Birth Doula Services
Birth Doula Services
Serving Families in McKean County, PA.
Lo, Children are an heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is His reward.  Psalm 127:3 KJV
What Is A Doula???
A Doula is a supportive companion experienced in childbirth.  Her role is to provide physical, emotional and informational support to women and their families during pregnancy labor and birth.  The Doula offers help and advise on comfort measures such as breathing, relaxation, massage and positioning.  Doulas specialize in non-medical skills and do not perform clinical tasks like vaginal exams or fetal heart rate monitoring.  Doulas do not diagnose medical conditions, offer second opinions or give medical advice.  The Doula's goal is to help the woman have a safe and satisfying pregnancy and childbirth experience!
Pennsylvania Birth Network
Studies show that Doulas increase...
*Mother's satisfaction in her birth experience
*Partner's confidence level
*Partner's participation in the birth
*Parent/baby bonding
*Breastfeeding satisfaction and success
***Alternatives to highly interventive and medicated births are in demand as women are taking back their right to birth!***
With Doulas present in labor and delivery rooms, our nation's hospitals have seen the following...

-50% reduction in Cesarean sections
-25% shorter labors
-60% reduction in epidural requests
-40% reduction in Pitocin use
-30%reduction in analgesia use
-40% reduction in forceps use
!!!Please Note!!!

Now accepting families in McKean County, PA. for hospital or home births.  Will also do post partum care in Kane and the surrounding areas.

Contact Information...

Rebecca Fergus, Doula
Phone:  814-837-7117   Email:
[email protected]
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