Other Entities

Other entities include but are not limited to: fae folk (fairies), grigs, nixies, tree spirits, egragores, familiar spirits, disembodied psychic vampires (a.k.a. The Nighthag). Some of these are similar if not the same though others are very different. The only ones you really need worry about are the egragores, familiar spirits, and psychic vampires (disembodied and not). Various sprites and pixies are generally not harmful though they can be very mischievous.

Egragores are created by a person using magical means. They are also known as Nocturnal Servants, Golems, and thought constructions. These are usually programed with a specific task and if made appropriately will expire after a short time due to their tendency to go insane. Without fail, each and every one will become so fixated on their intended purpose they will do it to such a degree as to cause the target to be in complete misery. Even something as simple as protect this person will end up with everyone which could hurt them being thrown from the person's life including lovers, parents, and close friends. These are never to be created lightly and they are even harder to get rid of without knowing who made it and how they made it. Below is a suggestion of how to handle it.

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