An alternitive use for AOL CDs

Warning: This is a verry, verry unwise thing to do. A decintegrating CD will send high speed plastic shrapnell in all directions. Attempting to replicate this experament may result in injury or death. if you choose to do this at home (don't) you must be adiquetly sheilded from the flying CD fragments. We filmed this experement remotely for safety reasons, if you must do this or something similer, I sugest you do the same.

It started out as a normal day, after breakfast and all those other things you tend to do after you get up in the morning, my parents asked me to check the mail. After a breif trip to the letter box I had a few bills and yet another AOL CD. "oh joy" I thought as I added it to the pile of 15 CDs allready sitting by my computer. While staring at this pile, I thought that there must be some use for these things other that throwing them at walls, then I occoured to me... How much centrifugal force can an AOL CD take? I proceeded to grab the stack of AOL CDs, the vidio camera, a friend to help film this act of insanity, and my dad's power drill.

The results of our little experament:

After we performed this act of centrifugal disk torture, we still had a bunch of AOL CDs remaining. We had to destroy them all, so out with the microwave I scavanged on junk day, and in with the AOL CDs. Being CDs, AOL CDs have a thin layer of aluminium in them, The energy from the microwave induces a large current in this aluminium layer, resulting in lots of sparks and a loud buzzing noise.

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