
Ghosts are usually non-corporal entities which were once human and are no longer among the living. Those ghostly manifestations take on several different kinds of hauntings and may or may not actually be the spirit of a deceased person. Most often the kinds of ghostly phenomenon witnessed by individuals is a residual. It's not actually a spirit of the so much as an impression left on the location by an event which happened there. This event could be something as mundane as the canning done ever fall which carried some sort of significance for the individual doing it or even merely walking up the stairs. These sorts of events are benign and not all together uncommon though individuals not use to encountered such phenomenon may be spooked by such events. More uncommon are the impressions which carry some sort of strong emotional energy such as anger or despair. These are the hauntings most commonly heard about as they make for good stories though these events can be from events ranging from someone under constant abuse to a grizzly murder. Again such instances are usually benign though disturbing to the people experiencing them. Unless this is also accompanied by physical phenomenon these are never hazardous to the individual in the presence of them, so remain calm and you may find yourself gaining information regarding the events which once took place. Then you have free ranging spirits of the dead, True Ghosts.

True ghosts are aware and can act in any number of ways. Some can see and interact with the individuals around them while others will not be able to tell there is anyway else around. These entities are almost always scared, angry, or filled with other strong emotions surrounding their deaths. These spirits range from the completely benign or even beneficial watching out for children and sometimes keeping more malevolent entities at bay to being completely malevolent and despising those still living. The later variety are rarer thankfully but can be most dangerous.

Before deciding on a course of action for a haunting, it is first necessary to determine what kind of haunting is occurring at the location. Look for repeated events at specific times of day or even specific times of year if the known haunting has been occurring for long enough. If the events are almost all repeated events with no real change to pattern then it's just an impression and much easier to deal with if it has become bothersome. The hauntings people need to concern themselves with most are the ones which it is apparent the ghost is not just a cyclical haunting but a free roaming entity. If it is a free roaming entity, has it made any overt moves to either frighten or harm the people at that location? Does it manifest itself as a feeling of uneasiness or being watched? Does the location grow cold when the spirit is present? Has it ever made a physical manifestation and if so does the manifestation bring with it a feeling of dread or horror? These are all questions one needs to ask before deciding on a course of action. The more powerful the entity the harsher the methods one will have to use to be rid of the entity. Also depending on whether the entity is benevolent or malevolent will make deciding what course of action to take as well. If the entity is benevolent, try talking to it. Sometimes just the acknowledging of it's presence can make it seem less threatening or scary if it hasn't made it seem like it was seeking to harm anyone before now. If you can find someone who can act as a medium for the spirit they may be able to show the spirit to the light and the peace that waits beyond. For spirits which are of an obvious malicious nature it will be necessary to force the spirit out and banish it to whatever realm awaits for it.

When dealing with hostile entities, you need to determine what they are for certain. Those which were once human may be hostile or even scary but they do not give off the same feeling as something demonic in nature will. If it feels like a pervasive evil bent on destroying the household or a specific individual then most likely you are dealing with a demonic entity and will need to approach this in a very different way. Trying to approach a demon in the same manner you would a hostile ghost will only anger the demon and make things worse on the people at the location of the haunting so proceed with caution.

Ways of dealing with Ghosts

The easiest way of dealing with something that is just a reoccurring cycle haunting or psychic impression is to smudge the house with sage. Buy a bundle of sage (white sage preferably) and start at the top most portion of the house. It's always best to go in a counter-clockwise motion around the house starting at the top and working your way down. Light the sage and slowly "brush" the smoke along the walls making whatever holy symbol you wish at the windows and doorways (any portal into the room). Make sure not to skip any space even closets. Work your way around the house in this manner saying a prayer to either St. Michael the archangel or to whatever deity you feel comfortable working with. Keep it simple just ask for assistance in clearing the house. Something you can do at the same time which seems to help more is to use an old fashioned broom to sweep out the house at the same time.

Petition to St. Michael
The only Christian rite I know, it is a simple protection rite which I've found works well for removing influences as well as protecting the individuals involved. It's also been useful for removing harmful influences from an area. It takes a little bit of work but it's well worth the effort. You will need to acquire some supplies for this one that are a little more difficult to locate but are necessary for a successful battle against such entities. You will need powdered dragons blood, sea salt, blend that with your mortar and pestle (or other grinding method if you don't have a mortar and pestle), if you're using solid frankincense, and myrrh, blend that with your mortar and pestle too. After you blend that all up you want to add castor oil, add jojoba oil, add ground ginger and or cinnamon. Once you have the oil mixture, anoint at least one red candle with the oil and one white candle. Set up the candles where the largest amount of the activity has taken place. You'll want to anoint your own forehead with the oil as well or take a bath with a tablespoon of the resulting oil in the bath. When you are ready, light the red candle first and say a petition to St. Michael then light the white candle and say the prayer Hail Mary. Finish with the Lord's Prayer. Let the candles burn out by themselves. After helping a friend of mine perform this particular right the red candle had what looked like the casting of an evil face on the resulting wax dripping as though it was in pain and trapped in the wax. We buried that one in consecrated ground. The white candle wax drippings we kept because there appeared to be a likeness of the Virgin herself in the candle wax. We took that to be a sign of her blessing so we kept it.

Ghost Powder

A simple mixture designed to repel ghosts and other spiritual entities, this powder is to be put in the path of a spirit if you know where it is at or placed across a threshold to keep out an unwanted spirit. This powder is effective though it does loose it's potency over time and must be replaced. Note: this is a temporary fix at best and should not be used for long term.
Mix one part each of the following:
Sea Salt
Garlic Powder
and a pinch of powdered dragon's blood
The dragon's blood adds potency to the powder though it is not necessary for the powder to work.

Another simple solution to prevent spirits from entering the home is to place sea salt at every portal to the residence(all windows and doors as well as any other opening into the house). It has to be replaced every so often but will work to repel weaker entities. Another simple thing which can be done is to burn a combination of frankincense, myrrh, and rosemary in a censor and carry it around the house. That will work much the same as the sage does.

I know this isn't much to work with right now but I will be working to increase the amount of information on this page for dealing with ghostly phenomenon.

Other Entities