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SMANSS’ Birthday Celebration

By: Nizmah Ulfa


Everyone has their own birthday. Everyone has their own way to celebrate their birthday. On 29th of March 2013, we were celebrating SMAN South Sumatera (Sampoerna Academy)’s 4th Anniversary. The date was the same like Bapak Ade Karyana’s Birthday (Bapak Ade Karyana was the current head of South Sumatera Education Department).

The first event was the testimony from the principal of SMAN South Sumatera which followed by cutting the balloons. Next wax the testimony from Pak Ade Karyana and the gift given by Ibu Erma. Nex was sing Sempurna song by Ibu Erma, Pak Ade, Bu Naya and Ella. After that was the slideshow about the journey of SMAN South Sumatera and the last was eating tumpeng together.

The celebration were so great. We had the gardening before the celebration. The students, teachers, stuffs and everyone at school were so happy and wore the best clothes they had. From the 4th Anniversary celebrated by SMAN South Sumatera, Ibu Erma hoped that SMAN South Sumatera can be better than previous one and we also can create a lots of achievements for school.