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 The Strength of Boarding School

By: Nizmah Ulfa


                What is in your mind if you hear the word, `boarding school`? A school with a dormitory program? Is it true? Or you have another opinion? Well, whatever your opinion is, boarding school is a usual school which provide the dormitory facilities for the students, while a usual school is the same just like  a boarding school, but they allow the student to go home after the school hours has finished.

                What are the advantages by having a boarding school? Boarding school usually had by a RSBI school while usual school usually had by a SSN school or may be some RSBI school as well. Boarding school is a very good school to threat the Indonesian Future Leaders to become a great leader in the future. Because, in a boarding school, a student can learn many things, not only for their academic excellence, but also the learning process which related to their non academic excellence. Usually, in a boarding school, a student are asked to wash their own food, to manage their own time and their own stuff, to tidy up their own belonging and everything that they need to tidy up.

                A boarding school can teach the student how to live independently, without any attention directly from the parents and also how to make or to create a good willingness from the student, so that they can do everything without any command from somebody else. It can an Indonesian Future Leaders to be more creative and active in every sight.http://nizmahulfagoblog.wordpress.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/img/trans.gif

                But, the advantages that people supposed to face if they have a boarding school as their education is that when they lack of motivation and also when they can’t manage or arrange a good time management. Do the priority first, then we can do the other things. As far as I concern before, I agree to have a boarding school rather than a usual school, because it has many benefits for life.