Nuns' Island Tenants Association  (NITA)
Association des Locataires de l'�le des Soeurs  (ALIS)
C.P. 63008, 40 Place du Commerce,  �le des Soeurs
Verdun, QC  H3E 1V6
Phone: 514-667-0914   FAX:  514-995-2773
E-mail:  [email protected]


Please, advise neighbours of the contents of this message, but

How much will be my increase?

"Metropolitan Structures (MSI) Inc." is currently seeking a +2.75% increase for leases renewing between April 2, 2007 and April 1, 2008. This increase is clearly above NITA�s estimates, based on the R�gie du logement�s (Quebec Rental Board�s) annual adjustment factors:

Gas-heated dwellings: between 0.6% and 0.8%
MSI is asking for up to 4 times too much!

Electric-heated dwellings:  between 1.6% and 1.9%

Heated at tenant�s expense: between 0.8% and 1.0%
(There are very few of these dwellings.)

Cumulative impact of excessive increases

MSI tenants who would�ve refused their annual increases over the past 10 years would be paying a much lower rent today, even in those rare cases where �major expenses� were a factor. A tenant whose 1997 rent was $ 800 would be paying between $ 885 and $ 951 (depending on heating method), after �Fixation 2007�, an increase of between 11% and 19% over 10 years. By contrast, a tenant who would�ve accepted every proposed increase would now be paying $ 1,095� an increase of 37% over the same period!

Click here for a graph

What does NITA suggest?

Negotiate, keeping in mind our estimates� but if you cannot come to an agreement, refuse! Don�t forget that you have one month (and not a day more!) from the date of delivery of the landlord�s increase notice (by bailiff) to respond. Use the form suggested by the R�gie, available online (see the link provided), and use a method of delivery that provides a proof of receipt.

What are the risks in refusing?

None! Your landlord will not "blacklist� you, nor will you suffer any retaliation. You do not need to justify the reasons for your refusal, nor do you even need to attend the �Fixation� hearing (which will probably be held in 2008 or 2009, simultaneously with hundreds of your neighbours), though NITA does encourage tenants to participate. Until the R�gie fixes your rent for 2007, you keep paying the current amount.

Useful links  Tenant�s Reply to a Rent Increase Notice  Renewing the Lease of a Dwelling  Renewing a Residential Lease and Rent Increase  Rent Adjustments in 2007  See our "FAQ � Frequently Asked Questions"  2006 NITA flyer on renewals  2004 NITA flyer on renewals  �Otro Incremento en la renta? (2004)  You Have the Right to Refuse a Rent Increase

Qu�bec Civil Code (esp. Articles 1936-1954 )

If you do not have Internet access, we can provide you with these documents. NITA also makes several other publications available to its members. Contact us!

Help NITA help you� keep us informed.

The above explanations are simplified. However, NITA makes more detailed and updated information available through its website and e-mail. Make sure you�re on our mailing list.

Contact NITA (E-mail prefered): [email protected]

To become a NITA member, click here.

NITA - (Rev.: 2007-02-03)

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