The National Family Council
Who And What We Are

Posted Labor Day

The United States Of America has sailed too far out to sea. Their moral compass has been broken by the abuses and extravagances of unbridled freedom. The ship has lost sight of that safe harbor and the ethical and moral anchorage from which it sailed long ago. It's crew has forgotten about who it is and what it's mission was intended to be. Now, they have become the ship of fools, Pirates in search of Gold! We are headed for the rocks of a forbidden land. It is time to change course or perish forever!

It does our party little good to debate the current political players on the issues. The reason is simple. They control the media and they can easily out debate anyone on those issues.They simply use the arguments that have always worked for them, even though the facts are't real and the realities do not fit your life.The established can always out perform our ability to tell the truth as it relates to you. This is why we rely on you as an individual to spread the truth about our platform to friends and family. This is why we all must become more active on the street and on the job to change America for the better as it relates to your life, not theirs.

You will not have to read between the lines to understand our party politics. You will not have to be a legal expert to understand what you are reading. Our statements are what they are. We say what we mean and mean what we say. However, you will have to spend some time learning who we are and what we represent. If you have difficulty understanding our basic family philosophies it is a direct indication of how far you have been torn from them by those who control your world. This will tell you something about you. This can be very beneficial to you if you use this to help you understand why our Nation has run amok. This is your wakeup call!

The NFC is not just a political organization it is a way of thinking that leads to beneficial family oriented results for the future. We call our party the National Family Council because it exists for the betterment of the American Family Unit. However, do not get us confused with the current family policies of the U.S. Government. Their policies are not always ours with regard to family. Their goals are not necessarily ours. Many times their definition of family is much different than ours. In many ways they seem to have missed the point when it comes to real family.

Forget about the current ways of thinking. We teach our leaders how to think about politics from a family based perspective. We do this before they ever approve of or do anything to pass any new law. If their official actions don�t protect the American Family today and into the future then they will do nothing. Unlike current politicians, We do not pass laws to make ourselves important or to impress others as they do in Washington today. When we pass a law it will have definite consequences that will count for all American families .

For now, our organization is putting it all together, from the family perspective.

We think like this when we make decisions: What will this action do for the traditional family? What can it do that will harm the family and how can we avoid that? Where will our actions put the family tomorrow or into the future? When can this new action best be employed for the benefit of the family unit in our America? Who can best help us to do this thing that we do for the family.Does this measure adhere to the U.S. Constitution? We feel that if we do all things for the family it will prevent us from becoming bogged down in evil business pursuits or activities that do not benefit the native born American family. We do not want our members getting involved in foreign problems, business or foreign business. America is here. It is not in Europe or in Canada or in Mexico. We have plenty of problems here to deal with. Let other nations take care of their own problems. Two world wars and many foreign civil wars have taken too large a toll upon America for us to continue the current American foreign policy.

The concept of passing laws to make money is not part of our philosophy. Increasing trade with any foreign nations is not our priority because our families do not live elsewhere. We are concerned with how trade will affect our native born families or the families that are now citizens here in America. How can we best promote the American family in its education, it�s job and it�s health care or it�s mental health? It will certainly not be by promoting foreign interests. It will not be by going elsewhere or by deceiving others or by promoting federal anti-family philosophies. Our priorities will be by teaching responsibility in all things family. It will be by changing anything that hurts the family unit as we have defined it. We do not care what your color is. If you were born in America we will seek to make your family life better.

The first priority of the NFC is to gather members who can recruit others. Then, we will encourage members to run for political office in every place possible. If you join us you will be expected to learn about our policies. You must understand why we are willing to fight for what we believe in. Every new member must reach the proper level of awareness to benefit themselves or their country. This is part of what we do. Knowledge is power. This is some of what we believe.

America has been corrupted by the need of wealthy special interests to make money for elitist individuals over the good of our people. This policy has degraded the psychological well being and the political environment of our society. This is also what drives the illegal immigrant problem in our nation. It has gotten to the point that honest God fearing people can no longer feel free to speak the truth or speak of their moral or religious beliefs without harassment from special interest groups or by employers. This ideology that every action must make a profit or it is not valid as a solution has corrupted the media, corrupted the politics and corrupted the educational systems of our great nation. Basic understanding is no longer tolerated by the powerful if and when it gets in the way of what they consider progress and economic development. Truth in the media and in politics and in education has now become something that the authority figures think they can manipulate for their own selfish profits. The laws that the people must adhere to were formulated and passed by these same authority figures and for this reason many laws have become a threat to ordinary people in their every day lives for no good end. This is why the NFC has been created and why it will not just disappear at the first sign of trouble. Their justice is not fair justice or our justice. We intend to change laws to give victims more say over their enemies. This will provide closure and stability for the victims of crime, for the victims of political persecution, for the victims of war, for the victims of employer abuse.

Another reason we have been formed is to win the war against Drugs. The party is over. Americans can no longer enjoy their week end highs at the expense of their nation. Our police state can not control drug trafficking because laws cannot stop chemical warfare by criminal armies. Current Law is confined to methodology while criminals are not. This fact can only aid drug trafficking by slowing down justice and the only ultimate solution. There is only one way to defeat drug cartels backed by governments, complete destruction of that element by military action is the only solution. Drugs are a form of chemical warfare and must be met with appropriate military power. It is the only solution to the drug dependency of the underground societies. We intend to change the rules of engagement and to increase the opposing forces to their activities a thousand fold by introducing them to our version of hell! We will legislate to put drug crimes enforcement into the realm of a National Security threat and back this by all of the technology available to help accomplish this end.

Drug addicts will have the opportunity to recover. Dealers will have the opportunity to quit dealing, Traffickers an opportunity to quit their activities, also. Once they have had an opportunity to do the right thing but choose to do something different all bets are off. At that time, they will be labeled as Terrorist Enemy Defilers who threaten National Security and we will deal with them as such. We will legislate new laws to place their crimes into a new category that threatens our national security by Chemical Warfare Terrorism. New harsh consequences will apply.

This is necessary because Gangs from foreign countries roam our streets and seek to destroy our nation from within using drugs as chemical warfare upon our society. Law enforcement is not equipped to defeat the gang menace. They were never designed to do so. The military, however, is equipped and trained to deal with such large threats from enemy insurgents from anywhere in the world.

In recent times the problems with illegal immigration of foreign people to this country has reached critical mass. This has occurred because our policies were formulated by the wealthy that have an insatiable need for cheap uneducated labor. The wealthy need their pretty young maids and their shoe shines to exploit. They do not want to risk employing an American servant who just might sue for abuse! This has been a dirty little secret for a very long time. Now, however, with technology that can spread the news from coast to coast in only a few minutes this enormous problem has come into the main stream spotlight for all to see. With the failed political system that has legislated many failures on immigration in the past, and useless laws that have magnified the current problems facing this nation a million fold that has now become impossible to hide!Federal authorities who have pandered to the every need of their wealthy masters have no real idea how many foreign spies, terrorists and criminals actually sneak through our American streets on any given night!

Let us ask you this. Is it wise to think that our leaders can solve anything with any new immigration bill? Immigration laws were never enforced in the past. What can any new immigration bill do now? We say no! It is foolish. Our failed leaders miss the point so conveniently but entirely! The immigrants are not paying their salary, Americans are. Political Servants do not work for the illegals. Our political servants have forgotten that they should be working for us to serve this country. Well, they were supposed to!

Your Political Servants should be legislating to protect American�s. Politicians should be protecting our jobs from the foreigners. Cheap illegal foreign labor is unfair advantage and a conflict of interest against real Americans. This enormous problem now threatens to ruin the middle class and to destroy the impotent but barely functioning American political system.

We at the NFC are very opposed to any immigration because it does not serve our nations people. Most immigration bills serve other nations people even if they merely wish to get rid of their criminals and mental deficients by dumping them upon the soil of their American enemy. This becomes your problem when you have to bury your own children or when you lose your job to an immigrant. We see immigration as a threat to our way of life and to our national security for many reasons. All of our reasons are the right reasons and they are logical ones. The truth about this is with us. You merely have to witness the terror attacks of 911 and the Virginia Tech slaughter or the attempt to attack Fort Dix by three European illegals to see the logical truth, in plain sight. These are problems that you and I do not need. The future must correct the mistakes of the past or damn it all! Your American family should never have to suffer because of the immigrant problem.This is just the very tip of the iceberg. There are many more morbid accounts of tragedy in our land that we cannot possibly mention here. It must stop!

Let us put the blame where it belongs. For years now, both political parties have ignored the truth with regard to immigration and in doing so they have failed you miserably! Our armies should be protecting our borders from strangers and not fighting foreign civil wars for people we will never know. Do you want that foolishness to continue or should your tax dollars buy you more effective results here at home?

It is now up to you. You have a choice. It is called the NFC.

The media are another problem, entirely! They have enjoyed many years of sensor free activity. They have abused this freedom long enough. It is certain that they now abuse this freedom to subvert the truth and the system that sustains them. Media activities now threaten the realities of our national problems by making them worse. The media is no longer a presenter of the true news but a machine to twist the minds of our nation�s people with their selective but manipulative lies. Our organization will hold them accountable to the greatest extent and for those found to support lies or deceit they will suffer the consequences of true censorship. They must be taught a new social and political responsibility if they are going to serve a reasonable and rational purpose in our nation. We cannot allow their lies to influence the minds of others that occupy positions of power and authority and who might use misinformation to form inadequate policies and opinions about America. Freedom has it�s own obligations in our world. The media must accept its responsibility in truth. It must represent the entire truth and not merely that which is convenient for their evil mission!

Most of America�s politicians are now business men of great corporations rather than plain citizens or public servants that should protect the interests of their fellow Americans. A conflict of interest has now become blatantly apparent. America has become one huge corporation run by business for business and not the society of common people. This has lead to the rampant abuse of power, the creation of pro-business laws, the persecution of employees and labor unions and a dangerous military machine run by the wealthy class who tap into our tax dollars when they choose to start foreign conflicts for a vast number of scandalous reasons. This has resulted in the massive military investment with no regard for the tax payer who must pay the bill. It has lead to the use of military power in several wars that did not have to be waged for the length of time that they were fought. Many casualties resulted and many wounded now bear the scars of those wars for life. In most of these wars the result of the war was greater in damage to our people than the reason for which they were declared. Korea Vietnam and Iraq were all Civil wars of which we had no business getting involved with in the first place. These were all foreign countries with their own internal problems of which our leaders knew little. We paid a huge price for the mistakes of others. This is unacceptable and can no longer be tolerated. Wars must only be fought as a matter of self preservation and not for retaliation or exploitation. Since wars have led to the current situation in America where the wealthy profit from them, we must oppose this in all ways. Their privileged children rarely die in our foreign wars. Our children do. Our policy toward war is completely different than any other party that ever existed in this country. We feel that the declaration of war should only be approved if Americas mothers all vote in favor of this war with a very high approval rating. We feel that a new amendment to the constitution should be formulated with regard to the declaration of any foreign war. The wealthy classes must never be able to wage war to protect their investments at the expense of our children. They must never wage war to accumulate wealth for their own selfish needs, again. Our children are just as important to us as theirs is to them.It has been excessively immoral of them to wage past wars using the lives and blood of our children. For this reason they are unworthy to lead this nation.

This does not eliminate the president ability to declare a limited military strike against terrorists or other enemies if suitable warnings have failed. Limited military actions are still possible in the event of any attack against our nation. Waging a war is a very serious endeavor and requires long lasting investment in war technology and human lives. War is a very immoral way to go about solving problems or gaining resources.

We also feel that their must be a separation between business and government. All forms of corruption in government must be eliminated. The only way to do this is to eliminate all profit from government. The ability of most wealthy and powerful concerns to bribe public officials or to form pro-business policy for profit must be eliminated from politics and government. The abuse of business in government has led to our NFC policy. The lack of prosecution of corruption in the highest places of our government has now led to a policy to tell lies as a means of gaining the upper hand in any political endeavor whether it be declaring wars or seeking to gain a political position. This has led to our NFC Policy. If the political powers that be had done the right thing by our people there would be no need for such a policy in the NFC.

There is a dire need for the NFC. The two party political system we have today in America is constantly lying to the people by playing good guy bad guy with any and all political issues. Neither the Republican Party nor the Democratic Party serve the people of our nation. They serve themselves only and in whatever way gains them power, money or office. The people no longer trust government for anything. They trust their leaders even less. What good will this do for the mind set of our future nation? Can the people ever learn to respect authority ever again with this at hand? This is why we need the NFC. The NFC serves no political party in America. We are fresh and new. We are not controlled by special interest groups or large contributors who would seek special treatment or favors to corrupt themselves or others.

This is why you need to consider your future with us at the NFC.

You merely need to answer three questions. Do you want America to continue down this current corrupt path that results in a future full of lies, enemies and destruction? We say NO! Do you want to strive for a new change that moves your country into a more beneficial direction that will serve the basic needs of its Families? We say YES! Do you want an America the rest of the world can respect for its honesty and integrity? We demand YES! If you agree with us then join us!

We do not intend to lie. We will tell you how it is right from the start, and anyone who does not respect our honesty can get on the next boat out of here. We intend to help them. Here are some more things that the NFC plans to do in the future for America.

Our policies are formed from years of observation of the activities of the existing political parties. These parties have failed the American people in many ways. Their greatest sins are demolishing the American family structure with their existing government policies and their dumbing down of our public school systems. Children were taken from their homes in the prime of their lives, and out of their normal family environment to be educated as working clones for later exploitation in the corrupt national economy. Truth or values was not a priority. Now, Ethics are no longer taught in public schools. History has been excluded for many critical areas of past American life especially Business verses labor with regard to American politics. Also of great misfortune is our Foreign Policy with regard to engaging in foreign wars. The separation of church and state, while promoting the union of business and state, has left a huge void in the mental, moral, ethical, and political fabric of most Americans. A condition of confusion and delirium with regard to the previous topics is now quite common and threatens to destroy any American's ability to think effectively, even and especially, if the individual is a college graduate. It is clear that most average Americans now completely lack enough common knowledge to form responsible opinions about anything. It is time for a change to a more family based home schooling program for those who can qualify.

It is important that any change be as peaceful as possible, however, this does not mean that we can honor all laws because most laws were formulated to control the masses. Control and freedom are not always in harmony with every situation or objective. We strive to maintain the good in America while abolishing the harmful policies of the past. It does not profit any man to destroy the horse for upsetting the carriage. Wisdom must rule in all things.

You should understand that any of the changes that we intend to implement will take years to accomplish. It has taken years of mistakes to ruin the reputation of this great nation and it will take much longer to correct.

Here are some of the things we strive to accomplish with the NFC.

The NFC is not associated with any current political party in the United States. We do not promote other organizations or foundations now established. We are not a Civil Rights Organization or a communist party. Our policies are our own. We are not a branch of the American Civil Liberties Union or connected to revolutionary groups. The NFC is new and uncorrupted by American Money. We serve the common American man, women or child and strive for political perfection within the USA as it relates to family life. We strive for change that will make a permanent difference for the future of our Nation and it�s Children by reinforcing the family unit. Our current Policies are determined by existing problems in America. New policies will revolve around family and the preservation or promotion of the basic family unit or on how any new law or change effects the family unit. Existing laws that harm the family unit will be banned or changed to serve the family.

Order of Priorities. The NFC shall strive to protect the needs of Americans in the following order of priorities. The priorities are thus, Family, Child, Parent, and Other. Priorities will be established and implemented in that order. This does not apply to non-citizens or aliens.

The Constitution Of The United States. We see this as the original document and constitution that was drawn up by the founding fathers and ratified by them. It is a sacred document and must be honored as closely as possible. Nothing shall be removed from it for any reason. Additions to the constitution can be made to solve current problems but not in the form of changes to the existing constitution. It is understood that many situations and conditions today cannot be attributed to the constitutions specifications and cannot comply on an even and fair or reasonable basis. A perfect example would be that of porn on the internet. Our founding fathers could never comprehend such a thing. Therefore, censorship with regard to pornography and pedophilia cannot comply with or adhere to protections given to other traditional forms of media by the Constitution. Our time is not their time. Our political norm was not theirs. The same is true of many other situations that are products of today's technology or business norms. It is understood that where this be the case the NFC will decide if a certain issue helps or harms the family unit and will strive to make policy in favor of the family. All other considerations and protections are much less relevant. Protecting the family unit from the abuses of free media on the internet will probably be necessary especially when it applies to Pornography and pedophilia, Deviant life styles or extreme perversions.

Corporations and other business entities. We see Corporations as human built conspiracies. They are not, in most cases, rooted in the thoughts and actions of one man or any family unit. These business conspiracies are created by a board of directors and or the partnerships involved. They are the creations and conspiracies of men for profit. For this reason any corporation shall never over ride the constitutional rights or other rights by law of any American for any reason. A corporation shall never override the needs or concerns of the American family. In cases where this problem occurs, the NFC shall strive to protect the family unit or the constitutional rights of any individual of that family unit. The constitutional rights of the board of directors is not a factor since they abdicated those rights by seeking to create another environment to achieve unfair advantage from which to reside, or to do business, or to manipulate the laws of the united states. For this reason the NFC shall never rule in favor of the business entity or organization unless it benefits the family units of this nation. Also, when it comes to any decision with regard to a corporation verses the United States the NFC will favor the solution that best serves the nation and not the corporation.

Family. Is the most important basic social environment. The NFC recognizes a family as Mother, Father, and Children only. A family is not a single parent and children. A family is not a mentor and children. The family as a unit is the most basic and important structure of the nation. The NFC strives to protect the rights, environment, education and future of the family unit. It strives to protect and promote the family unit and to resist those who do not agree with our policies to that end. Since the family unit is comprised of more than one individual and is the most important consideration of the NFC we will never support the right of any single individual over the welfare or needs of the entire family. This includes any one person�s constitutional right. We do this for a reason. With the existence of a current government that promotes single parenthood there are social conditions that cannot be remedied. A broken family does not serve to strengthen a nation but only serves to create more problems for a nation. The NFC must side with and promote the needs of a whole family unit over the needs of an incomplete family unit. This will help to dissuade the more common occurrence of more broken families in the future.

Abortion is wrong and the sin or crime resides with the mother, father and doctors who choose to use this form of immorality. We support responsible sexual behaviors with consequences for those who ignore proper human behaviors. There are times when individual responsibility must be forced for the good of humanity but with guidance. We cannot let the evil of abortion immobilize our organization to satisfy others selfish desires or their need to profit from abortion. The only way this party supports an abortion is when the mother�s life is at stake and it is medically necessary to abort the fetus to save the mother. If the family of the mother is functional and properly supportive any unexpected child can be raised by that loving family to become a good human being. This eliminates the need for abortion.

Here are some terms and how they relate to the NFC.

Homosexuality This sexual-mental deficiency does not serve to promote the family unit of our nation. It does not improve the family condition. When ever homosexuality becomes the basis for any political policy it is severly deficiant and immoral because numerous people are seeking to make complex political decisions with regard to national policy using the smallest portion of their brain. This is the sexual Reptilian portion of the brain. It operates by impulse not intelligence. We do not feel that this is valid thinking in political environments. We are sorry that homosexuality exists just as we are sorry that cancer exists, but we will not consider it in any of our policies or any of our party events. Homosexuality is not going to become our problem. It is not going to be permitted to corrupt this party as it has corrupted the Government and the Churches in our land. If anyone insists on doing otherwise we will strike their membership from this party. Any attempt by anyone to form party policy in favor of homosexuality will be met by strict and immediate expulsion from this party. There will be no exceptions! Let this be a warning to everyone. If you do not agree with this party policy you must not join our party. Join some other party.There are many to choose from. They will love your contributions. Law suits directed at this party for violating their civil or sexual rights by homosexuals or their supporters shall be met with whatever action we feel is necessary to stop the problem. We will not participate in foolishness and will not commit party funds to such wasteful pursuits, legal or otherwise. You have been forewarned and you can consider this warning our only form of respect that you will receive.

Pedofelia This mental defect is a threat to the family unit. It is a severe danger to the children of our land. Our party will fight it in any way we can.

Feminism is a by product of abuse. Feminist thinking is employed by supporters who have been mentally and physically abused by men. This has lead to a hyper-sensitized condition in the mind of the victim or in the mental well being of their children. That event derails their ability to form rational relationships with anyone of the opposite gender who represents masculinity. We feel that Feminism is unfortunate and would never have manifested itself as a political or social threat if the individual had been treated with social, mental and sexual respect.Feminism is not a movement that we support, however, we hope that those guilty of abusing women or girls will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We will aid in the investigation of domestic abuse whenever or whereever it may occur. This is the extent to which our party will consider Feminism.

The Law. Law is written in ink not in blood. If you ask a judge what a law is he will give you a different definition of the law than any normal individual. Our children are not taught the law in our schools. Why not? What are they afraid of? If the judge comes from a healthy family unit that provided a healthy childhood you might get an honest answer. If that judge is not impaired by drugs you may get an honest answer. We have never heard of a judge having to undergo a mandatory drug test. We cannot guarantee their integrity. Also, Law is not human. Laws do not consider themselves toward the family unit. Laws were written by imperfect and often times biased individuals who may never have considered all of the implications of that law or the affects upon the American family unit that the same law might adversely affect. Most laws were written in more perfect times when law enforcement was dealing with a much more stable and structured family based society. This is not the case now. The traditional family environment (the first orderly authority) is now almost nonexistent. Normalcy no longer exists in which laws can work. There are not enough police or judges to handle the chaos and our prisons are filled to capacity. This, in and of itself, proves the system of law has broken down or is incapable of success. The NFC respects the law only as far as it can serve to protect, preserve or promote the American family unit and the mission of the NFC. When any law serves an individual against the needs and interests of the family unit that law may be ignored by the NFC or we may move to change it or abolish it, but in any case, the NFC will try in any and all ways to rule with the family unit, first, and then the law. We have seen too many instances where family units have been destroyed in favor of the law and in favor of the wealthy or other special interest groups. This must stop. It is our goal to place the needs of any family unit before any law. There are many who will say that this is not legal. We say, together as one big unified force and family, we can do what ever it takes to survive and protect what is ours. We can fight for what we believe in just as others down through the ages have in times before us. This is our spiritual and human right not to be revoked by any man made law. Do you think George Washington let himself be cuffed by British Law when he fought for this great nation? Don't be foolish and expect any less from us! In normal times the law had a chance to do what it was intended to do. In spite of this we have become a nation of laws for the promotion of law and not a government for the people and for the promotion of the people. Law has become an industry in this country. This Legal industry seeks to fine the criminals or people alike, and to control and to tax the masses for the purpose of gathering wealth rather than to administer justice for the American people. We at the NFC look upon the legal system as a sickened and diseased patient. It is full of corrupt infections that need to be cut out. The surgeons must not let their fear of crippling the patient or killing the patient get in the way of their ultimate goal of removing those cancerous tumors that seek to destroy the entire patient and that body�s ability to function.

Education. Most education is man-made. It is spoon fed to the masses in our public schools. Today, there are many highly intelligent and certified perverts controlling what the masses are taught. They have no ethics, and will teach none, but they are certified educators and they would rather teach your young children about sex and perversion than they would proper manners and respect. Most education is extremely diluted or only one sided and this is what we term being �Dumbed Down�. It is our goal at the NFC to eliminate much of this type of education so that any new American child will be able to form a well rounded opinion from well rounded and whole educational information. Both sides of any story for education will be presented at all times. History must be rewritten in terms of a well rounded education. Most American history neglects the bad and corrupt side of our history. This is not properly suited for reality or future reality. Here is an example. Most children are taught that the civil war was fought to abolish slavery. For the most part this is not true. It was fought over states rights and also over the Northern Bankers desire to dictate economic norms over what the southern bankers wanted ,and also to prevent them from leaving the economic Union with their economy in tow. In the end, most wars are almost always about money and economic power. Another example is the history of Coal Mining in America. You always learn about how valuable coal is and how it is mined more efficiently and safely than ever before. You hear that Miners have better protections and safer working conditions with better benefits than ever before. They almost always leave out complete factual details of accurate history and about the Greedy Coal Barons or the Bloody Coal Wars that killed thousands of hard working American Citizens who were dreaming and striving for a better future. Our educators leave out the fact that the coal wars nearly ignited a second civil war in America. The same is true of our American Rail Roads and the story of how they corrupted American Politics with their greedy bribes. It is also true that they exploited and killed thousands of defenseless immigrants for their pursuit of power and wealth. We intend to set the record straight about American History and how this nation was built so that understanding can be logically established in the minds of our children. If their educations are complete and logical they will be able to make sound and wise logical decisions for their families and their children about the corporations they work for and the government they must serve. The truth needs to be taught in America in order for young Americans to become truthful Americans.

Religion We recognise everyone's right to their own religion. These are deeply personal convictions. Everyone has their own opinion about religion, this is fine. However, we do not agree with the current national policy of seperation of church from state. We feel that this was an issue that was prematurely forced upon our nation by the Secular Elites and not by the majority will of the people. We feel that this move was a distraction from the truth. It was a devisive and manipulative conspiracy by the secular elites. It is also impossible to enforce. It can only serve to devide the nation for no good reason. America was and has always been a Christian based Nation. For those reasons we cannot support that part of the Constitution or incorpoate it into our party policy. We will support these issues and facts, but at the very same time, we want everyone to understand that there will be no arguments about religion within this party. This is not the proper place for such concerns.Whatever religion your family serves is the private concern of your family. We can only support your family as a family. Your religion is your concern. We cannot let it devide our party. If anyone tries to cripple this party with this issue they will be excluded from this party.We do this for a reason and this is it. Some people can go to the extreme when arguing over religious differances and when this happens we cannot let it destroy our Party. You have been warned. If you cannot live with this party policy, do not join.

Members Conduct Members must always strive to live as the policies of our party demand and suggest. Members must try to set forth an acceptable example publicly and privately. Any member who threatens to hurt the NFC party by their private or public misconduct may be subjected to expulsion from the party by its officers at any time. Breaking the law through unapproved private activities can lead to expulsion. Violent crimes of any kind can and will lead to expulsion once you are convicted of that violent crime. Crimes involving children will defenitely lead to expulsion from the party. Drug convictions will lead to expulsion. More than one conviction for Driving under the influence of alcohol will also lead to your expulsion from the NFC party. Violent behaviour at party events can possibly lead to expulsion. Any behaviour that is thought to be unreasonable or unacceptable by the Senior Officer of the National Family Council can lead to expulsion. A reasonable complaint from any officer of the NFC can also lead to expulsion from the party. The officers of the NFC are very reasonable people. They will always try to give the extra consideration to a member as the facts of any situation unfold and become known. If a member is expelled against their will from the NFC that member always has the right to correspond in writing with the Senior Officer of the NFC for additional consideration. Every effort to be fair and proper with the situation will be attempted by all officers at all times. If the Senior Officer agrees with the decision their will be no further option for the member to be reinstated. That decision is final.

Monetary Contributions are capped at just $100.00 per month and only $1200.00 for any year. No gifts of any kind can be accepted by any officer of the National Family Council for any reason. Sexual favors cannot be accepted by any officer of this party. Violations of this rule will lead to immediate expulsion. Records of donations are kept in order at all times and are available for examination by law enforcement at any time if any investigation becomes necessary.We have nothing to hide.

Many of you may wonder why it has all come to this. It is complicated. I will try to simplify it for you. For hundreds of years our nation has been bribed, manipulated and robbed by the upper social classes for the acquisition of their greedy American dream. Their system robbed much of our children of the truth in education. In that time their attitude has always been that the commoner must take what is left over or whatever the wealthy manipulators do not want. No important emphasis was ever placed upon preserving the culture, the ethics or moral well being of the lowly family unit. Commoners weren�t important enough to deserve the proper education or guidance. Politics was more important than that. Business was more important than that. This is why our social system has nearly collapsed. This is why our laws do not serve us. You cannot have order without personal moral integrity and self discipline! If you give such a person an education from an Ivy League Institution and certify them to teach others, they can only teach what they have become. This is why our leaders do not care. This is why our military fights in other nations instead of staying here to guard our borders and to destroy gang activities leaving the police to fend it all off for themselves, here at home. This is why you cannot earn a living and why your job went south. Few of our leaders know what true patriotism really is! Many are sociopath! Our country isn't working anymore! That is why your child was never taught the truth. It is also why we must change it! In many areas of thought and education we must start over again. If family comes first in all things, others cannot take center stage in this world, otherwise. Until we find the strength to make the proper changes these things will just get much worse. Like the infected wound that will not heal, we must clean it out and inflict some pain to make things right. Essential maintenances of our middle and lower class societies was never a priority with the ruling elites. This is why our culture has become so impotent.

The NFC is what we are because there is a need for much better in our world. Many will oppose us because they are ignorant of the family philosophy. Some will oppose us because they are just plain evil. Some will oppose us because they just don�t understand. Some will oppose us because they are the enemy. Others will oppose us because they have a wonderful position and a soft seat that their worthless bottoms conform with and to. They don�t want us to rock their boat. Remember this. We cannot allow them to ruin our vision. Your leaders refuse to admit that they have betrayed you. They insist that business as usual is solving your Nation's problems and they show it by trying to give it all away to other countries. They insist that their failures will be fixed when this lie stimulates the national economy. In the end, their ideology of economy will destroy your future when America becomes something else, entirely, something we cannot control! In times of opposition we in the NFC must exhibit strength above and beyond the norm so that our objectives can be realized. Any other alternative is merely weakness.

Never let others tell you that we are communists or any other kind of "ist". They are corrupt sociopaths who see no need to care about anything other than their bottom line. This blinds them from seeing the reality of your truth. They do not feel your pain. They will demonize anyone, including the National Family Council, because they want you to think that they are right and that we are wrong about their Evil manipulative ways. Do not let the educated elites tell you the lies they have been taught. Do not let them pedal their certified bunk in your neighborhoods and profess that their perverted truth is your truth. You deserve much better! Your heart tells you that they are what is wrong with America! You suspect that the NFC is about changing that and about making it right for others like you. Don't let them tell you that if man was meant to fly he would have been born with wings. Do not let them tell you that our Family philosophy doesn't work and that its reasoning won't fit every fix that needs to be made. If it doesn't this surely means that their evil is at large and has perverted the normal way of things into something that your world was never intended to be. Nothing can fix this evil in your land unless you support our brand of change. The National Family Council (NFC) can make the differance for your family and their future! The other parties had a chance and blew it!

Lastly, I want to say this.The NFC is a huge leap from traditional politics. We are not influenced by big business or wealthy contributors. We are not seeking to conform to corruption. We are seeking to destroy it. If you want to be part of this change feel free to write to us any time at the E-mail address provided. We are looking for new members who are willing to fight corruption of conformity and who are willing to be loyal to our mission. Send your e-Mails to [email protected] or just use this Contact and we will send you an enrollment questionaire as soon as we can.You will also get an occasional newsletter by Email to your address. If you are an AOL client please be sure to whitelist us so that their filters do not stop our mail to you.

There are many issues that we have not touched on here but I think that you all get the basic message. We cannot include everything here. We hope that you can understand this.I want to remind you all of this. If I thought there was any other way to fix America I would have told you. If money could buy a fix I would have told you. If everyone could go to their doctor and get a shot in the arm I would have known about it and I would have told you. That is not the case. America needs a heart surgeon who isn't afraid of the blood. He has to cut out the bad and replace it with new. It's a tough sell and a stinky job. Someone has to do it. It is the only way. Thank you for learning about us and taking the time to do so.

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