Nuns' Island Tenants Association  (NITA)
Association des Locataires de l'�le des Soeurs  (ALIS)
C.P. 63008, 40 Place du Commerce,  �le des Soeurs
Verdun, QC  H3E 1V6
Phone: 514-667-0914   FAX:  514-995-2773
E-mail:  [email protected]


Participate in NITA�s FREE �Renewal� seminar
(with discussion of the Pharaoh Ant problem)

Elgar Community Centre, 260 Elgar St.

In English on Tuesday, January 24, 2006
6:30 p.m. (memberships and renewals)
7:00 p.m. (start of seminar)

In French on Tuesday, January 30, 2006
6:00 p.m. (memberships and renewals)
6:30 p.m. (start of seminar)


How much will be my rent increase?

Let�s find out! Let�s attend one of NITA�s �Renewal� workshops and receive documents that will help us understand:
- How to calculate a reasonable rent increase
- Why increase percentages vary, depending on individual factors such as type of heating
- What �market prices� mean, and how meaningful, or not, they are in establishing rent increases
- What my predecessor�s rent was, and how it determined my �base rent�, but not that of my neighbours
- Why peremptory statements from landlords or their associations, and �averages� from the Rental Board (�R�gie du logement�), do not necessarily indicate what my rent increase should be
- Compound and cumulative impact of rent increases
- When, how and why to negotiate
- What additional assistance is available from NITA before, during and after negotiation or in connection with Rental Board hearings
- Whether ants, noise, requests for service, late payments, etc. have any impact upon increases
- Why it is IMPOSSIBLE for a landlord to throw you out, merely if you refused renewal conditions
- If a refusal ever resulted in denial of service, blacklisting or reprisals
- Why it is erroneous to believe �landlords always win�
- How to properly send your refusal, within one month of RECEIPT of notice (definitely not verbally, nor via regular mail!)
- If you should attend hearings, intervene, and what documents are required (including powers of attorney if necessary)

Interesting! � What else?

This year, a special guest, Mr. Fr�d�ric Raby, will inform us about the problems related to Pharaoh ants, during the free upcoming NITA workshops.

History of one landlord

As an example, here is how rent increases evolved (1998-2003) for Metropolitan Structures (MSI) clients, and how they are expected to evolve (2004-2006):

FIXATION According to NITA or the Rental Board INSTEAD OF
1998   0,5%   1%
1999   1.5% ?   1.5%
2000   0,66% to 1,05%   3%
2001   0,4% to 2,2%   5%
2002   0,5% to 2,0%   5%
2003   1,2% to 1,7%   5%
2004   1,64% to 2,31% (Est.)   3%
2005   1,44% to 1,66% (Est.)   3%
2006   ???   3,0% ou 2,75%

Let�s imagine a tenant whose monthly rent was $ 800 in 1997. Had that tenant accepted all MSI increases as-is, the 2006 rent would jump to $ 1,066/month. On the other hand, had the Rental Board set all increases, that same tenant would be paying between $ 874 and $ 926/month, at worst.

The above explanations are simplified. However, NITA makes more detailed and updated information available through its website and e-mail. Make sure you�re on our mailing list.

Help NITA help you� keep us informed.

Contact NITA (E-mail prefered): 
[email protected]

To become a NITA member, click here.

NITA - (Rev.: 2006-01-20)

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