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Having a joke?

By: Nizmah Ulfa


How’s your way of having joke with your friends? Is your friend like it? Or you have ever faced a problem because of your joke to your friends? What is the different between having a joke and bullying?

                Having a joke with somebody else is such of a normally thing, but how if our joke make somebody else feel upset or it regret somebody else? Bullying is the condition when we mock someone too much until he or she feel uncomfortable if she or he get closer withhttp://nizmahulfagoblog.wordpress.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/img/trans.gifus. Bullying is such of a bad thing that not supposed to be happened. Because if we do the bullying, it just the same like we break his or her right. As we know that, everyone must get their own right and if we broke its right, we can get the consequence.

                `Who is the one that usually do the bullying? It’s usually done by the strong people or strong group which hurt the weak ones. What we need to do to prevent our self become the target of someone that like to bully somebody else is that just stay cool and don’t show that we are in confuse condition. If it’s happened, they will feel happy and very free to bully up us. Besides, the suggestion from me myself for every school in Indonesia, just have a special class and special ours for the student to teach them that they not supposed to do the bullying. The teachers also need to control their student. The students may not have a group in the school, because it will not make them can grow up well. They will not have a good interaction with their community. They will only interact with the same people and when somebody else come to their group, it can be their target of bullying.

                Let’s stay cool  to against bullying :)