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What About Bill OreillyAnd His

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Bill Oreilly is a stand up guy. I really admire that guy. He is sharper than a liberal�s tongue! If you debate him he would most likely win and that�s a good thing. It must be wonderful to be that intelligent. I�m not being sarcastic. I�m just telling it like it is! There isn�t anything wrong with that is there? I�m happy for Bill. If he ran for President I would vote for him too. It is good to have someone looking out for us from on high. He is not always right, almost.

I read his book, �culture warrior�. It really is an award winner and you should read it too because it will teach you much, but I don�t quite agree with his traditional view of how we should all admire America as though it were not guilty of anything and totally innocent. We have a lot of dirty laundry to wash and it�s not getting done, especially when it comes to society and what he refers to as entitlements. You know, free health care and a guaranteed livable wage for workers, (as he would say) stuff like that. I mean, there are always two sides to every story. This doesn�t mean he is entirely wrong. It means his life isn�t ours, entirely, and from the way it looks way down here ours is not pretty. If you work in the dirty old factory or the black coalmine for 25 years you don�t see America like Bill. America is a different place all together. You get real tired of the wealthy kicking you in the crotch and stealing all the cream off the top! You know the real score when the coalminers died in Utah! It was cheaper for Murray to pay the safety fines than it was to do the constitutional thing for our people. I�m not saying that Bill had any connection to that, I�m sure he is appalled just like I am. I see things from a little different angle from way down here.

To hear Bill talk about free health care programs for Americans he thinks it would be totally out of the question and unmanageable. It just wouldn�t work. I will remind you; some authorities said man would never fly or go to the moon. Well, from my side of the street it�s not OK for the elites to set up shop and make health care into a business, either. That isn�t right or ethical and you know it. There is nothing in a doctor�s Hippocratic Oath to suggest such a thing either. I don�t want CEOs to profit on my illness, period. I certainly do not want an insurance company deciding whether I live or die. That is a BAD idea! I don�t want a businessman to decide if I�m going to get the transplant, or not, because I know in my heart his wealthy associate in suite number 105 will get it before little old me, or that the money from my death will end up in his pocket when they make sure I die when they don�t pay for the procedures! You know I�m right. You have been around long enough to see how the elites work. Personally, I favor keeping the CEOs out of the game as much as possible. If a CEO invents a new artificial heart, OK, but other than that, keep them out of the loop. Let doctors set their own prices for care and compete with each other to do the right thing by us and themselves. Doctors are the only ones qualified to make life and death decisions about our illnesses. Let the government kick in half or more depending upon the situation and fund it all from economic trade from foreign countries and the taxation of luxuries like imported champagne or Japanese silk panties and oil.

They say there isn�t anything free but that�s not true either. The Gov. has been pushing Free Trade with globalism to take our jobs for well over one quarter century now. That is a fact! Many Americans lost on that one and they didn�t have to pay a red cent for that program! They have been telling me for 50 years, that I am old, that America is Free! That�s how I know I�m right about this one. (I�m pissed now)

When it comes to a fair livable wage Bill feels practically the same as he does about health care. Well, I don�t quite agree. Wages for laborers and blue collar workers have stagnated for the past 30 years and there isn�t anything right about it. We pay the same price for everything and it has all gone up tremendously! Profits for companies and CEOs have sky rocketed through the roof! Prices have followed while health benefits have fallen. The fair deal we were supposed to get after WW2 has found its way into the silken pockets of millionaire CEOs (Certified, Evil, and Ornery) that live in the gated communities. American workers just can�t win even when their daddy died at Normandy or Khe Sahn. We can send men to the moon, transplant hearts and build 300 kiloton bombs but we can�t change America for the little guy? We can open the borders for free trade and 12 million illegal workers, but we can�t come up with affordable public health care? I just cannot accept it. That�s like having a broken leg and telling me they are good enough to fix it but they won�t! I can�t see why being fair about something has got to be labeled socialism? If I�m wrong in the way I think about this one then they are worse than wrong and Bill just doesn�t see it! You won�t ever change my mind on that one Bill. The constitution tells me this. (I quote)

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States Of America. (un-quote)

It says I have a right to ensure tranquility, blessings and general welfare. I see that to include affordable healthcare, it does not say FREE, and it doesn�t say companies have a right to profit from it either. Companies are not protected under the constitution. People are! What did I tell you?

I�m a traditional kind of guy too. I believe in family and going to church now and then. I like Christmas and capitalize it when I write the word. I don�t think abortion should be legal nor amnesty for illegals should be tolerated. It is against the Constitution! I like puppies and I hate Rap, however it is spelled. I believe African Americans are lying to themselves. They are really Americans but refuse to admit it. I don�t want to give them a hard time but I think they should all think about that real hard and remember that dream that Martin Luther King was trying to get them to see. Bill Cosby is right. I respect cops and priests too but I would have sent the pedophile priests to jail for 100 years each and if you are a punk who rapes a kid I will pull the lever or push the button on you! I think our soldiers are some of the best Americans we have but our powerful nation is not beyond questioning when it comes to power and the use of it with regard to the Constitution. If I had my way they would beat and jail flag burners and imprison or shoot corrupt politicians who violate their oath to preserve the constitution. I hate the deceptive humanist philosophies and conspiracies of the ACLU and the Secular Progressives. If you keep messing around with (Christmas) it is going to come back and bite you on the A--. If that isn�t a traditionalist I don�t know what is.

I�m smart enough to know that it will take a lot more to fix this country than health care and better wages. Doing the right thing is not socialism. It is being a true American. If you can�t see that then you are the enemy, and Bill, that�s a MEMO! If you don�t believe me I will prove it. Go to the link below. Pass this on to a friend.

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