Dripping and I was asked to join the Death Metal act Dislimb and said sure. After 1 week out in Ohio in getting to know Rob Lesniak and Ryan Inman, Seb Russo opted to leave and I stayed on. In 2002 I went out to Ohio for 2 weeks to help write and record the infamous "Bleeding Anxiety" demo/MCD. After that release we released it as a split through Comatose Music as a split with Dyscrasia (WI) with all songs rematered. After it became a huge hit in both forms I played 2 shows with Dislimb in Ohio and they were GREAT times. After moving and then leaving Ohio to try living out there, I went back to NJ to form Mourning with Bill "Evil" Pope and proceeded to write a couple of songs. After MANY months looking for a drummer, J.J. from Divine Rapture answered our ad and realized we all knew eachother and agreed to join up. Althrough out 2003-2004 we practiced and HEAVILY practiced to get a recording done. In late 2004 we played one show in NJ and in December of the same year we entered to recored the "Blinded by Hate" MCD in order to get picked up by a label. In the end, Ossuary Industries from TX got a copy and wanted us right away. Since all seemed on the up & up we signed and they released "Blinded by Hate" in June of 2005. And now the mourning of a new dawn has begun for me. Not only am I more angry, but I am more violent and vicious with my music more than ever and I am ready to do what it takes to make my goals happen no matter what anyone has to say or do in stopping me!!!!
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