True Expression Of Ba-Gua
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True Expression of Ba-Gua Zhang

Ba-Gua Zhang Translated the 8 Diagram Palm, is a relatively
young art (mid 1800's), But the Diversity the art has taken
in its evolution boggles the mind. In the short amount of time it's been here, it's evolved faster than almost all the styles.

I remember around 1988 my late Sifu Kenny Gong told me that
"no one's Ba-Gua looked alike". By this time, I had learned
all 8 Palms of Chiang Yung Qiao's Original Form, and the
Dragon Well Sword form.
It was at this time that I began to see and learn other styles of Ba-Gua, Sun, Gao, Fu, Yin. And as time went by,
as videos on the subject came out, I would get them from
America or China. And as always I would take them to school
to get my sifu's comments. Most of the time he would say either they were alright or wack. Only on two occasions did
he give praise. What was the difference between those two and the rest?
Every one was demonstrating their systems standardized form.
Some good, Some not. Only the two mentioned did personal
forms or their own _expression of the art.

Based on my experience, Ba-Gua's evolution slowed down around the late 1970's with the introduction of Wushu and
standardized forms. At this point (2001) I've seen very little free _expression of Ba-gua. All the old men can do it,
and some of their disciples, But over all none. Ba-Gua is the
art of change. A principle not a form. The same way your
supposed to apply Ba-Gua in Self-defense is the same way
your form should be expressed. FREE.

Doing your standard form is fine for the first few years
in order to gain alignment, coordination, integration of breath, ETC... But there comes a time when you must take it to the next level.
Look, 8 of the 10 top students of Dong Hai Chuan knew
kung fu already, Dong taught them how to apply the principles to what they already knew. They in turn created the forms we see today. Else where I've made a list of all the forms of Ba-Gua I've encountered over the years.
In the US, most of the commercial schools teach one 8-section form, with maybe some auxiliary drills, but that's
it. However the traditional teachers have much more.
Some of the styles more forms than most westerners imagine.
Some have as little as 4. In Liu Hsing Hans 9 Palace Style,
One Method I ran into had 16 forms. Shi Pei Qi's forms I never took the time to count.
I can at lest say the number of hand forms are at lest 10,
and that's just one animal. After open hand forms, there's
weapons. Now to look at this aspect is elementary. If Ba-Gua is a progressive art, then the 4 standard weapons
Staff, Spear, Broadsword, and Double Edged Sword all have beginner & advanced forms. And then we have the Ba-Gua
specialty weapons: Deerhorn, Judges Pen, Elbow Knives ETC..
Then the point is all this is expressed freely.

For those of you who've done Ba-Gua for more than 3yrs,
here's a method to help unlock your creativity.

After knowing all 8 Changes in your particular form, begin
to mix up the order of the form, EX: 8th Palm first, 3rd Palm second, 1st Palm third, ETC...
Train this way until you don't know which is first or last.
Then combine your palms with the strikes that come out of your drill training. The same applies to your kicks.
When you do your form you can do anything as long as it
doesn't go against the principles, including ground techniques.

You must train this way. As far as Martial Arts go Ba-Gua
is the ultimate self-expression. For it comes from within.
The art of change has no standard except change. If you want to truly be proficient in Ba-Gua, This concept must be embraced.


B.C. Hill Bey

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