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Academic? or Non Academic?

By: Nizmah Ulfa


                Education is one of the program that given by the government, to be finished by all of the children in Indonesia. Education is very important, because it can help the children in grow and develop their self forward. Education for children can be divided by two, which is the education in academic and non-academic part. Both of the part in education are actually important and supposed to be balance. A student with an excellence academic ability, but very worst in no-academic one, will be difficult to apply what she or he has known later in the real life. While someone with the excellence in non-academic part, but she or he is very worst in academic par will be difficult as well in the real life, because they have known nothing.

                Academic and non-academic in someone self is supposed to be balance, but there are several views from several people that academic excellence is actually supposed to be stay in number one. Their views that, .even though someone is good at dancing, singing, or even in sport, in national examination, their non-academic excellence will not be marked by the school. They still need to pass their national examination that requires their academic excellence.

                In example, someone who are good at drawing and they want to enter a faculty of drawing. They cannot enter to that university if they have no good academic excellence, even though their drawing skill is amazing.

                In brief, I must say that academic is the most important part in education.