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Good Guy, Bad Guy, Are The Games That weasels Play!

I don't know about you but something around here stinks, and it aint me! Look at this place! I'm talking about America, friend. When is it ever going to change for the better? Our neighborhoods are a social mess and our bridges are falling! Immigration is a sham. You would think that after fighting two world wars and rebuilding Europe and Japan that there would be some light at the end of the political tunnel, but the smoke of political evil just keeps getting thicker.They cannot blame it on the communists anymore because that system failed a while back. Now, it's terrorists! Why is that? If you think about it like I do you might reach the same conclusion as I have, but I cannot gaurentee that.I never have been the conventional thinker. Don't get me wrong here, I do hate terrorism but maybe that is not the whole story.It is pretty complicated and it will take a while to show you what I have seen. This is how I see it.

It all reminds me of a story my grand dad used to tell me. He never was an educated man but he sure was wise. There is a differance between the two, education and wisdom, but I have yet to hear anyone talk of it. I think it might have been buried with him, but I'll never know for sure. It seems like forever ago. I guess I will have to dig up his bones to make my point. Here I go!

He told me this story. There were two farmers who used to sit on the porch at the end of a hard day who talked of a henhouse.The chickens kept coming up missing every other night, but the farmers just could not agree on what had done it. One farmer claimed that it was them weasels! The other farmer disagreed, "No! It tain't the weasels Clem it's them damn foxes! Any fool can tell it was the foxes that done did it!" His neighbor insisted that it was them beady eyed weasels that were the killers. They were stealing all of the chickens. This arguement went on and on between the two farmers, and they never could agree on any of it so the problem never was solved. The chickens disappeared, and the henhouse became empty.When the henhouse became empty there were no more weasels or foxes.There were no chickens for sunday dinner or eggs for breakfast. The weasels and the foxes had left the farm in search of other chickens to kill.

I asked my grandfather what the moral of the story was and he just said this. "Those two farmers never did solve the problem because all they would do about it was sit around arguing about it". I never gave it much thought, but now that I think it all over I think it can be compared to the two political parties that we now have in Washington. They never seem to get anything done but argue about it all. They can find more ways to disagree about every major issue than I ever thought was possible! They've been rather creative, to say the very least. The major problems that troubled our land 40 years ago are still around today, but it seems to me that they have gotten worse through neglect. I think it all goes back to the story about the hen house, well, before that actually. It's about Education versus wisdom. It seems that very rarely the two ever meet, especially in politics. I've gotten to think that politics doesn't run on much wisdom at all it's just weilded by educated men and women, but it's just plain Evil. I could be wrong about it, but I don't think so. I think that wisdom has become a casualty of politics because the weasel and the fox had everyone fooled from the very beginning. I'll get back to this later but for right now I want to define Wisdom and education.

Wisdom is defined by Webster's Dictionary as 1.)The power of true and right discernment; conformity to the coarse of action dictated by such discernment. 2.)Good practical judgement; common sense. 3.A high degree of knowledge; learning. 4.) A wise saying.

I like this defenitian because it is simple and to the point.

Now, I didn't include the long list of synonyms for wisdom here because I'm lazier than I am wise. Wisdom has more synonyms than any word I've ever seen! Do you know what profundity is? How about Erudition? I've never heard of either one of those words! I don't think our politicians ever heard of them either and maybe this is why they bungle everything in Washington all to hell and back? Let's check out education and see what else we do not know.

Education is defined by Webster's dictionary in a more complex entry. It could be that they considered education more important than wisdom, and therefor you must be well educated to understand it. Education is defined, 1.)The systematic developement and cultivation of the natural powers, by inculcation (you've got me?) , example, etc. instruction and training in an institution of learning. 3.)The knowledge and skills resulting from such instruction and training. 4.) Teaching as a system, science, or art; pedagogy (what the hells is that?) 5. The training of animals.(I've never met an educated animal) 6.) The culture of bees, bacteria, etc. (I would love to see an educated bacteria!)

I'm all confused now! First they said it was the developement and cultivation of natural powers by inculcation. What is that? Is inculcation some kind of farming process? Is that what they use to cultivate pedagogy? I couldn't figure that out either. It could be some kind of artichoke for all I know! Well, I guess I'm just not educated well enough to understand it. I'm in trouble now!

Well, I don't understand everything, especially educating animals, bees and bacteria, but I did learn one thing. Those two words are bigger than me, and they are entirely differant in meaning and function! Could this be why our politicians just don't get it?

I just don't think so. I think it has something to do with just playing the game. The game is called Good guy Bad guy. It's started and played by Weasels and Foxes! You never see them.(Very Rarely!) They hide from us and they hide from the truth. They are always robbing the henhouse(America) but the Democrats think it's the weasels and the Republicans say "No Clem, everyone knows it was the foxes that did it!" They all just set around in Washington and play the blame game until they get old enough and fat enough to retire on our money! They don't really care who the fox is and they sure aren't inclined to hunt down a weasel so what good are they? They are wasting our retirement money or the money that we could use to educate our kids. If they aren't part of the solution then they must be part of the problem! We could probably hire some good secretaries to take their place for about one fifth the money! They would keep all of the records in order without blaming anyone. That's the way I think. I'm not well educated, as you can see, but I surely know a skunk when I see one, and right now there are a lot of politicians in Washington with a stripe down their backs!Some are white stripes and some are yellow but a stripe is a stripe no matter the color. I don't like it. If you are normal you shouldn't like it either. I think it's time for some education.

Now, I suppose you are wondering about the weasels and the foxes, right? Just who are they? Like I told you before. I think differantly than most and for that reason I work harder at it. So naturally, I'm going to come up with something a little differant. Ask yourself this, who steals the most chickens? Who has the most chickens? Who has the most stolen chickens in their pouch? Why do you never see them walking through your neighborhood? Furthermore, who steals most of the chickens and then leaves the country to find more chickens to steal leaving our henhouses bare? Answer: Big Money Interests who need something for nothing, and who are willing to steal for it. The bigshots whom you never see! That's who! They wouldn't be caught dead in our neighborhood, but I'll bet that they talk to the president of the United States all of the time, and I'll just bet that he's damn impressed! I'd bet my last dollar on it, and further more, I would also bet that some of those phone calls he gets come from representatives of the World Trade Organization and the World Bank's Board of Directors! I'll bet that if George W. Bush played back his phone recorder, or showed us his appointment book for the last month that we would catch the weasel and the foxes! It's guilt by association! I'd bet the farm on it!

Now, don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying that President Bush is dishonest. I am saying that he is part of the problem! If he can't see the real weasels and the real foxes from his Oval Office then he cannot solve our problem any more than Kerry can. The system that they serve is the problem!

If our Nations political system was a giant bulldozer and we happened to throw off one big track someone would get it fixed but because Democracy is the problem there is no fix!

I do not know their names, but like I told you before, I'm not that well educated. Don't expect miracles from me! I will tell you this though. They always have the same M.O. (Modis Operadi) First, they get a harvard, yale or equivalent education, and then they run for political office. Next, they get promoted to some big corporation some where. After they prove their skill at stealing everything they can (chickens) from the common worker, or the U.S Government through corporate welfare subsidies, they move on up to cloud nine where they take orders from the Executive Of The Board at the World Bank, or another of the big world wide banking institutions. Sometimes it's the World Trade Organization. All of these institutions have one thing in common, BIG MONEY INTERESTS!

They are responsible for pulling all of the strings when they get pulled and where ever they get pulled. Right now they are pulling all of the strings in Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United States, The United Nations, and Bosnia, and the European Union.They are using the tax base of all these nations (especially the U.S.) to fund military interventions, and wars for democracy everywhere in the world! Yes, I said Democracy! That word has gotten us into more world wars than any other word I can think of. It's their good will banner!It's the smoke screen that they use to hide everything from us all! It's what works for them but what enables them to steal all of your chickens!

No, I'm not against democracy. I'm not a communist or a terrorist sympathizer. I just see some of the BIG PICTURE. You see there is nothing like sitting around on your neighbor's porch talking about the latest gossip over a beer or two. A good weasel story goes a long way at the end of a boring day, but what I'm against is using democracy to stifle beneficial social,economic,racial, technological and political changes that the people of our great land deserve! I'll give you an example of what I'm referring to.

We need a national program to develop and research all of the energy alternatives possible for America, short term and long term, so that we can get out of the middle east, and away from our dangerous dependance on oil from the corrupt Saudi Royal Establishment! We should have done this yesterday, but Democracy has gotten in the way of doing the right thing. If we don't do this it is going to lead to a third or fourth world war in which we the people stand to loose several generations of our children, and possibly our national freedom! We are consuming the world's oil supply at a feverish rate and taking the right to develop their own prosperous futures from the poor of the middle east. For them there is no democracy! They have no say! The royals have stolen that from them, and in turn, have given them hate for America to live on! That hate for America that they have developed was instilled in them by the Saudi Royal Weasels! Hey, it was them or us, so now you know why they hate us!

I will give you one more example to help you see the light. The war on drugs should have been won a long time ago! Why not? If we can win the cold war, and the second world war, and invade Afghanistan and Iraq, then why can't we win the war on drugs? It is running pell male over our Nation's social framework and destroying the minds of many generations of Americans.Right now we have most of the Afro-American Males of several generations incarcerated behind bars because the will to change from democracy to action has gotten in the way from fighting and winning A real war on drugs! This is unacceptable! We now have several generations of young black youth who have been raised in impoverished single parent families, and just think of the single parented white families too! They have only one half of the mental disaplines required for life because one half of their disipline mentors were incarcerated or divorced from their families! How do we expect them to make the right decisions in life considering this debacle? Who is leading them out of the Ghettos? It's not the World Bank I can assure you. It's not democracy, I can assure you.It's not the LAW, I can assure you.What is going to fill the gap to a fractured social mentality?

This really has me worried! I can see the trouble coming because we have much more important issues that need solved besides that of gay rights, gay marriages, school vouchers, hate crimes, equal rights, sexual harassment and bashing the boy scouts because they don't like homosexuals leading the troop into the bushes! We should be well on our way to winning the war on drugs, but we are not! We should be well on our way to solving energy shortages but we are not! We should be well on our way to solving the family oriented problems and the high divorce rates in America but we are not! I could go on and on and on. If our leaders were as interested in solving our countries real problems as they are about letting the weasels and the foxes steal all of our chickens to sell on the Global Market through the lie of FREE TRADE all of these problems would have gone away long ago!

The truth is this. It's OK for the World Bank to use our tax base to load their pockets with cheap labor in Taiwan, China, Iraq and Afghanistan as long as our problems don't become their problems. The weasel and the fox need Global room to operate, and as long as our society, and our children, and our neighborhoods pay the bill, and suffer the consequences, they won't show their faces to the truth or even care for one second.They figure that what we don't know about Democracy, we deserve. Does this scenario sound familair?

Just what is a Free Democracy? When was the last time you got anything free? The two questions are more closely linked than most would ever suspect. Free is as free does! Think about this.

The Webster's dictionary says that Democracy is a political theory that is supposed to level the classes of society to equality for all.(Look it up) So, Free Democracy must also be a free theory about free equality for a free political system. Does this sound strange to you? It's strange to me! I have never heard of so many free things before! Who is giving it away free? To be more precise about this topic I will say this. A theory is not fact. It may or may not be a reality, depending upon your social standing and your economic standing in this life. I certainly am not going to fall for anything strange and remember that old phrase. If something seems or sounds too good to be true then it probably is not true!

If you are like most people that I know you probably feel that I am making something out of nothing. Your wrong. Being dishonest with your fellow Americans is not making something out of nothing. It is flat out wrong! You are part of the over-all problem. Wake up and get with it! We are not living in a democracy like they would like you to beleive. We are living in a Republic. A certain elite class control the power and the parties so that we the people don't get out of hand.A true Democracy is one where all of the voters get to vote on the major issues! If this were a true Democracy we would be able to vote in a nation wide referendum on big issues such as Equal Rights, Abortion, Declaration of War, The Death Penalty and so on and so forth. It would be the same as doing your tax return every year except you would be sending them your votes on all of the issues. A super computer would tally all of the results and a professional book keeper would record them into Law or with some such system. We wouldn't need career politicians anymore! If they were honest they would stop touting Democracy so boldly and tell you the truth. Why haven't they done so? Could it really be that Democracy really is just a theory? Could it be that real freedom is just for the select few of the upper elite and wealthy classes of our Great Republic? Could this be why so many of our honest and God fearing Representatives are wealthy? Is this also why they try to pass anti-constitutional bills to support cheap servant labor from illegal immigrants? I think so! Wake up folks. If something is on fire yell FIRE!!! Don't wait to get your ass burned!

I do not feel like an American anymore. I do not feel free. I do not feel secure. I do not feel relavant to my country. I feel like because of all these things my America passed on by me in the night and all of the children are going to pay the evil price for the lies of democracy. They are going to expect a future but when they get there it will be gone! My Nations future is lost to me and I don't like it.

It's not the economy! It's the whole damn antiquated good old boy system! Our educated leaders should be banging their heads together right now and figuring out what is wrong with our system. We are paying them for results! We are getting the run around! They are playing good guy bad guy with our tax dollar and with our political system and I'm sick of it! The newspapers read like a parrot on the perch. Polly wanna cracker! Polly wanna cracker! On and on, and on, over and over again.

I don't want to hear why they disagree with the president. It's their job to abide by our Constitution and to get something done by working with him, even if they do not agree. I want them to solve problems and not by dreaming up anti-constitutional amnesty bills! I expect them to find a way to solve problems that are killing America! If they cannot do this then as far as I am concerned they should all be fired! We the People deserve results. We do not need career politicians who have been clinging to the American tit all of their adult lives and forming good old boy networks in Washington to stifle or defeat our nation's political system! We would be better off without them.

The winds of change are beginning to howl! The time is near. We need better leaders and better ideas for your family. It is time to face the truth about what it will take to fix our Nation. Go Here: The National Family Council (NFC) You will learn much more!

When a deceived and disallusioned America looks into the clear, peaceful,mirrored waters of their own complacency, and they start to see muddy water, I and the dirty truth shall be at hand.

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