Motor Drving Circuit(H bridge)
H bridge Basics
H bridge Ciruit
H bridge Circuit continued
H bridge for high voltages
H bridge links
H bridge IC-L293d
Troubleshooting L293D

Stepper motor driving with ULN2003
Stepper motor diriving with L293D
Another  motor driving circuit





Figure shows the representation of a DC motor. If you apply Vcc to A and gnd to B then motor will rotate in clockwise direction(assume the direction as clockwise). If you apply Vcc to B and gnd to A then motor will rotate in anticlockwise direction. If you apply gnd to A and B then motor will stop, but some movement is there due to inertia. If you apply Vcc to both A and B then motor will break suddenly, only very small movement due to inertia. That is why if A,B=Vcc it is called breaking. Here Vcc refers to the voltage applied to the motor and it should not be greater than maximum voltage rating of motor. We normally apply 12V to the motor, Vcc=12V. So now your aim is to make a circuit which will drive motor with the output of parallel port or a microcontroller.

Here I1 and I2 are the outputs of parallel port or a comparator or a microcontroller. So now your aim is to design a circuit which perform this function

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