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Say No to Stress! :)

By: Nizmah Ulfa

What do you think when someone says ‘stress’ word in front of you? What would you said? Or even you, yourself, have you ever felt such of stress in your life? What would you do if it’s happened?

          Stress is such of naturally feeling that a normal human will feel. There are many reasons that can cause a stress in the life. Get low score, facing a huge amount of problems, loosing someone important in life, are three from a hundredth reasons that can make people get stress.

          Allah SWT gave a human a brain to think, think everything in their life. Stress can be happened if someone thinks a lot for some cases in his or her life. They think their problem most of the times until may be they can’t have a nice rest. This condition is not supposed to be happened.

          How to against stress in life? Ok, I’ll try to offering all of my beloved visitors about my ideas, how to against this. The first think you need is, always remember your God and always believe that your God will always help and be around you whatever your condition is. Then, try to entertain yourself with your own way, for examples are hearing the music, playing the music tool, express your feeling in your arrangement of word, draw something to express your feeling, scream in a silent area, have a sport for a while,http://nizmahulfagoblog.wordpress.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/img/trans.gif have a sharing session with someone that you have trusted, so they could give you a solution or even you can sleep for a while with hope that you will be much more fresh after you have woke up.

          Don’t ever try to do something or even to finish your job when you get stress, because it will not become such of a great done job later and it can make your condition worst.  So, my suggestion is just finish everything one by one. Finish one job/one problem first, and then you can step to the other one. Because as the normal people, we only can be focus at one job. The other thing is let everything flow by itself. Don’t force something flow as what you want, because if what you want can’t be happened, It can be one of the cause of your stress. Let’s say no to stress :)