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Why Is America On The Wrong Track?

I�m an American, born here and bred here. I don�t feel like this is my country anymore. I do not feel wanted here. I do not feel safe. I have little faith in my fellow countryman. I feel just like a lot of other people. I think that our country is way out of line.Sometimes, I am ashamed to be called an American. Why?

I�m 50 years old now and it has taken that long for me to answer that question. Here I go. I will try to explain it as best I can. This will be an unusual explanation.

I had a conversation with my neighbor just a while back. He was telling me about how he was a company man and was working for one of the biggest glass manufacturers in America. I told him that they were anti-labor and had many anti labor policies that really went against the American people who worked for them. He said that it didn�t effect him because he was company. He said that it didn�t bother him because he was above all of that. He only had one thing to do and that was to make his boss happy and get the job done no matter what it took. I didn�t lecture him about his cold attitude. I knew the scoop and it told me all that I needed to know about him.

A year earlier I had been talking to a school mate of his who really knew him well. She told me that he was cold as hell because of this scenario. One of his life-long friends had gotten hurt on the job for some reason. Sammy had been there and had witnessed the event. When it came time to fill out the accident report Sammy would not tell the truth about it. He insisted he didn�t see anything that happened. He wouldn�t even act as a truthful witness to help his buddy out on the incident. When his life-long friend asked him why he wouldn�t help him Sammy told him that he wasn�t going to go against the company because he was not willing to put his job on the line for anyone. It wasn�t anything personal it was just business. The life-long friend became a disheartened foe and I and everyone else found out! This is America today.

One of the Ten Commandments reads. �Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.� It has great relevance in this story but I�m not going to thump the bible for all you well educated secularists out there. I know you don�t believe, do you? You are too smart for that, right? Your too chic and hip, huh? OK, Look at this. This next beauty didn�t come from any bible. In light of that, it probably won�t offend you. Hear me.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States Of America.

Now, I have more questions.

You didn�t think for one minute that I was going to let you off the hook that easy, did you? The U.S. Constitution demands that everyone should help provide for a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, and also help promote the general welfare of your community and country. I�m sure that doing the right thing for a neighbor is tucked away somewhere in there, don�t you? It doesn�t say anything in the Constitution about THE �it�s not personal, it�s just business� attitude. If you really want to split hairs about it all; NO, it doesn�t say anything in the constitution about hosing your friends but it says what it says and that implies much. POP! BANG WOWIE! There goes your bubble! (I�m not done yet.)

I wonder what our good friend Sammy would think about that one? Would his boss find some way out of this one too? Maybe a Bone-us would fix everything! Why does this attitude about ignoring the truth for the purpose of profit control American people? Follow thou me.

If you put ten people in a room and tell them a story they will all get the same facts, right? You can tell them any story that your little old heart desires. It makes no never mind to me. Now, send them on their way for about 20 years. After 20 years call them up on the phone and ask them to repeat that same story. I guarantee you that you will get 20 different stories! Now, have each one of them tell their story to their kids and wait 20 years, again. Then, ask them to repeat their parent�s story. What do you think will happen? I can assure you of this. Their story will be quite different from the original one and if you keep this process up for approximately 230 years you will really see a big difference of opinion in what the story was about and very few of them will be right!

That is just part of where America is right now. This is why the U.S. Constitution was written down in ink for future generations to refresh their minds and to study. Think about this.

I have another thought that is very relevant to our country�s defective and bruised culture. I call it the sloppy-slob syndrome, (SSS).It is a mental condition where people do not care anymore about anything, not even the way that they dress or bathe or have sex! It starts all the way back after world war 2 when they plucked all the wee little ones out of the family home and put them into public schools so that they could screw everyone's mind in all the same harmful ways!

Oh, they taught the constitution alright, but they did it ONCE in the fifth grade. After that it was never mentioned again! The principals of the Constitution were never integrated into their thought patterns to do their country any good. It was never applied to Sammy�s every day life either. By the time these kids grew up they had forgotten all about the principals of the constitution, so naturally, they were never thought it was important to council or drill their kids about it.It was unconsiously de-emphasized.

Don�t worry. When their kids got to the 3rd grade they were taught about it also. By the time that they were in tenth grade it had been replaced by football, Television or delivering papers! Got to make that money! This process repeated itself until the constitution had been replaced by sex education, basketball, rock music and finally video games or selling drugs to their friends! Got to become a millionaire!

Add to this scenario the fact that they were taken out of the family unit and put into an artificial environment ( secular public schools ) for five days every week. Add to that the fact that on weekends the parents were too busy with a second job to play with them and you have a cultural tragedy in the making. The family unit was replaced by the Television which undoubtedly hypnotized and conditioned or commercialized their thought patterns for years to come.(you can become a millionaire!)

I�m not trying to be flippant when I ask this next question, just accurate. Do you get the picture?

It is no secret to me why half of America is pumped up on Prozac and the other half on Zoloft! America is a perfect test bed for Depression and unless we change our misguided ways it will just get worse for everyone.

It�s no wonder Americans have forgotten about how to nurture a marriage and preserve the family unit! It does not surprise me why Americans have forgotten how to apply the ethics and principals of the constitution to their daily lives. I am not confused about why ethics, respect, manners and personal duty to neighbor and country have all gone down the hole. I have full faith in my reasoning about why America is on the wrong track. When you take the family unit out of the equation and replace it with Hollywood it�s bound to become a disaster! I was so pissed off about it all I could not ignore the absurd problem anymore. Constitutional ethics and values, coupled with family tradition must be enforced by the political system at a young age and it must be maintained in daily life. The two party system in this country hasn�t been able to do anything right about this for decades. It has been just business as usual for them! They failed.

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