Lunch Box Topics

Chomp On

The Spanking Supervisors
From Hell!

Our nation�s employers do a good job of hiding their dirt. When it comes to brain power, they usually have the goofy employee outmatched 10 to one. Especially when it comes to illegal aliens or children and even their acting supervisors. Most of the time, employees are too busy multi-tasking and afraid of losing their jobs to complain or attempt to fight for their rights. The Abuse of the worker continues. This actually feeds the fire as the selfish and unethical employer or boss gains more confidence to spread this social disease even further on down the line. The profit scam spreads. For most CEOs (certified, evil, and ornary) it is just business as usual. They never think about what kind of mental damage their operation applies to the social fabric of our nation. They have tunnel vision of the greed kind.

Add to this the fact that every work place is an entirely unique artificial environment in and of itself that may or may not be suitable for human co-habitation and you�ve got plenty of unknown consequences for workers. For the most part, the consequences are downplayed or hidden by most employers to avoid legal or ethical backlashes of the uncertain kind.

Every once in a while there is just a little light at the end of that depressing tunnel in which most American workers must navigate each and every day of their working lives. Such was the case a few weeks ago when a jury awarded a teen age employee of McDonnalds 5 Million dollars for the abusive sexual strip search and spanking that she unwittingly endured a few years ago while working her part time job at the Mount Washington, Kentucky MacDonnalds Restaurant.

Louise Ogborn, a teen employee, was sexually abused with spanking and an illegal strip search of her young body when an anonymous caller claiming to be a police officer doing an investigation instructed her supervisor to interrogate Louise. This was performed in the Back office of the McDonnalds Restaurant. When the female supervisor was called out front to attend to other teen employees as they worked to satisfy the economic machine she turned the unauthorized interrogation over to her boy friend. He had the time of his life! There was no complaint from him as he willingly spanked the bare bottom of this fresh young maiden. He was probably living one of his fantasies and just couldn�t help himself!

Dah? Aarg? What? Can anyone explain to us how this could happen among responsible adults here in America? Aren�t we better than this?

We will not, but we will attempt to clarify the idiotic situation for the complacent and the disillusioned.

Wake up America! There is no place in the world of commercialism and business for children.

This multi-billion dollar exploitation machine has been profiting from the use of teen labor for years! This case is not really new, it is just overly obvious. That is why the incident was prosecuted and exposed.

Many teen youngsters are working for YOUR living.

No free American has the moral courage to tell it like it is. Our nation and our people are sick with greed and in most cases will permit the exploitation of their children in the name of business for profit all across America. They actually equate healthy social environments with profit! They justify it all by chiming �oh, its legal�.

To make this fault ten times more damaging the businesses hire and promote supervisors on their ability to blindly follow orders from authority figures. Getting results from a supervisor is like ringing the bell for Pavlov�s dogs! Promising rings at the register get the CEOs salivating uncontrollably and this brings on the attack impulse! Results equal profits! The bogus policeman was just throwing the supervisor another bone to chew on. That�s what authority figures do. They find ways to accomplish their agendas any way they can. In this case the authority figure was a phony cop!

I know this is hard to understand but everything was not meant to be simple! Big Business with bigger profits create cultural and ethical shock waves of their own!

What Americans are really doing is telling the world that they do not mind if a huge business uses children to profit and deny adult Americans of a livable wage that pays benefits! They are saying that its OK. It is legal, moral and ethical and that is why exploitation of the teen culture Continues. Who are we to question the methods of a multi-billion dollar burger giant? In our land they are the righteous, or so it seems.

This is just the tip of our unethical iceberg, BUT, it is actually the evidence of something much bigger. It is the certain sign of our faulty social ideologies that have become the NORMS and that have run AMOK in the profiting businesses of our advanced new world.

We at the NFC know this. The 5 million Dollar award will do nothing to hurt the company. It�s penalty will be paid by the consumer and the future employees. Teens will endure harsher policies and more scrutiny on the job by any employer who is ultra wealthy and untouchable. The price of a burger will just rise for the many complacent customers that accept commercialism with all its ugly faces and forms. For them This is what they accept as NORMAL. Fast food is what they crave. We at the NFC do not.

The young girl who was abused says that she is going to use the money to go to law school. Hummm? That�s an idea that might carry some weight!

Hopefully, someday, if she does what she claims to be doing, and this young woman becomes a judge, she might be able to see and make the difference, BUT, that is really stretching it in a land gone commercially wild! For Now, everyone will have to live with business as usual.

We at the NFC would have imposed a much harsher sentence. Each adult involved in this shameful stupidity would have gone to jail for this crime. This would have included the Chairman of the Board! The girl�s parents would have been able to decide the sentence from the prescribed options and this Mega- Money Machine would have been run out of town and banned from doing business there forever! They would pay a fine of 100 Million Dollars!

There would be no more doubt in anyone�s crazed but commercial mind that abusing children for profit is a crime that won�t be tolerated here in America. We would have also launched a complete investigation into their entire corporation that would have completely re-evaluated their employee policies with regard to children under the age of 18 years. We would have insisted upon a change for the better.

You now have a choice. Join us for change or just accept your fate without a whimper. This is a very long struggle but with your input we can gain some ground against those who live exploit us.

Go Here To Change America:National Family Council (NFC)

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