Team Representative Requirements and Responsibilities

1. A team representative must be a born again believer.
2. All new representatives will be required to send a letter of character signed by their Pastor to the League President.
3. Team representatives must attend both the Spring and Fall League meetings. Failure to attend these meetings without good cause and notification by either the team representative or his alternate will result in the forfeiture of the first game of the upcoming season.
4. Only one team representative per team will be allowed to vote. Officers will vote if they are their team�s representative.
5. The representative is required to monitor player attendance as described in the Player�s Requirements section of the League Constitution.
6. The representative or field manager, not both, will handle all field disputes and conduct problems in coordination with the umpires.
7. All representatives must familiarize themselves with ASA Softball Rules.
8. It is the representative�s responsibility to pay his team�s fees and dues at the time that the Spring League meeting is held. Teams will not be allowed to play until their fees and dues are paid.  Each scheduled game in which the fees and dues are not paid will result in a forfeit.
9. All rained-out make-up games must be played by the last Saturday of the season, except for the last week�s game. Should a rainout occur that week, the League President will assist in getting the game rescheduled as quickly as possible. In addition, should neither team cooperate in rescheduling, both teams will be assessed losses. If one team, however, can demonstrate ample attempts to replay the game and the other team is uncooperative, only that team will be assessed the loss.
10.  A notice of twenty-four (24) hours must be given by a team not able to play (field a team). One failure constitutes a warning, twice expulsion.
11.  Three forfeits during the season will result in expulsion from the league and all that season�s games will be recorded as losses.
(The League may also allow a probationary period of one year if the circumstances arise.)
12.  Christian Conduct and Umpire scores are to be called in after each game to the League President. Failure to call will result in a one (1) point penalty for each offense off the total points (Christian Conduct) at the end of the season.
13.  Winning teams must call in game scores to the League President no later than the Monday night following the game. Failure to comply will result in one warning. The second offense will result in that game being forfeited by the winning team.
14.  Team representatives must submit a roster of their teams� players at the spring meeting. New players may be added in accordance with the Constitution�s Player Requirements and must be called in to the League President no later than the Monday night following their first game.
15.  All team representatives must maintain a written log (scorebook) for each game�s line-up. It must include as a minimum the first initial and last name for each player, including substitutes.
16.  A player must play at least four (4) of his team�s regular season games to be eligible for his team�s playoffs. No players may be added after the eighth (8th) game. Any game played after the last regularly scheduled game will be considered as a playoff game (tiebreaker games).
17.  A one (1) hour allowance is required to call off a game without a charge being assessed by the umpire association. Failure to properly notify could result in a  $20-25 charge to cover umpire travel. This charge will be assessed to the team(s) failing to comply. The League will not pay for this charge.
18.  Representatives must contact the umpire association and the League President when canceling a game (weather or otherwise).
19.  If no umpire shows up for any of your games, you must call the League President and the umpire association. This is necessary to prevent the League from paying for games at which no umpires were provided.
Page 3 of the League By-Laws
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