more ranting
Entry 4:  I wonder how often I contradict myself?
Entry 3:  I think I learned a very valuable lesson in school today.  One of most important things I'll probably ever need to know.  Teenagers are not suppose to have fun.  Nope.  Not at all.  I was talking with some friends and we were just joking around and suddenly the teacher said "Hey knock it off.  This is high school."  So fucking what if it's high school? First of all, there was nothing else to do in class, there were like 2 minutes left.  Secondly, I hardly cause any problems in school.  And third, if I lived to be 120 (don't worry, I'm pretty sure I'll be dead by then.), I'm still going to be acting like an idiot (if I can still walk and talk that is...).  Why you ask?  Well my response is, why the fuck not?  Live life, have fun, hell yeah.  I should mention that I'm not exactly mad because of this one instance in that particular class room, it's just a sudden trend that I'm starting to see often.  Uh oh... does that mean I'm being naughty?  In life we learn to work, we work for money, we use money to live.  Ouch.  Learning and working takes up like half of our fucking lives.  So after we've wasted our life learning and working, we finally come to the point of retirement, if we actually turn out to live that long.  By that time, we're old.  Rip off!  Well I'd like to get all philosophical here... but I'll spare you by just saying this:  "Life's a bitch and then you die."  I don't think I could put it any better than that.
Entry 2:  fffft.  I've been told that's the sound that an ass makes when it farts after it has been devirginized.  Fffffffft!!!!  Are you telling me you've never heard the term "devirginized" before?  That's ok.  I didn't expect you to.  As long as you understand it, that's what really counts.  Are you an animal lover?  Some people are animal haters.  If you hate animals you probably wouldn't like me because personally, I am an animal lover, I enjoy having passionate sex with them very very often.
Entry 1: So what is a good topic to begin on?  Hmmmm....  Ah yes.  I have a topic.  Spreading Eagle.   Isn't that a funny term?  The first time I ever heard the term was when someone was talking about sex.   I wasn't fully aware by what that person meant, but I soon understood the rawness and beauty of 'spreading eagle.'  (am I trying to sicken you or make you laugh?  I don't care, either way I expect a reaction whether it's good or bad!).  After I understood what spreading eagle meant, I started hearing the word more often.  They use that word on porn sites occassionally.  Not that I would know of course.  To know something like that would require me to look at porn though... which I do...  I mean DON'T do.  Yeah.  Anyway, a few months back I was talking to some chicks who must've been cheerleaders or something because I heard the term 'spreading eagle' again, only this time these girls were explaining to me that 'spreading eagle' was a term used for a cheerleading technique.  My initial reaction was "What the fuck!?"  Actually that's still my reaction.  What the fuck!?  Seriously.  What does this all mean?!  And now I'm curious to know what came first?  The cheerleading technique 'spreading eagle' or the sex term 'spreading eagle?'  It's like that age old question:  What came first, the chicken or the egg? The world may never know...
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